Chapter 1: Takoyaki
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Heroes seriously needed to have their data more encrypted. It had been a simple matter of asymmetric encryption and an even simpler matter of getting into the private party’s data base for the encryption code. This one was a false piece of shit. He’d heard only a few bits and pieces of what the ‘hero’ had secretly and not so secretly been up to and he’d pounced on the job. Suna smiled at the screen. A corner of his mouth quirked up into an unsettling grin. Kurogiri was a damn good teacher. It’d only taken him forty minutes for this one. A record to be sure. Shigaraki would be happy with the information. Shutting his laptop, he took a moment to stretch. The data would be sent to the news stations. The League had several in its back pocket of course, but it would also be sent out to numerous other stations. It would be all over. No coming back. He smiled to himself again. Slowly but surely they were making progress.
Making his way to his door, pausing to stretch out his legs a few more times, he paused. The calendar. His eyes narrowed and his grin turned into a frown. Five more days. Letting out a breath he exited his room. Instead of a warm cherry wood flooring he was greeted by the dark ashen wood of the bar. Right. Just five days and then he could go home. Not that he didn’t like the bar or anything, but as Masami pointed out quite often: the bar was no place for a fifteen year old, especially one that was supposed to be going into a high school as prestigious as the one he would be. He had two weeks before school started and Kurogiri had insisted to Shigaraki that he be able to reacclimatize himself back into his home-life.
He paused on the stairs leading down to the second floor. A genuine smile replaced his the frown he’d grown whilst thinking about school. Laughter. Genuine laughter echoed up to him from the recreation room that Shigaraki refused to let him call a living room. He quickened his descent, impatient to see what had caused the noise. It wasn’t often you heard laughter at the League hide-out turned headquarters. The sound of the noise turned out to be Masami and Dabi. He should’ve guessed. The group was gathered around the TV screen watching something or another. It looked like Disney’s “Emperor’s New Groove”. It wasn’t hard to guess who’d picked that one.
“Well that was very dumb. But it worked!” Twice commented.
“Why did she turn him into a llama again?” Dabi asked, regaining the ability of speech. Toga tutted him, shaking her head with a wagging finger.
“She, didn’t turn him into anything. Remember, she wanted to turn him into a fly-” Toga said as the llama king on screen was being chased by jaguars. “But the big guy messed it up.” Masami was still laughing his ass off. Suna spotted a silver mop of hair next to him and his smile brightened. So that was who had picked.
“Should I be offended you didn’t wait for me to start movie night?” Suna asked, feigning hurt. Everyone’s heads shot around.
“Awe, Immie! Please don’t be made at me. Blame Dabi!” Toga said shoving the raven haired man so he nearly fell off the couch.
“I didn’t do shit.” Suna rolled his eyes.
“Sure, sure.”
“Guys shut up! This is the good part!” Eren hissed from the other side of Masami.
“What you mean like every other part where he wallows in self pity?” Dabi commented sarcastically.
“You are certainly one to talk mister.” Toga snapped, stuffing some popcorn into her face. She turned around to face him again. “Immie! Come, come join us!” She said bouncing up and down a little. He raised a brow.
“There’s no room, Mimi.” She puffed out her bottom lip in a pout before her face brightened with an idea.
“You can sit in my lap!” Suna sighed, knowing there was no way he could get out of it now. When the girl found an inch she pushed a mile. Dabi groaned. Suna sat down, trying his best not to squish the girl seeing as he was seven inches taller than her. Once adjusted, Toga immediately started playing with his hair. He smiled, content to simply let her run her fingers through it. No matter how short it was, she always found a way to play with everyone’s hair. She particularly loved Masami’s and Eren’s hair because of the length. They constantly went home with their hair braided or tied up into some intricate style.
“How was it?” She whispered not so quietly. He shrugged. “Don’t move!” She hissed.
“Simple really.”
“You say that like you weren’t trying to hack into one of the most famous hero agencies like it was a cake walk.” Masami looked at him pointedly. Suna had to suppress the urge to shrug again.
“Its a simple matter of math really. It’s just rerouting patterns and systems to make them work for you.” Masami didn’t look convinced. “Don’t act like you aren’t a fucking genius at math, Masami.” The teen-almost-man turned and pursed his lips at the screen.
“Just because I can do it doesn’t mean I like it, dipshit.” Suna cringed when he felt a sting on his scalp. Apparently he was going to bed with French braids tonight.
“Sorry!” Toga whisper-cried.
“Everyone shut up! You’re too damn loud.” Dabi hissed at all of them. The group burst into laughter, much to Dabi’s utter annoyance. The rest of the night consisted of a Disney classics marathon, including: Aladdin, Peter Pan, Mulan (to which of course they all sang along), Cinderella, Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood (a League favorite), Sleeping Beauty, The Rescuers (a favorite of Toga’s), The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Snow White, and one-hundred-and-one Dalmatians. It was four in the morning when they were all finished and finally passed out on the couch, which was exactly why Friday’s at the League were the best.
They finally woke up at three. Sleep they all desperately needed to get. Kurogiri had made “breakfast”, which Toga fondly referred to as “Linner”. Lunch and dinner, as she explained it. Masami and Eren had left earlier, at around eleven. Which was well enough, the two didn’t live there anyway. As much as they would’ve enjoyed their company. Dabi cursed from the small kitchen area. The lot of them were all seated at the bar as usual. It was almost seven which meant the bar would be opening in almost two hours.
“What!?” Shigaraki yelled back.
“We’re out of damn rice.” Suna sighed. That was his call. He was grocery boy. Shigaraki tossed him a wallet.
“Anything else we need?!” Suna called shrugging on a jacket and slipping on his shoes. It might have been summer but that didn’t mean the nights got any warmer.
“Just get a good chunk of everything!” Suna groaned. There would be a lot of bags to carry. Suna looked to Toga.
“Wanna tag along Mimi?” He asked. She shook her head stretching her arms above her head.
“No-“ She yawned. “Too tired.”
“We slept for eleven hours crazy.” Dabi said incredulously.
“Eleven hours too few.” She said yawning again. Suna smiled and rolled his eyes.
“Suit yourself. Want anything specific?” He asked instead. She shook her head. “Shigs?” He asked the man with blue hair. Shigaraki shakes his head.
“Need anything for Keigo, Dabi?” Suna asks as Dabi reappears in the doorway holding a can of beer. Dabi takes a sip and cocks his head in thought.
“I’ll text ya if I think of anything.” He says finally.
“Right, then. I’m off.”
Being seven, the sky was awash with various shades of orange, crimson and purple. The streets, being Japan, and Tokyo at that, were full of people. It was a shame he couldn’t take an alley to the convenience store. He had his headphones stuck in. The constant chatter being too annoying to bear without. He was grateful for his black hoodie and grey sweatpants as the night air chilled his nose and lips. The bright lights of Tokyo washing the streets with colorful fluorescents as the light of day turned to the dark of night. A shame really, that the busy streets of Tokyo left no room for bike traffic.
The convenience store was sat at the end of a road, thank god. The throng of people apparently decided this specific street corner wasn’t good enough to constitute adding into their daily commutes. It was relatively empty and warm inside. He greeted the store clerk by name, having been there more than enough in the last few months to have it memorized.
“The boys’ send you out again ay Imada?” The man had broad shoulders, a heavier build and a round but crinkled face. He was shorter than Suna by a few inches and his black, cropped hair directly contrasted Suna’s own white hair.
“Evening Mr. Kase. How was business today sir?” Suna asked as he gathered everything he needed, checking his phone to see if Dabi had texted him.
“Ah, quite good. It helps having all the essentials, even if we are a convenience store.” The man said with a good hardy chuckle. Suna hummed in agreement as he turned over a carton of milk to check for the expiration date. “I was hoping you’d show up today, you should have seen the young man who came in this morning. You would have been head over heels, mark my words.” Suna smiled. Mr. Kase was one of the few outside of the League, his family and his friends, who knew of his preference for his own sex. And had surprisingly, taken it upon himself to set him up. To which he was grateful.
“I’m sure.” He chuckled to himself, just to keep Mr. Kase entertained.
“Oh, but I am absolutely confident.” Mr. Kase said, puffing out his chest as he took another huff off his cigarette. Just then the door bell jingled. “Welcome in!” The man greeted the customer. Suna was in an aisle just in front of the counter when Mr. Kase leaned in and whispered to him. “Don’t look now but there’s a smoking hot boy coming your way.” He winked and leaned back and the stranger approached. He was indeed- really hot. Suna knew his ears were red and his face too. He gulped. The boy bright red hair spiked to a point. He was suddenly grateful his hood was up and hiding the bland white of his own flat hair. The boy smiled showing off a row of pointy teeth, almost like a shark.
