Mitch Hiller (2024)

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Mitch Hiller (1)

Mitch Hiller (2)

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You want to fight? I'm a man, honey. It's no contest. You have to understand, Slim, and I thought you did - I make the money here, so I set the rules, right? It's my rules. You with me?
~ Mitch abusing his wife, Slim.
What do you think now!? All your training! All your practice! It's over, baby! It's over!
~ Mitch's last words to Slim before his demise.

Mitchell "Mitch" Hiller is the main antagonist of the 2002 thriller film Enough. He is the abusive husband of the film's main protagonist Slim Hiller.

He was portrayed by Billy Campbell.


In Los Angeles, California, a woman named Slim works as a waitress at a dinner with her best friend Ginny. She receives unwelcome romantic advances from Robbie, a customer who teases her about her name. Another customer in the diner was named Mitch Hiller, revealing that the customer had made a bet that he would be able to convince Slim to sleep with him. Soon after, Slim falls in love with and marries Mitch, and they have a child named Gracie (Tessa Allen). Years later, Slim finds out Mitch has been cheating on her with a French woman named Darcelle. She confronts him and he admits it, but also insisting Darcelle means nothing to him. Slim becomes angry and threatens to leave, which enrages Mitch, who becomes violent, slapping and punching her in the face. He gives her a warning, saying that he makes the money and gets to do whatever he likes, implying he wants an open marriage. Mitch refuses to stop his affair unless she wants to fight him. The next day, Slim confides in Mitch's mother; she asks Slim what she did to make Mitch angry, implying that their family has a history of physical abuse. Ginny advises Slim to leave and press charges against Mitch, but Slim does not want to hurt Gracie. She then goes to pick up Gracie from school, only to discover Mitch had already picked her up. Panicked that Mitch might have left town with her, she calls Mitch, who tells her that he took Gracie to the zoo.

That night, during dinner, Mitch further insults Slim for confiding in his mother, while staying civil in front of Gracie. Having had enough, Slim plans her escape with Ginny's help. However, while escaping late at night, Mitch foils her by grabbing her by the hair. He throws her to the ground and begins kicking her in the chest, while Gracie is asleep on the sofa. Slim's friends, waiting outside the house, hear the struggle and break in. Mitch threatens them with a gun, before Phil picks up Gracie to use as a witness while exhorting her to look at her father. Unable to shoot the man with Gracie watching him, Mitch lets Slim escape. Slim retreats to a cheap motel after Mitch has her credit cards frozen. However, they are only there for a short time before Mitch tracks them down. Slim then goes on the run to Seattle, where she briefly stays with her old boyfriend, Joe, before some of Mitch's friends disguised as FBI agents investigating a "kidnapping" appear at Joe's house. She leaves Joe behind and, in need of money, goes to her father, Jupiter, a wealthy philanderer who has never met his daughter before. Slim tells him who she is, but he does not believe her and gives her $12 to go away. Slim leaves, disheartened, and moves with Gracie to Michigan. However, after Jupiter is threatened by Mitch's friends, he realizes that Slim is indeed his child and decides to help, sending them enough money for a house.

Slim buys a house and changes her name to "Erin Ann Shleeter". Although their future looks bright after a visit from Joe, Mitch's friend tracks them down, passing the information on to Mitch. Mitch comes to the area, hiding in Slim's house. As she is going about her morning routine, to her horror, Mitch suddenly appears from the shadows in her hallway, saying he wants Slim back, promising "it will be different". When she refuses, he attacks her, waking Gracie, who runs to help her mother, and jerks on his hair. Mitch flings Gracie to the ground, and Slim retaliates by squirting him with pepper spray. Snatching up Gracie as Mitch rolls on the floor in pain, she is prepared for a fast get-away, having an escape plan. A car chase ensues between Slim and Robbie (revealed earlier as Mitch's "wing man" during the encounter at the diner years before), while Gracie screams in the background. Realizing that Mitch will eventually kill her, Slim goes into hiding in San Francisco, hires a woman who looks like her to keep her cover, and sends Gracie away to Hawaii with Ginny to get her out of harm's way. She prepares herself with a self-defense instructor who teaches her Krav Maga, since self-defense is not murder. He tells her the hardest lesson - if he hits her, hold on to his voice and awaken when he is about to attack or kick her.

See Also

She returns to Los Angeles, breaks into Mitch's new home and traps him there, after hiding his guns and blocking the phone connections, so he cannot call the police. When he says he cannot hit her, she asks him why he could do it before when she was defenseless. In the ensuing fight, Mitch keeps taunting Slim that she'll be the one who will lose since she broke into the house and he'll keep Gracie forever, but Slim keeps on throwing his words back, saying that her actions will be ruled as self-defense. Slim uses her new skills to eventually beat Mitch unconscious. She cannot bear to kill him, however, and calls Ginny for help. While she is on the phone, an enraged Mitch hits her from behind with a lamp. Slim puts into practice what she learned in her training, quickly gaining the confidence to kill Mitch once and for all. She beats him to a pulp and weakens him enough that Mitch is unable to fight back anymore, before she finally kicks him in the chest and sends him falling off a balcony to his death. She calls the police, who rule her actions as self-defense, and later, she and Gracie move on to live a happy life in Seattle with Joe, thus destroying all sense of victory Mitch was hoping to gain.


Not much was revealed about Mitch's backstory, except that he had a history of violence and aggressiveness in the past, and his mother's reaction to blame Slim for the abuse implied that he inherited this behavior from his family and decided it was acceptable. Mitch was shown to be a very selfish, entitled, controlling, and highly remorseless and egotistical individual since the very beginning of the film. Even though his mother knew about her son's abusive nature and mentality, even she seemed to apparently underestimate his ruthlessness, as she tried to request Slim to be understanding towards Mitch and reconsider bringing back his daughter, even though Mitch had been unwilling to reason or try to negotiate a solution with Slim, and instead wanted to have all control. This also appeared to be supported by the fact that Mitch's mother clearly was happy for her daughter-in-law and clearly loved her granddaughter, while Mitch clearly saw them as property he was entitled to control.

As for his negative qualities, Mitch conned women into sleeping with him with the help of his partner, and later forced a random man to sell his house to him and Slim without even scheduling a walkthrough of the property, first by giving him an overpriced offer, then intimidating the man after he expressed reluctance. Mitch also ignored Slim's request to hold Gracie when she was born while he was fawning over her. Mitch repeatedly neglected his family in favor of self-gratification and importance by cheating on Slim repeatedly with other women. When confronted, Mitch revealed himself to be quite misogynistic, stating that "Men and Women have different needs", implying he strongly believes in the notion that women are made to serve men, and stated that as the breadwinner, he deserved to make the rules and choices for how their marriage should be, while blaming her for not understanding his position, and implying that she should be more accepting of this, since if it weren't for him, she would be living a unpleasant life.

Despite his selfishness and egotism, Mitch was hypocritical in that within minutes of striking Slim, he suddenly changed his tune and displayed an obsessive attitude. He admitted to Slim that he felt that "Love is a powerful thing" and that he would "refuse to live without her", implying that he is also emotionally unstable. This also appears to be a major factor in his affairs, as he wants control of both his marriage and mistresses at the same time, even though logically he can have one, as this would potentially destroy both of his separate lifestyles. This implies that Mitch would never truly be satisfied with both his marriage and side relationships, and he would keep doing it until it destroyed him, as it did.

Having become paranoid that Slim would leave, Mitch began to keep tabs on Slim, while also becoming more prone to short-term mood swings and becoming more hostile to her every time she began to resist his control of the situation. After she escaped, Mitch did everything in his power to get her and Gracie back, implying abandonment and rejection issues. He was also shown to be very jealous when he discovered that Slim was back with her ex-boyfriend Joe, and was prepared to kill her over it. This implies that Mitch may have a comorbid case of Antisocial, Borderline, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders.

Mitch Hiller (2024)


What happened to Mitch in enough? ›

When he arrives they fight and Slim beats Mitch unconscious before she eventually knocks him off a balcony to his death.

What does mitch do in Enough? ›

As for his negative qualities, Mitch conned women into sleeping with him with the help of his partner, and later forced a random man to sell his house to him and Slim without even scheduling a walkthrough of the property, first by giving him an overpriced offer, then intimidating the man after he expressed reluctance.

What is Slim's real name in Enough? ›

Slim Hiller is the main protagonist of the 2002 film, Enough. She was portrayed by Jennifer Lopez.