“This is so not fair.” He whined suddenly. Mr. Kase erupted in laughter. “He’s two inches taller than me!” Suna blinked, looking back and forth between the red head and the store owner.
“Ah, forgive me-“ The man said attempting to reign in his outburst. “Imada, this is Kirishima, Kirishima, this is Imada. The one I told you about.” He said with a wink. If it was possible Suna thought his face was even redder now. He gave a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I- assume you know- then.” He said awkwardly. Mr. Kase laughed again.
“Yes he knows my boy. He came in earlier today and I told him you’d be here later and to come in then.” It dawned on him then. He covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment.
“This is so embarrassing.” He squeaked into his hands. The two laughed. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and dared a glance between his fingers. For all that he was taller than Kirishima, his horrible posture made it so that they were almost equal. Almost. Kirishima slowly took hold of his wrists, pulling them away from his face. He was so gentle and so close.
“Come on, I’ll pay for you stuff and I’ll take you out, how does that’s sound, huh?” This was not at all how he’d pictured getting asked out. He squeaked.
“I- I can pay-“ Kirishima shook his head.
“A cute guy like you paying for his own stuff? No way. I’ll get it this time, ‘k?” Suna could only nod as Mr. Kase let out another uproarious laugh.
“I knew I picked a good one.” Kirishima just grinned at him. Minutes later he was walking out with Kirishima holding the, fortunately, only two bags he’d ended up needing. Despite Suna’s protests that he could at least carry one. Kirishima just grinned at him. The place they ended up at was a takoyaki restaurant. A favorite of his. He looked at the red head who sat across from him.
“You two totally planned this didn’t you?” He asked.
“Yup. I do not like messing up first dates.” Suna laughed and the boy’s eyes twinkled in victory.
“Do how long have you known about me? I find it hard to believe you just found out today.”
“You would be right about that, Mr. Kase told me about a week ago.” Suna frowned in thought.
“I find it surprising that I only found out about you today.” Kirishima grinned sheepishly.
“I might have asked him to keep it a secret.” Suna simply sighed. “So,” Suna looked back up. “Where are you from? Do you live in Tokyo?” Suna shook his head.
“It’s a little funky. I technically live in Saitama, where my sisters are right now, but I’ve been staying with friends for training purposed.” He said, trying to be as truthful and discreet as possible. As much as he lied, he didn’t like it. Kirishima nodded thoughtfully, and then as if his brain had latched onto something he asked,
“Training purposes?”
“Well, it’s mostly done now, seeing as the entrance exam was about a week ago, but that doesn’t mean I’m off the hook. Since school starts in two weeks and all.” He said, shrugging and taking a bite.
“What school?” Suna cringed a bit at that, rubbing at his neck.
“Um- U.A.?” He said hesitantly. Kirishima suddenly stood slamming his hands on the table, thoroughly startling him.
“Dude really?! That’s where I’m going!” Suna was just grateful the restaurant was empty and the only glare they got came from the waitress. “That’s awesome.” He said, finally sitting back down. “Maybe we’ll be in the same class.” His grin really was intoxicating. Suna nodded.
“It would be nice to know someone.” He said. While both Hitoshi and Touji had been accepted, they were in the second hero class while he was in the first. “Do you know what course you got into?”
“The hero course I know I got into, but I don’t remember the class.” He said sheepishly.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your quirk?” Suna asked, resting his chin on his wrist.
“I can harden my skin into rock, it prevents skin damage and internal damage but impacts still hurt, and I can’t hold it all that long.” Kirishima said, activating his quirk. Fascinated, Suna absentmindedly reached over to feel the rough skin.
“Does it happen everywhere? Can you control what part of the body has it?” He asked, not even thinking about the implications of his words. Kirishima chuckled.
“It does happen everywhere, yes even there.” He said with a mischievous, knowing glint in his eyes. Suna blushed furiously, even though that hadn’t been what he’d meant at all. He just hadn’t been thinking. “And yes, I can control where it goes.” Suna blinked as his phone buzzed in his pocket, signaling a text. He frowned. Pulling it out his face paled when he saw it was a text from Shigaraki asking him where the fuck he was.
“You alright? Ah-“ He said, seemingly realizing what the message was about. “I didn’t keep you too long did I?” Suna tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“I’m afraid so. But this was nice. Thank you.” Kirishima’s momentary panic was taken over by another of his bright smiles.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” Suna couldn’t help the blush. But he shook his head.
“No that’s alright. I’ll be good. I’d text you when I got home but I don’t have your number.” He said with a sheepish smirk. Kirishima turned red and opened his mouth, before closing it again.
“Damn that was smooth.”
“Thank you, I’m quite proud of that one.”
I swear there's KiriBakuDeku in this (eventually), this dynamic is just super fucking cute to me. It's my fic I can do whatever I want, hehe. Kudos and comments always welcome, but please don't feel pressured. :)
Chapter 2: Chicken Curry
Oooh- I updated, let's fucking go. Enjoy this almost 4,000 words piece of shit. I love my boy but this is writing practice and I'm still shit. Please forgive me lol. I don't have a clever title for this one, so all you get is chicken curry. I'll think of a better one later when I decide it's time to edit this.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
He knew U.A. would respond to the villain attack with something, what, he hadn’t known until Friday. Dorms. Fucking dorms. Dorms were inconvenient in so many ways; one, his family was all the way in Saitama, and the League Headquarters were in Tokyo, which wasn’t too far away but what made it a bitch was the curfew. How the hell was he supposed to do anything with that damn curfew? He supposed calls, texts or even emails might work— but that was too traceable, so that was off the table. The only thing left was the weekends, or any time off he got after school before curfew, but that was forgetting about homework and dodging his classmates’ questions. Easier said than done. Especially for him. At least the dorm room contest had been fun.
Currently, he was sitting upside-down with his legs splayed over the back of the couch, glaring at his phone. Most of his classmates were busy eating or watching TV on the other side of the commons area. He’d neglected to eat. A decision that was slowly biting him in the ass. Groaning, he swung his legs so that he was in a more appropriate sitting position and debated if getting up was worth it.
“Hey.” Came the cheery voice of Sero who was now resting his arms on the back of the couch next to him.
“Hey.” Suna said leaning his head back so he could look at the other boy.
“Adjusting alright?” Suna frowned. “I’ll take that as a no.” He chuckled. Though his sisters’ hadn’t shown or voiced their concerns, he knew Kei. He knew all of them. Kei would now have to take on his role even more that she already had been. Michi hadn’t said anything, but simply glared at the floor before huffing and giving him a lecture on how to behave around other people. Chiyo had been busy with Aomi, but she had given him a worried smile. He felt like he’d abandoned them, though really he hadn’t had a choice. Even if he had chosen to be in the League or not. He’d have to toggle between his friends, home and the League on the weekends and he didn’t know how he’d manage that. Balance was not his strong suit.
“How’s your trio doing, huh?” Sero had almost immediately befriended Kirishima, Kaminari and Ashido. A fact he was rather grateful for. The boy raised a brow.
“They’re fine, Ash is- well, Ash.” Suna nodded, if the group hadn’t been trying to get Bakugou involved, she’d have ended up the leader. “Kirishima is as Kirishima as ever. Maybe a bit nervous but you’ve known him longer than I have.” Suna snorted.
“Only a month, Sero.” Sero shrugged.
“Still a month more than I’ve known the guy anyway.” The boy paused. “And Kaminari’s as much of a Bi disaster as ever.” He said with a laugh and a teasing nudge of Suna’s shoulder who only shoved him off with a roll of his eyes and a blush he didn’t care to examine. Sure, Kaminari was hot, a dork, adorable, kind, caring and sensitive, but he had other priorities. Though this didn’t stop Sero from teasing the ever loving hell out of him for it.
“I thought you said he only ever talked about girls.” Suna said raising a brow, but the other boy only shrugged.
“Sure he does, but anyone with a functioning, even semi-functioning gay-dar can see it. The guys a mess.” Suna looked at him skeptically. “A very attractive mess, but a mess none the less.”
“Says the straight man.” Suna teased, playfully pushing his friend away. Sero raised his arms in surrender.
“Hey, us straight men can still appreciate attractive men.”
“Sure, sure. So you won’t mind if I tell Kei that then, huh?” Suna smirked.
“Not at all. She’s the one who gushes about other men on TV. I’m cool. Speaking of cool, what’d ya think about Todoroki?”
“Oh no, you are not luring me into that trap. Pretty sure Hito already has quite the school-girl crush on the guy.” He said grinning despite himself.
“Really?” Sero said, a brow raised.
“But you didn’t hear that from me, if anything you heard it from Touji.” Sero leaned in.
“You didn’t hear this from me, but I think Kirishima might have the tinniest crush on Midoriya?” It was Suna’s turn to look quizzical.
“And you’re telling me this— why?” He asked.
“I thought we were sharing gossip?” Sero asked, feigning the tinniest bit of hurt in his voice.
“Mhm, well,” Suna said, finally standing up as hunger caught up with him. “I’m gonna get some food. I forgot to eat earlier.” He said stretching.
The kitchen was empty of his classmates, being quite late already. Rummaging around in the fridge proved futile when you didn’t know what you wanted. He stood, glaring at the thing, as if glaring would materialize something he’d want to eat. Feeling the hairs on his skin bristle he turned to find that Kaminari had appeared next to him. The boy’s hair was a wet mop on his head. It almost looked like he hadn’t even bothered to try and towel it dry.
“Hey.” The greeting was attached to one of his obnoxiously endearing grins Suna found quite attractive.
“Hey.” He mimicked, nodding at his classmate, or mutual friend. Whichever he felt like telling himself. “Didn’t think you were still up.” Kaminari had gone to his room earlier, leaving Kirishima, Sero and Ashido in the commons. Kaminari shrugged.
“Forgot to eat.” He said sheepishly. Suna laughed. One of Kaminari’s eyebrows quirked up, the grin not leaving his face. “What? My phone can be very interesting sometimes.” That only made Suna let out another small laugh. Kaminari seemed very pleased with himself.
“I guess I’m making us both something then. Have anything in mind?” He asked. Kaminari raised a brow again.
“Dude, you can cook? Actually that doesn’t surprise me-“ Kaminari said, neglecting to answer the question.
“I don’t know about you but I’m craving chicken curry. Want any?”
“If you’re offering.” The boy said shrugging. “Anything I can help with? I’d feel kinda shitty if you did all the work.” Suna thought.
“You can cut the potatoes and carrots. I can do the onions though.”
“Yes sir.” Kaminari said. It took them almost an hour for the two dishes alone, but he supposed he should’ve expected that. They were both tired, and one of them inexperienced at cooking. He’d had to teach the other boy how to cut the vegetables without cutting off his own fingers. Having to constantly look over his shoulder to make sure the blonde hadn’t in fact cut himself made him almost burn the chicken and rice at once. It was almost ten o’clock, now. Their classmates had all gone to bed by now, including Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido. They both sat in the kitchen on stools, letting their food cool. Suna would be cleaning up, he’d already told the blonde as much. He was barely able to look at his own steaming plate, more in favor of glancing over at the other who’d already burned his mouth and tongue on the rice.
“You know it probably wouldn’t hurt to let it cool first, right?” He asked, trying not to chuckle at Kaminari, who was yet again fanning his mouth after swallowing more of the rice. Kaminari huffed and set the bowl down. His pouting face was really adorable. Suna shook his head at himself. Kaminari had started fidgeting with his shirt.
“I never got to thank you for-“ Suna didn’t want him to finish that sentence. He knew he couldn’t do anything about it though. “For Wednesday.” He concluded. Suna had stiffened. He couldn’t say ‘well I work for the group who both planned and executed the attack and I felt responsible’ even if he’d wanted to. He couldn’t give himself away just yet. So instead he said,
“I was close enough to hear you three, had the advantage and, plus, his voice was really annoying me.” Kaminari shook his head.
“Not that- the- other… part.” He trailed off. Ah. Shit, he’d walked into a conversational trap that he wasn’t equipped for.
“You could barely walk on your own and I wasn’t about to leave anyone behind.” Silence. They both returned to silently eating. Kaminari finished his bowl rather quickly and stood up.
“Well, anyway, thank you.” The lack of specification didn’t sit right so he shook his head.
“Don’t mention it.” Kaminari stood there for another moment before nodding. Before the blonde left he put his bowl in the sink and filled it partially with water, rinsing it a few times before setting it the dishwasher. Suna watched him leave the room. Shrugging off the conversation he finished his own bowl, and set about cleaning up the mess they’d made of the kitchen.
Touji caught him the next morning. It was the weekend and what Suna really had needed to do was report back to Shigaraki, but that could wait.
“What’s got you down?” His friend asked him. Suna shrugged. Touji didn’t know, nor did Hitoshi, which would likely change soon if the pair didn’t stop being so damn perceptive of him. He guessed that outcome was unavoidable seeing as the three of them had all been friends for almost three years now and they knew him better than he did, but not as well as either Yuda or Haruto. That couldn’t be avoided either. But at least Masami might be able to explain it to them when it did eventually come to light. “Is it boy problems or the USJ, Suna?” Suna nearly choked. It was neither, but Touji would get an answer out of him whether he wanted to give him one or not. His friends pink eyes held their usual determination mixed with the childish mischief he hadn’t yet lost despite starting high school. But the question was there as well.
“Both.” He finally settled on. Touji had an annoying way of making him realize things even he hadn’t seen in himself.
“Toshe or someone else?” Suna laughed.
“Not Toshi.” Touji huffed.
“Well, do I have to guess or are you going to tell me?” The pouting reminded Suna of his little sister Aomi. Damn everything.
“I’ll give you a hint if you want?” Suna offered, teasingly. Touji gave him a look. “You have three questions, and I’ll answer them honestly.” He added. Touji didn’t seem to believe him but started asking anyway.
“What’s his hair color?”
“Yellow.” Touji looked like he was about to ask a follow up question but decided against it.
“Is he in your class?” The two of them were walking around campus, neither needing or wanting to go anywhere. The latter part was probably only Suna, seeing as Touji’s boyfriends weren’t attending U.A. and were back in Saitama.
“Mhm.” Suna hummed. Touji thought before asking his third question.
“On a scale of one to ten, how dumb is he?” Suna broke out into a full body shudder of a laugh.
“Are you asking me to insult him?” Suna asked pointedly, trying to steady himself.
“Shut up and answer the question, I have three candidates and I need to narrow it down.” That could only mean he suspected Bakugou, Aoyama, and even Ojiro which only made Suna laugh even harder.
“I hope you don’t think low enough of me to like Bakugou, Tou.” Touji scoffed.
“I wouldn’t have a reason to if you answered my god damn question.”
“I say this as an endearing quality, if anyone asks, but on your metrics I’d say he’s about- a ten.” He didn’t think of Kaminari as dumb- exactly. Endearingly oblivious and clueless yes. But not dumb. If Kaminari was dumb, then his sister Chiyo was an eleven.
“So not Bakugou,” Touji, who now held up four fingers, corresponding to the four blondes in class 1-A, put one down. “And not Ojiro. If that guy’s dumb I’m a giraffe” Another burst of laughter. Suna didn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard with his friend. “You don’t seem like the type of guy to be interested in Aoyama so-“ His mouth dropped open then snapped shut. Touji suddenly shoved Suna in the arm. Suna stumbled but launched an attack of his own, sending Touji almost topping over.
“No fucking way.” Touji said after he’d steadied himself enough to look at his friend.
“Never in a million years would I have guessed that guy. He’s like- the complete opposite of Hitoshi. God you’re an idiot.” Touji said giving him another shove.
“Then who would you have guessed?” Suna asked, curious despite himself.
“Honestly, Todoroki would’ve been my guess. Maybe Iida.” Touji pondered some more. “Midoriya- maybe. Tokoyami does seem like he’d be your type too. Suna almost doubled over again.
“You think too much.” Suna said shoving the boy again.
“When did you learn that word?” Suna asked skeptically. Touji shrugged.
“Ah.” The two had stopped at a path bench and had sat.
“You could always ask Kirishima to set you up.” Suna was still surprised that Touji knew his classmates almost as well as he knew his own this well. “Or Sero. Ashido seems like she’d make a good cupid too.”
“Don’t you dare involve Ashido.” Suna shuddered and laughed. Touji smirked.
“Oh? Then what are you going to do about it? Who’s to stop me? Hmm?” That was a blatant challenge.
“Three seconds Tou.” Suna said, feigning a deep, furious voice he knew didn’t suit him. His friend didn’t move almost until Suna had said ‘one’. Suna may have had longer legs than Touji, but damn he was fast on his feet. They chased each other around the line-up of U.A. dorms and into class 1-B’s dorm where most of the students were lounging around and were quite startled to have them both come bursting through the door. Suna was able to launch himself at Touji so they were rolling on the floor. Suna had launched a tickle-attack as soon as they were both rolling and Touji was laughing uncontrollably now and trying to knock him off. A few of the students giggled. Suna almost immediately recognized Hitoshi’s voice and tried to ignore the spike in his heart rate. Damn that laugh still did things to him.
“What the hell are you two doing?” The lavender-haired boy asked. He’d crossed the room to them and was kneeling on the ground next to the pair with a knowing smirk on his lips. Suna couldn’t help but grin back before assaulting Touji again with another round of tickling. He stopped momentarily to answer.