What happens to Joe in the enough movie? ›

Later, he visits her in Michigan, where they share a bed for one night, and she says he's "really not that bad" (few guys are, compared with Mitch.) After that, Joe disappears until the end credits, when he pops up with Slim and Gracie on a boat.

Why did Mitch marry Slim? ›

Mitch made a bet with one of his friends that he could have a sexual encounter with Slim by the same afternoon that he met her. He successfully completed his bet, and continued dating Slim. Mitch and Slim get married after a short period of dating and have a baby girl together. Their daughter's name is Gracie.

What happened at the end of Enough? ›

The last act of the movie consists of Slim outsmarting her husband with a series of clever ploys in which she stage-manages an escape route, sets a booby trap for his SUV, and then lures him into a confrontation where she beats the Shinola out of him, at length, with much blood, lots of stunt work, breakaway furniture, ...

What does Mitch realize had happened to him? ›

Why is Mitch asking himself, "What happened to me?" What does Mitch realize had happened to him? He is asking himself what happened to himself because he realize he was 37 years old and was living a good life but he wonders where is life went and how you got to this point so fast.

What does Mitch promise to do at the end of the movie? ›

At the end of the visit, Morrie asks Mitch to promise to come and see him again, as he did at Mitch's graduation sixteen years before. Mitch promises he will, and tries not to think of the last time he made and broke this same promise.

Why does Mitch always bring so much food? ›

Although he knows that Morrie can no longer eat solids, Mitch continues to bring food each week because he so fears Morrie's fast-approaching death. The food Mitch brings him acts as a means by which to cling to Morrie and the fond memories Mitch has of his favorite professor.

Why was Mitch obsessed with Slim? ›

Mitch only wanted her because he saw her as a possession and nothing more. She's the 'wife' and 'mother of his children' that he needs to make his life 'complete'. The mistresses are for sex, Slim is for cooking his food, cleaning his house and taking care of his kids.

Was the movie Enough filmed in Michigan? ›

Enough Locations

A majority of the scenes were shot in Port Townsend, Gig Harbor, Seattle, Piru, Los Angeles County, and San Francisco. Gig Harbor is a small town located on Puget Sound near Tacoma, Washington.

Who helped Slim in Enough? ›

Slim and Gracie briefly find refuge at a commune, where Jupiter later contacts her, revealing that Mitch's associates had threatened him, which piqued his interest. He sends her a large sum of money, which allows her to set up a new life under a new identity, and he lets her know to reach out if she needs more.

What happens to Mitch in Enough? ›

Mitch is kicked over a balcony by his wife Slim at the end of a fight and sent crashing onto a glass table on the lower floor, killing him on impact. Join over 100 million people using Tumblr to find their communities and make friends.

Who is Jupiter in the movie Enough? ›

Starring Jennifer Lopez as Slim, who marries the man of her dreams, but after giving birth to their child Gracie, she has to take her with her to escape his violent attacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Featuring Bill Campbell as her abusive husband, Mitch Hiller, and Fred Ward as Jupiter, her birth father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who was Robbie in Enough? ›

Enough (2002) - Noah Wyle as Robbie - IMDb.

What happened to Mitch and Krysten? ›

Summary. Krysten's marriage on MAFS with Mitch faced challenges from the start due to lack of physical attraction, leading to a mutual decision to divorce. Despite the failed marriage, Krysten formed close friendships with her fellow female co-stars from MAFS, sharing fun moments with them.

What happened to Mitch and Mo? ›

Mo tells Nora her son planned to fake Mitch and Mo's death for insurance money. Pearl believes Jasper wrote the letters because she received a letter called "Ode to a House." Dakota searches the footage from all the cameras at the Brannock house and discovers the girl in Dean's bedroom never entered the home.

What happened to Lou and Mitch? ›

After deciding their future life goals were too different, Lou makes the difficult decision to instead rekindle her relationship with Peter. Heartbroken, Mitch sells his cattle herd to Heartland and moves away.

What happened to Ella and Mitch? ›

There was a lot of conversation at the reunion over pictures of Mitch with another bride, Tamara, as well as claims he drunk-called her. Following the reunion, Mitch and Ella broke up - and it wasn't an amicable one either!

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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