“The idiot was teasing me again.” Hitoshi rolled his eyes, smile still present. Suna yelped as he Touji crashed him to the floor with his devilish grin.
“Not my fault you’re easy to tease.” Suna flushed.
“Oh shut up.”
“How about all three of you get a room and leave the rest of us in peace?” The voice, Suna gathered was Monoma’s. The annoying blonde he’d been told so much about the past week. Touji turned to stick his tongue out at the other boy which gave Suna a chance to tackle him again.
“You could always leave yourself.” Hitoshi shot back, bite clear enough to both Suna and Touji to know he was more than a bit annoyed at his friends being picked on.
“I don’t personally count tackling someone fully clothed among lewd bedroom activities, but it could be arranged.” Touji said, with a flirtatious lilt to his voice. He playfully batted his eyes at Suna. The blonde gagged at the suggestion.
“You’re an idiot.” Suna said laughing.
“Yes, but not your idiot as Monoma seems to think.” He said glaring at the boy who’d started pretending to be sick. Kendo rolled her eyes and suddenly, Monoma was keeling forward and the ginger girl’s hand was almost five times its regular size.
“He needs to learn how to shut up. Sorry Imada, Asano.” She said apologetically. “But I do have to ask what this teasing was about.” She said with a glint in her eyes that Suna immediately recognized from both, Toga, Touji and Hansuke when they got ideas into their heads. Touji was grinning like a dolt and Suna kicked him. “We won’t judge you for any of it, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Suna looked skeptically at Monoma. “We’ll shut him up if he starts talking.” She promised.
“Is it a matter we can help with?” Shiozaki asked. Touji pursed his lips, evidently preparing to speak for him.
“If you know how to whoo an oblivious blonde be my guest.” Suna said, now sitting up and crossing his arms. Kodai quirked a brow. Yanagi looked thoughtful.
“You mean Kaminari?” Rin asked.
“I’m not going to answer that.” Suna said, earning a chuckle from Hitoshi.
“Now that’s a one-eighty.” Suna groaned and shot him a glare.
“Thanks, Tou’s already pointed that out thank you very much.”
“Are you gonna ask him out?” Awase asked. Touji scoffed.
“I’m going to take that as a no.” Rin said frowning. How was it that he seemed closer with class 1-B than his own? That was a train of thought to ponder later.
“Anyway,” he said making to stand up, “I’ve got places to be that are not here, see ya guys later.” He said, he’d already decided he’d rather be at the bar than being pestered by school-mates about a crush he had no intention of acting on. Popping in an ear-bud he started the annoyingly long walk to Tokyo. He hadn’t been able to bring his bike and riding the train was an absolute no, so walking it had to be. He stuffed his hands into his hoodie. The walk was quite peaceful, when he was on side roads avoiding the mid-day crowds that a Sunday always had. His music made it easy to drown out not only his surroundings but his inner thoughts as well. He envied those who didn’t have the ability for an inner dialogue. Finally, the familiar alley backdoor of the bar came into view. He’d long since flipped his hood up, not wanting people to not his peculiar hair color combo if he walked into a bar associated with villains. Just another citizen. Even if he was in the back alley, he didn’t want to risk anything. Masami had practically beaten that into him seeing as no one else had any. Dabi went around with an alias as did the rest of them, but that wasn’t something either he or the pink haired boy could manage, seeing as they attended private schools in the real world and not the villain underground.
Raising a hand, he brought it down on the door with two solid knocks. The door swung in slightly, like any good horror movie. Though, instead of the sound of a screeching banshee greeting him, it was the screech of delight that always greeted him as Toga tackled him to the ground.
“Hey, Mimi.” He said with an almost-stunned splutter of a laugh. She hauled him to his feet and latched onto him. Suna rolled his eyes but hugged the girl back. Masami smirked at him from the bar he was leaning against. Suna surveyed the room, only counting Toga, Masami, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. “Where’re Twice and Dabs?” He asked, Toga had steered them to the closest couch and had already started braiding his hair.
“Mission.” Shigaraki said cryptically. He looked at Masami who shrugged, apparently just as confused as he was.
“Ok.” Suna said slowly. The room was silent except for Toga who was humming next to him and Kurogiri who was rearranging the glasses and liquor behind him for probably the millionth time.
“So, how was school?” Masami started. Suna frowned, brows kitting together. “That good huh?” Masami said, pulling himself up to sit on the bar. Kurogiri’s yellow slits narrowed at the boy.
“Care to explain what the fuck happened Wednesday, Shigs?” He asked, more than a little irritation and anger seeping into the question. The man shrugged.
“It went as planned. No students were harmed, except the green kid, but that was his own doing. You can’t really blame us for that.” Suna groaned.
“No, no I can’t. But I can certainly blame you for the Nomu almost killing one of my best friend’s dad.” He wanted to hit the man. But he clenched his fists in his pants instead.
“He got in the way.”
“He was protecting his students!” A hand blocked Shigaraki’s face, but he knew the expression that was most likely plastered on the villain’s face. Indifference. The only sign of remorse he could pick out from the man was the sudden stiffness in his posture. Everything was silent. Masami cleared his throat.
“He- recovered… didn’t he?” It was a tentative question.
“That doesn’t change anything.” He said seething. It amazed him that the boy, who was also friends with Hitoshi was so nonchalant about this. Masami nodded, but didn’t comment.
“What’s our next move Shigs?” His friend asked. Shigaraki didn’t answer for a moment.
“You’re going to continue monitoring Shiketsu.” He told him. “And you,” He turned to Suna, “will continue to send us any information on the U.A. staff, what they’re planning, any changes, and-“
“We’re in dorms now, no small thanks to you.” Suna wanted to add ‘dipshit’ to that but didn’t feel like dealing with a famous Shigaraki tantrum. The man nodded.
“And monitoring All Might’s condition.” He added after the small interruption.
“He hasn’t been teaching the last few days.” Suna said thoughtfully. While he didn’t like that Shigaraki had the fullest intent to kill the hero, it didn’t change the fact that he was the symbol of everything the League- himself included, hated. “But that could be for a number of reasons. Midoriya’s still slowly recovering, he’s been in class the past few days but we haven’t done any training.” He’d clocked onto the favoritism of the number one hero towards his green haired classmate and several of his classmates had noted the similarities in quirks. Related or not, it was clear All Might had a prodigy. And that was a problem. Shigaraki nodded.
“Good. How often can you leave the dorms?”
“Curfew is at seven.” He said sourly, not just because of his position in the League but seven p.m. curfew also meant very little time he could spend with his family. “Given that I can’t contact you remotely, the weekends is probably the only time I’ll be able to get away, if not a few times a week. Given the opportunity.” He said. “That is if my friends or sisters don’t call dibs on me first.” He added. He had to make that absolutely clear that his family was his first priority and it would be quite suspicious if he refused every hang out invitation with is classmates.
“Awe, so I don’t get to call dibs on you?” Toga pouted. Suna had to smile.
“I think you already did that, Mimi.” The triumphant huff he heard told him he was correct on that assertion.
“Mhm, I very much did, Immie.” She hummed.
Don't mind my writing style somewhat changing halfway through. I've been reading Cat Sebastian books and that shit is addicting. Regency gays anyone? Idk when I'll update again, its almost December which means Thespians and NHD registration soooooooooooo. ye. Anyone care to take a guess what my NHD topic is? Or a gander at what play I'm doing for Thespys? its quite easy lol.
Chapter 3: Microwave Catapult
In which shit sort of happens.
I wrote half of this while eating fried macaroni. God bless the USA for having fried macncheese bites. Do wish I'd had the sauce that came with the package but oh well, that's what I get for eating several month old frozen macncheese bites.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
He knew he was staring off into space. It was his second week of U.A. and already he’d started to throw in the towel. His only saving grace was that it was English, with Yamada no less. Thankfully, the voice hero wasn’t using his quirk today. He’d already screeched his lungs out at Ojiro earlier that day. Suna sighed and continued to stare out the window. Sitting behind Midoriya was a pretty good spot. He could see most of his classmates quite easily if and when he cared too. Shigaraki had told him to report his classmate’s weaknesses and drawbacks in order to have a better chance at not fumbling it as bad at the USJ the next time the League made a move. This included his teachers. So whenever Midoriya started mumbling during training he made a habit to listen. He’d have to get a look inside those notebooks of his at some point.
Suna didn’t know when he’d slipped into this knew mask of his. He made a point to refuse to hang out with any of his classmates and found himself spending more and more time alone. Which, now that he thought about it, probably made him even more suspicious. Usually he’d squash this thought by reminding himself he was saving them from the inevitable pain of being betrayed. Ultimately it was for the best.
The dorms were beating his ass though. With the assigned curfew he was screwed out of most of his usual snooping. Eventually he’d probably end up having to take a chance and sneak through the building at night. There was no chance he was risking an early morning snoop when so many of U.A.’s teacher were overachievers and usually were in their classrooms at ungodly hours of the morning. He’d just have to make sure to avoid Aizawa’s office entirely. What he was worried about was how the school would react to the League’s next plan. It was only vague pieces at this point, but Shigaraki had his sights set on the Hero Killer Stain. Suna’s blood went cold whenever his name was mentioned. Hating heroes and the society that cultivated them was all well and good, he thought, but he could never manage to even think about murdering anyone.
Stifling another sigh he turned his attention back to the board where Mic had scrawled another sentence in English and was not-so-patiently waiting on Kirishima to answer whatever question he’d asked the redhead. Suna didn’t envy his redheaded friend one bit. Mic could be a ruthless teacher when he wanted to be. The voice hero sighed dramatically, bringing back flashes of his and Hitoshi’s many study sessions at the hero’s house the previous year. Kirishima sweated and stammered an apology.
“Can anyone tell me the type of clause this sentence uses?” He pointedly looked at Sero, Ashido and Kaminari. Suna smiled to himself. This sentence was familiar. He raised his hand. The man looked relieved. “Mr. Imada, can you tell me what clause the sentence ‘The book which I borrowed from the library last semester is due this week.’ Utilizes?” He stood up.
“The sentence uses a relative clause, sir.”
“And is it a restrictive or nonrestrictive, relative clause, Mr. Imada?” He thought for a moment.
“Restrictive, sir.” He felt like he was back in the small house the man shared with Aizawa and his adopted son Hitoshi, studying flashcards and being lectured over a whiteboard. While Mic went on to explain the differences between the two kinds of clauses, he went back to stare at the papers on his desk. Finally the bell for lunch rang and everyone scrambled to pack and get to the cafeteria. As he waited for his classmates to leave an unexpected tap on his desk made him look up from his bag.
“Dude, you’re like a wizard, how the hell did you know that?” Said a blonde who he’d been trying his damnedest to avoid. Despite himself his lips formed a small smile on his own, accompanied by a small eyebrow lift. He shrugged. It didn’t escape his notice that both Sero and Kirishima were there as well.
“Its relative information; the easiest way to asses it is comas.” Kaminari furrowed his brow and looked like he was trying to think hard about something.
“Noted.” A small lapse of silence.
“Anything else?” He asked, his eyebrow raising higher. Kaminari rubbed the back of his neck and assumed a sheepish grin.
“We were wondering if you wanted to join us for lunch?” Suna’s eyes widened fractionally before he forced himself back to a neutral expression. He pressed his lips together and felt his eyebrows furrow. “I know you normally sit by yourself-or with the two guys from 1-B, so its no problem- I- we just wanted to ask.” Kaminari winced and his cheeks colored ever so slightly. Kirishima and Sero looked like they were about to burst out laughing at the exchange. Suna sighed. He really was a bad villain.
“Sure, Touji might start a small food fight though.” He jested. Kaminari’s face lit up so brightly Suna thought he might’ve been using his quirk.
As it turned out, Suna had been spot on about Touji and soon the cafeteria was covered in uneaten or abandoned lunches and the trouble-makers being reprimanded by Lunch-Rush. Most of the boys of class A and even a few in class B had joined in, along with a few second years and even some third years. The detention had been inevitable, not that it quite mattered to him. It wasn’t like he was planning on graduating, he just had to make it as the League’s spy for however long he could last. Then go into hiding. Best- not think that far ahead, he chided himself.
Much to his surprise, Sero, Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato and even Ojiro and Tokoyami had joined in from class A. Of course Tetsutetsu from class B had joined in, along with Touji and Hitoshi, even Monoma had thrown a bowl of rice at him when his glass of what was probably juice had gotten splashed all over him, the guy whose name he’d forgotten but whose quirk covered him in hair had also joined in along with Awase, Kaibara, a kid whose hair looked something along the lines of auburn or burnt Sienna, along with Kendo and Kodai. What had started out as Touji being pissed off Suna hadn’t sat with him and Hitoshi had turned into class on class warfare. With tables being overturned as blockades and makeshift shelters and chopsticks being used as projectiles. Iida, as class rep had tried in vain to stop the chaos but only got a plate of curry thrown in his face.
The students who weren’t involved directly in the food-shed had fled the cafeteria or were hiding behind the pushed-over tables. The Who scene reminded Suna of when Touji had done almost the exact same thing in junior high. They hadn’t been friends yet, but Touji had been trying to get him to sit with him, as a last resort he’d thrown a kabab at Suna who had justifiably retaliated by throwing his own lunch back at the blonde and everything had escalated.
When Aizawa had entered the cafeteria with a still curry-covered Iida he knew he was getting detention, but that hadn’t stopped his stupid grin and his even stupider greeting of the exhausted pro. The greeting plate of curry had been sadly swatted away by the pro’s capture weapon and all engaging students hauled off to detention with a three day suspension. Which was why he was currently sitting in his dorm with a thoroughly exasperated blonde and Hitoshi who was doing his best not to burst out into laughter.
“I didn’t send anyone to the nurses office this time. They should be grateful I held back!” His friend huffed, hot pink eyes blazing at the injustice of it.
“To be fair,” Suna started, “you’d’ve probably have to knock someone unconscious to warrant a visit to the nurses office at U.A.” Hitoshi tsked.
“Not necessarily. The nurse here reminds me of Noa, and he only needs someone to get a few scrapes before going ballistic.” Hitoshi was sitting next to Suna on his bed and leaning against the wall while scrolling on his phone. They’d already done their homework for the week and so didn’t have anything else to do for the rest of their suspension but sit in the dorms and chat while their classmates were in class. He raised a bandaged hand for emphasis. Hitoshi had scraped his hand on one of the overturned tables and the nurse had fussed over him for a good five minutes. Suna sighed, but relented. Conversation steered away from the cause of their suspension and towards anything and anything that had been even remotely interesting with their classmates.
“Pretty sure Awase’s got a crush on Kaibara.” And here they were again on one of Suna’s least favorite topics of discussion; high school relationships. Hitoshi looked at Touji skeptically.
“You know guys can be friends without dating right?” He said raising a pointed eyebrow.
“Duh,” Touji retorted. “But he gets that look in his eye that every girl in romance movies gets when staring at her love interest. And come on- they would make a cute couple.” Touji’s expression was all but begging Hitoshi to fight him on it. Hitoshi sighed.
“Speaking of love life-“ Hitoshi said turning to look at Suna, “Why did you decide to sit with those three lunatics today anyway?” Suna stuck his tongue out at him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He teased. Hitoshi only shrugged.
“I don’t care who you sit with one way or the other, but that blonde guy did seem pretty- ecstatic that you were there.” Hitoshi’s lips quirked up in a smirk and he wiggled his lavender brows. Suna groaned, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.
“First off, I’ve already told you I’m not planning on dating anytime soon. Sure maybe once my sisters are old enough to move out but for now-“ he shrugged and shook his head.
“Why not?” Hitoshi’s face fell for a moment. “It’s not because we-“ Suna chucked a pillow at him.
“Not it’s not because we broke up you idiot.” Hitoshi sighed a little in relief and then threw the pillow back at Suna, essentially starting a pillow fight. Several minutes later the three of them were tangle of limbs and pillows and boisterous laughter. Touji had somehow managed to scramble out of the dog pile and was back to sitting on the floor leaving Suna and Hitoshi tangled together on the bed with Suna all but straddling him. The breathing in the room had stopped while they stared wide-eyed at each other, blush rising on both of their faces. Touji cleared his throat, causing Suna to jump and his face turn even brighter.
“I don’t know about you but that looks pretty gay to me.” Touji said with a mischievous grin on his face.
“Touji!” Suna all but screeched at him. Hitoshi hadn’t said anything yet, but he could feel the slight rise and fall the had returned to the other boy’s chest. Suna looked back down at him, his face he was sure, was even redder than it had been before. Hitoshi raised a brow at him and one side of his mouth quirked up slightly.
“You going to get off me or are we going to take a nap?” Suna greatly appreciated the light, joking tone Hitoshi had assumed. He didn’t know if he could take anymore embarrassment.
“I- uhm-“ fuck was he stuttering? A knock on his door sent him careening to the floor in a loud thud, Hitoshi quickly sitting up to see if he was ok.
“Imada? You good in there?” And that was Kirishima. Great. He thought as he groaned. Sitting up he rubbed his head.
“Yeah! You can come in if you want.” He hoped his voice was sheepish or as least light and jesting. The door opened slowly and the confused face of Kirishima poked in.
“Why’re you on the floor?” Kirishima’s eyes darted over to Touji who hadn’t stopped laughing and was now rolling on the floor clutching his stomach. “I heard a thud, are you alright?” Suna grinned sheepishly.
“I kinda- sort of- fell off the bed?” Kirishima’s eyes widened fractionally and he looked to the bed where Hitoshi was perched on the side, phone forgotten next to him.
“Alright, do you need an icepack or anything?” That- was unexpected. He shook his head.
“Ah, no. I should be fine.” He kicked Touji in the stomach and sent him a glare, willing the blush down that he knew was creeping its way up his neck. Kirishima nodded, still looking perplexed.
“Iida wanted me to let you know that dinner was ready.” Suna frowned, more at himself than anything and flopped back with a groan, slinging an arm over his eyes.
“Toshi, can you add idiocy to my list of sins please?” Hitoshi chuckled.
“Sure thing Su.”
“We’ll be down in a sec, thanks Kirishima.” He lifted his head to give the redhead what he hoped was a smile that said ‘sorry for being an awkward piece of shit, I hope to avoid that in the future’. Kirishima nodded before closing the door behind him.
When the three of them finally made their way down to the commons. Hitoshi and Touji were about to say their goodbyes at the door when Sero walked past.
“Where’re you guys goin’? There’s enough food if you two want to eat with us.” Sero offered. The three looked at each other. Touji shrugged.
“Kendo might kill us but oh what the hell.” Touji nudged Hitoshi who only rolled his eyes and looked to Suna. Sero grinned.
“Kirishima, Ash, and Kaminari are already sitting down, but I’ll get you guys something so feel free to join them.” Suna shook his head.
“I’ll come help with the food, I’m not gonna let you carry four dishes by yourself.” He said most brotherly. “You guys go sit down, be there in a second.” He waved off his two friends and followed Sero into the kitchen.
“Sorry about you guys getting the brunt of it.” Sero said sheepishly as he got down four plates and set about piling on food that apparently Bakugou had made this time. He’d have to see if there was a sign-up rotation list for cooking meals. Suna shrugged.
“Eh, no biggie. That was child’s play compared to what Tou started back in Junior High.”
“Junior High?” Sero raised a brow. Ah, that was right. Sero hadn’t been there when that had happened.
“Right before you and Kei started dating Touji decided that chopsticks made really good projectiles for one of the bullies at our school and launched it at him- we kind of maybe sort of- made the cafeteria explode?”
“How’d you manage that?”
“Microwave catapult.” Suna shrugged. The catapult had been a woodworking club project and the microwave had been caught in the crossfire.
“Man.” Sero chuckled loading up another plate.
“How’re they? By the way?” Suna winced at having to ask his sister’s boyfriend about the wellbeing of his own family but he hadn’t been able to make the trip to his house yet, or really text either. Sero frowned.
“Michi and Kei have soccer this weekend, but I think you already knew that.” Sero chewed on his lower lip. “Look- Imada-“
“If it's about my job, you can save it, Sero.” His job.
“I know you’re trying to provide for them but-“ Suna went rigid. Sero paused and sighed. “We’ll-talk about it later- yeah?” Suna didn’t answer, instead opting to take the two already filled plates and walk over to the table that was filled with his classmates. He set the two plates down in front of Touji and Hitoshi. Sero had followed behind him, handing him his own plate, which he took gratefully. Touji looked at him.
“Well don’t you look ecstatic.” Touji quipped.
“Well thank you captain obvious.” Suna said in much the same tone. Touji made him a mock salute. The conversation had somewhat halted at the new arrivals, but it all but stopped when Suna’s phone rang. Shit, perfect timing as always Shigaraki. He slid his phone out of his pocket, stood and gave his classmates and apologetic look. “Don’t wait on my account- I’ll- be a while.” He said this last look with a pointed look at Sero, who frowned.
“You’ll be back before curfew right?” Ashido asked skeptically. Suna didn’t answer that. Hitoshi took off his hoodie and threw it at him.
“If you’re going outside at least stay warm, idiot.” Suna rolled his eyes, thanked him, and walked out the double doors of the dorm building and into the night.
Hehehehehe, anyone order villain action? Still can't believe almost twenty people have read this, that's wild to me. Holy shit. Many thanks my loves! I realize now that I've actually seen twice in MHA I'll have to back and rewrite the chapters he speaks in because I totally did him a disservice. If dialogue is weird, I blame my autism. I barely know how to function in irl conversations, let alone fictional conversations with characters who aren't mine lol. Apologies for any OOCness that may or may not have or will occur.
Chapter 4: Shut it Squirt!
Ooh, looky here, what's this? Two updates in one day?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Just another agency. Of course that’s all it was. They’d needed him to bypass the security and now he was in the basement along with Dabi and Twice. He had been hastily tossed a hideous, black halloween witch wig, or whatever it was. It had helped that Hitoshi’s hoodie had been a plain black along with his own usual grey sweats and unremarkable vans nearly every other teenager had. He was currently standing in the corner holding the bag of homemade bombs while Dabi and Twice went around attaching them to key points of the buildings stability. As usual, no one said a word. Hasty footsteps above made everything go quiet in the small basement of what Suna had hastily filed away as “just another agency”.
“Do you think this’ll be enough?” Dabi hissed.
“We’d better hope.” The footsteps halted at what Suna remembered was the entrance to the basement. Suna quietly rushed to the side he remembered opened up to the street. He placed a hand on the concrete and it responded by opening up a whole just wide enough for the three of them to slip out into the cold of the night. “Dabi you have the detonator right?” Suna whisper-yelled at the black haired man who of course, had neglected a disguise, yet again.
“Yeah, but we have to get out of here-“
“No we don’t.” Suna said, a sink hole opening up below him. He quickly gestured for the other two villains to jump in. The sewers had quite, situated a block or so away from the agency.
“Now.” Suna hissed as they continued running through the stinking sewage system of Tottori, which was irritatingly farther away from Tokyo than Suna wanted it to be but he couldn’t really complain when Kurogiri did all the work. “Before they can disarm them!” The sound of a button echoed through the stone of the sewage system and faint explosions could be heard from the direction they’d just come from. Screams and sirens sounded from above, echoing down through the manholes. Before long the three of then collapsed against the stone.
“You’re quirk is damn helpful sometimes.” Suna chuckled and he tried to steady his heart. God how he loved adrenaline. Sometimes it surprised him that he wasn’t one of those people who jumped out of airplanes on any given day, but he supposed he’d have to settle for jumping off buildings and running through tunnels.
“Don’t forget that Twice was the one who got the building plans and realized the sewer could be our escape route.” Even though Twice wore a mask, he could’ve sworn the villain was grinning while he shot him two thumbs-up.” Suna stood up, adjusted the duffel bag on his shoulder and dusted himself off. He was never sitting down in a sewer again. He’d have to shower before he went back to the dorms. “Well, what should we do with the rest of these?” He said gesturing to the still half-full bag of bombs. Dabi shrugged.
“Save them for the next building we demolish?” The grin that crossed the man’s face told Suna all he needed to know about how much the villain would be looking forward to causing that big of an explosion. He sighed.
“Isn’t there a police station nearby?” Twice piped up. The three exchanged grins. Suna sat down again and pulled out his computer and quickly pulled up the plans for the Tottori police station, then pulled out his phone.
“Hey Shigs,” He said as their leader picked up the call. “Permission to use left-over bombs to blow up the Tottori police station?” He said cheekily. He could practically see the man run a strained hand through his hair.
“What happened to using them on that puny agency?” The man said, a thread of annoyance in his tone. Suna shrugged.
“Had to dip quickly, still caused quite the fuss. There’s only a few, but we could still do quite a lot of damage with these tiny things.” He said, opening the bag to take another head count of the remaining explosives. “And,” he added. “I’d hate to think of what mayhem Dabi could cause next time.” He heard the man sigh.
“Permission granted.” Suna grinned.
“Thanks boss.”
“Just don’t get caught.”
“Yessir.” Before closing the device he sent a quick locater to Kurogiri for the warp portal location and slipped the phone back in the duffel bag. He’d break the phone later.
“Got the go ahead?” Dabi asked an evil smirk crossing his scarred features. Suna grinned back at him and gave him a thumbs up.
Suna hated manholes, he’d used his quirk to boost himself up, after making sure Dabi and Twice had made it out safely and the coast was clear. He’d handed Dabi the bag through the small exit. But as he hoisted himself through it panic surged through him. His breathing all but ceased to sharp little intake of breath. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the panic down. Seconds later he found himself being steadied by Twice who had hoisted him out of the little death trap. He let out a relieved breath of air.
“I hate those things too.” He said. Suna smiled. For villains, his little found family was quite good at helping him overcome his claustrophobia and- all the other things that came with him.
“Thanks Twice.” He took a steadying breath and took the duffel from Dabi, who squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. The back street they’d popped out into was dark, the only lights coming from one or two lit windows. They were completely enshrouded in shadow. Suna took a moment to orient himself, the layout of the city coming back to him. “This way.” He said, taking off towards the alley corner, pausing to see if the two men had caught up with him. The three of them ran through the streets, pausing only when the main road and its illumination came into view. Finally they found themselves standing in front of a completely dark, police station. Quickly they made their way to the back of the building, hiding in a little alcove in one of the neighboring buildings. Suna pulled his computer out again. His fingers slid over the keys with the ease of a top tier piano player, deftly he made sure the security system was out and plotted where to put the remaining bombs. He slid the duffel off his shoulder and handed it to Dabi.
“You’re out in ten or I’m calling it.” He said to the man, who nodded. He would stay out here and keep an eye on the security, making sure no one was alerted to them. As soon as the two men had scampered inside, he scaled the building, perching himself on top of one of many pipes and metal contraptions he hadn’t a clue what were for. His eyes remained trained on his laptop screen, flipping between cameras. Good, they’d listened when he’d said to stay off camera. Not that he couldn’t erase the footage in three clicks, but being cautious was in their best interest. With Shigaraki’s plan for the “Villain Vanguard Squad” it was best two of its future members stay off the radar. Suna anxiously tapped his knee, heart caught in his throat with anticipation. He pulled out the flip phone Dabi had purchased earlier that day and quickly messaged Kurogiri. Portal in seven please. He got a response seconds later. Rodger. Suna rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his lips. He was fond of all the League’s members but Kurogiri, dubbed Mamagiri by Himiko, had become almost like a father figure to him, this last year. He liked the man. Two shadowed figures on the street caught his eye and he was standing in a second. Descending the building, he caught the two men in the alley a street down.
“All of them?” Suna asked. Dabi nodded.
“You message Giri?” Dabi asked. Suna nodded.
“This feels easier than it should’ve been.” Twice muttered to himself. He was right of course. Dabi brushed it off.
“Can we for once, chalk it up to a lucky break?” Twice and Suna looked at each other, but they both shrugged. A sound made them all stiffen. Sirens. Not. Good.
“Run!” Suna said, taking off into a sprint. Two sets of running feet behind him let him know the two had followed suit. The sirens were close. There was no way to tell if they’d been the targets or if they were stragglers late to the agency party. Either way they needed to get out of there.
“Freeze!” A man had lunged into their path. The sirens from earlier sounded almost as if they were directly behind them now. Shit.
“The building!” Suna said shoving the men. Placing a hand he opened up a path of escape for them.
“Stop!” The police officer was running at him. Dabi looked at him.
“I hope you know what you’re doing idiot.” Then he vanished just as the opening he’d made closed up. Suna, suddenly grateful for the wig, kicked off a nearby pile of debris, twisted mid-air, and landed a solid foot on the face of a baffled officer and started to scale the building. Two demolished buildings and bodily harm to an officer. Wonderful. He was running across rooftops now. Suddenly remembering the phone, he took it out, snapped it in half at tossed it into an open bin below him. The sirens were still blaring, but he hoped the officers wouldn’t alert the pros. That could be very, very bad. Something at the corner of his vision made him turn. Kurogiri’s portal. Pivoting, he dashed for it. Hoping that Twice and Dabi had found one of their own.
“Hey you!” He looked down to see an officer chasing after him on the street below. He grinned, saluted the man, and jumped into the portal.
“That was stupid!” Masami yelled at him. He sat on the couch, hair damp from his shower. He rolled his eyes.
“We got away didn’t we?”
“Tell me you were at least not caught on camera?” Kurogiri asked, the voice of reason as always.
“Nope. Squirt here made sure of that.” Dabi said with a wry grin. Suna rolled his eyes again.
“Dabi, I’m literally just as tall as you. The only reason you’re “taller” is because you wear platforms.” Suna said putting air quotes around “taller”. Dabi glared at him.
“I’m still older, so that makes you a squirt.”
“By what? Nine years? I hate to say it but at least Shigs doesn’t flaunt his age as much as you do.”
“He’s literally younger than me.” Dabi protested.
“Mimi doesn’t do that either.” He continued.
“That’s because I’m only two years old then you Immie.” The girl said pursing her lips. “The only reason fry boy over there brings it up every time he can is because he’s an ass.” Suna chuckled. Dabi grumbled.
“Shut it crazy.” Himiko giggled.
“Fry boy’s a good nickname.”
“Shut it squirt.” Suna laughed. He seemed to laugh more and more at the League. Masami was still seething, but had seemed to calm down some at the banter.
“You need to go back to the dorms.” He said, changing the subject. Suna groaned.
“I’m on suspended leave, do I really?” Masami’s eyes widened.
“What’d you do?”
“Why do you always assume it was me? Maybe tell Touji to keep his chopsticks to himself.” He grumbled. He didn’t begrudge Touji, the whole mess had actually been fun, getting uptight U.A. kids to show their true colors. Masami sighed.
“No microwaves this time I hope?” Suna chuckled.
“Thank god. The last thing we need is for the three of you to be expelled.” The pink haired villain said shaking his head. His hair wasn’t tied up like it usually was, it was down in triple braids, most likely Himiko’s doing. Demon Slayer was doing numbers it would seem. He’d have to thank Sero and Todoroki later. Everyone in the room looked expectantly at the two of them, waiting for an explanation.
“That’s a story for later.” He chuckled to himself. Himiko pouted. He’d put on Hitoshi’s hoodie again, but had changed into a clean pair of sweats that thankfully looked almost exactly like the ones he’d left in. His sneakers would just have to air out.
“Well, we’ll lay low for a while. With all the commotion out there, there should be some enticing new headlines tomorrow.” Shigaraki said. “You,” The man said pointing to Suna, “keep your grades up and send us any information you learn about All Might or any other staff you can. Maybe you can even hack into their security system.” Suna scoffed.
“I’d have to be off campus for that, but I’ll see what I can do.” He stood, looking at Kurogiri.
“Dorm room I take it?” Suna shook his head.
“Outside the building would be more believable. If any of my classmates are still up, it’ll keep up appearances that I was just off at work.” He shrugged. “I doubt any to them we’ll rat me out.” He said, mostly to reassure Shigaraki. Kurogiri nodded.
“I’ll drop you boy the hedges then.” Suna nodded.
yah ever feel like you change one thing about your writing and suddenly it actually feels decent to you? Like I actually enjoyed writing the action scenes, however shit they are. Suna's totally over Shinsou, 100%. Damnit I love Twice. He's totally not the supportive older brother figure in this. Nah, what you talking about? Hope you enjoyed and thanks so much for sticking with this! I know oc fics aren't that popular but I really do appreciate it.
Chapter 5: Caution to the Wind
I started writing this while eating sour dough toast for lunch at 2:30. ADHD go brrrrr. I still can't believe people have kept up with this- like bros you're all amazing and I love you to bits! <3
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Suna slipped his shoes off at the entrance of Heights Alliance. Placing them on the shelf where the rest of his classmates’ outdoor shoes were, he scanned the darkened commons. It wasn’t devoid of lights but the few that were lit were scattered across the floor leaving some areas in pitch darkness and the few spots that were lit just barely. It was void of his classmates. So at least he had one win tonight. Softly, he padded his way across the commons in his socks. He refused to wear shoes indoors, even at his own house. Peaking in the fridge he grabbed what looked like some left over curry and placed a plate of it in the microwave, wincing at how loud even a microwave could be in such a quiet room. Taking the plate out of the surprisingly deadly projectile of a kitchen utility, he cursed under his breath at the singe of the heat from the porcelain dish. He picked it up, using the sleeve of Hitoshi’s hoodie to carry the hot plate to his dorm. He’d take the plate down and wash it tomorrow- and give the hoodie back. He groaned internally. The guy knew how to pick out comfy clothing. Even if it barely reached his waist.
He set his plate down on his desk, turning his chair around and straddling it and grabbed for his phone. He always turned it off during his outings, not leaving even a chance that someone could track him or the League. He hadn’t had time to turn it off this time though, instead he’d flung it on the couch at the bar. Frowning, he turned on the screen, seeing a flood of messages from the class group chat and several newer ones from Touji and Toshi. Checking the time he contemplated going over to Class B’s dorms and berating Hitoshi for staying up for him, but that never ended in his favor. Sighing he clicked on a missed call and changed it to FaceTime. Purple locks and the usually tired face of one of his best friends greeted him before the first ring had ended. Suna rolled his eyes. Figures.
“What? No lecture?” The boy on the other end teased. He rolled his eyes again.
“Figured you’d make a hassle out of it like last time. Though I did contemplate going over there to beat your ass.” Hitoshi hummed.
“I’d like to see you try.” The tired grin made Suna smile back. Despite his complicated feelings after their breakup the guy was still able to make him smile with his antics.
“Touji still up?” He asked. The phone screen shifted to what looked like the crumpled form of his other friend leaning against the purple haired teen, seemingly passed out.
“Nope.” Hitoshi said completely unnecessarily. Suna took a bite of the curry. “How was it?” His friend asked hesitantly. He’d never previously have to worry about his suspicious behavior with his friends. He frowned.
“It was fine. Just a late night shift at the old convenience store. Need the cash.” The ease he lied to his friend with startled him. It wasn’t fully a lie. He told himself. Mr. Kase had offered him a night shift at his store and he really did need the cash. Hitoshi’s face soured before softening again.
“You know I could always ask-“
“Toshi- you know I love you, but if you asked Aizawa to chip in I’d have to explain about my parents…” He trailed off. “And neither of us need that right now.” Any time his parents came up in the last year of junior high Hitoshi had had to bring him back down from a panic attack. With his friends sleep schedule- or lack thereof, neither of them needed the added stress. The boy sighed.
“I know- I just- I don’t like it.” Suna smiled sadly.
“I know you don’t, and neither do I, but the last thing Kei and Michi need right now is to stress about money.” Hitoshi’s face had formed into a frown, his eyebrows scrunching as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Yes, but neither should you. Su, you’re fifteen for heavens sake! I just-“ Another sigh and pause. “I need to know that you’re ok and if I could help with anything- I might just be able to sleep at night.” He smiled bitterly. Suna’s breathing hitched.
“I’ll think of something.” He promised. It was one he knew wouldn’t amount to anything but he had to say something. The League just might be the death of him. He thought sourly. Touji stirred, the eye the was just barely visible to the camera cracked open.
“Suna?” Came a tired but happy voice. Suna forced a smile. The crease in Hitoshi’s brow told him the other boy knew it too. “You still alive in there bud?” Touji chuckled, groggily sitting up and slumping further into Hitoshi. Suna rolled his eyes, but his smiled turned softer and more genuine.
“Yeah, just fucking tired.” Touji grinned.
“I didn’t know tired had a sex mode.”
“Oh shut up.” But that was Touji. Always cracking jokes.
“Sex could be a dick or a vagina Tou, be more specific next time.” Suna nearly choked on the rice he’d just put in his mouth. Hitoshi grinned at the screen.
“You’re an ass. I nearly choked.” Suna protested, once he’d been able to actually swallow his food.
“Ah, death by laughter, that would be fitting.” His friend’s smile grew wider. Suna rolled his eyes for what felt like the millionth time that night.
“That’s more fitting for Chiyo, maybe Michi that one time I tried soccer.” He grimaced at the memory of getting absolutely pummeled with soccer balls as goalie. Touji stifled a laugh. “Or Kei if Sero decided to launch a tickle attack.” He smiled at the thought of his sister and her boyfriend. Sero was a good guy. “Oh!” He said, wincing at the volume of his own voice, “How was dinner after I left? You didn’t get murdered did you?”
“I don’t think I need to answer the murder question, but it was-“
“Toshi here has a crush on Todoroki now, I’m positive!” Hitoshi’s face pinked and he looked as if he wanted to simultaneously strangle their friend or shrink into the blankets.
“Do not!” Apparently he’d settled on bashing Touji’s head in with a pillow. Suna chuckled. At least one of them was going to get over it.
“So I don’t need to give your hoodie back, I’ll just give it to Todoroki tomorrow.” He grinned evilly. Touji had a similar expression.
“I hate both of you.” Touji hit him with the pillow.
“No you don’t.” He hummed. Hitoshi looked back to the camera.
“We’ll leave you to finish your food. And yes,” He held his free hand up in surrender, “I’ll try and get some sleep, but only if you do too.” He gave Suna a pointed look. He sighed. The look was warranted. He always had trouble sleeping himself, but had refused to see a doctor for any prescription meds because that would’ve caused a mess. Of course, Hitoshi had offered his own insomnia meds but he had refused.
“I’ll- try.” He said with a half-grimace, half-smile on his face.
“I’ll get you that heated blanket next time I see one.” Touji said, the serious expression throwing him off balance.
“Love you guys, but I swear, I’m FINE. It’s just nightmares. See you tomorrow.” He didn’t let his friends protest before he ended the call.
The nightmares had pestered him all night. The smell of burnt metal, the screams of his sister’s, the smoke that had clouded the stars. It left his chest tight. But over the years he’d managed to stop waking up screaming. They weren’t particularly bad, just- repetitive grief, horror, shock. He barely got sleep as it was, but he had tried to follow through on his promise. But to little avail. While his body was slightly energized, his mind was frozen and in disarray every time he woke up. Tossing and turning did nothing. Flipping the pillow did nothing. The balcony didn’t do much either. He’d gotten back at around one thirty that morning. Nothing to sneeze at. His call with his Toshi and Touji had gone for only thirty minutes. A feat to be sure. But still he could only sleep in short bursts. The first had been twenty minutes. The second, forty. All the while he tossed and turned and sweated through his clothes and cried into his pillows. The silence of his sobs was something he knew he shouldn’t be proud of, but he was. He sighed sitting up. Running his fingers through his hair he swung his legs off the bed and into the pair of unicorn slippers his sisters had all grown out of one by one (except for Aomi, her feet were still too small) except him. Grabbing his phone and earbuds and quietly made his way down to the commons.
He wasn’t going to drink caffeine, that wasn’t why he was going. His room had suddenly felt too cramped, like the car. He shuddered, pushing that memory away and into the recesses of his mind. He paused at the foot of the stairs.
“Kaminari?” He tried to keep the bewilderment out of his voice of but failed miserably. The blonde was sitting cross-legged on one of the couches and was scrolling through his phone. He looked up at his name and gave a lopsided, sheepish grin and waved him over. “What’re you doing up?” He asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. Kaminari looked at him.
“Are those unicorn slippers?” Suna paused- taken aback by the question. He looked down at his feet, one leg propped up on the other.
“Uh- yeah? My sister Chiyo grew out of them and I figured they were still perfectly usable so why let them go to waste?” He didn’t know why he was sharing that. He hadn’t really talked much of his family to his classmates. Kaminari simply nodded, going back to his phone. Suna, confused, re-asked his earlier question. “What’re you doing down here?” There was no judgement in his voice, just plain old curiosity. He’d never seen Kaminari down here before in the short week the whole class had been in the dorms. Kaminari looked back up at him and then away, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You won’t laugh?” He asked, looking sideways at Suna, bangs falling into his eyes. Suna had the sudden urge to brush those bangs aside. He shook his head.
“Why would I? I’m down here too aren’t I?” Kaminari bit his lip, looking away again.
“I dunno, it just seems a little- basic? Not-“ He shook his head. He’d turned so his back was against the arm of the sofa and he was fully facing Suna now. He shrugged.
“I don’t think any reason could be dumb, if it keeps you from sleeping, it keeps you from sleeping. There’s no hierarchy when it comes to insomnia.” He smirked. “For example, when I was younger, one of my sisters woke me up because there was a bug buzzing in her room and she couldn’t find it. We spent almost an hour looking for that little fucker.” Kaminari looked torn between laughing and grimacing. Instead of choosing he sighed. “But if you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to.” He said with what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Kaminari stared at him before seeming to come to a decision.
“Do you know what ADHD is?” He asked, a furrow in his brow. Suna nodded. “Well- sometimes it keeps me from sleeping, my head just can’t seem to shut up.” He looked back up from his hands. “It brings old stuff, or goes on and on about something or another-“ Kaminari waved his hand as if in example. Suna nodded again, leaning back.
“I get that. If you don’t mind me sharing-“ He paused, long enough to see Kaminari shake his head to go on. “I don’t have ADHD- two of my sisters do though.” He paused. “I assume we’re telling each other this in confidence, so I’ll trust you to keep that to yourself.” He said offhandedly. He smiled when Kaminari enthusiastically shook his head. “Sometimes having another person around helps, for them at least, talking too.” Kaminari nodded.
“I haven’t really- well, told anyone yet. Besides you, obviously.” Suna nodded in understanding.
“If you ever need help with it- I’m up most nights.” Suna paused his lips, feeling slight heat creek into his face.
“Do- do you want to talk about it?” His eyes widened fractionally. He felt his body go rigid and tense. I’m not caged, he’s just asking. I’m not caged. He willed his breathing to go back to normal. “Y-you don’t have to!” Kaminari said, noticing the shift. Suna shook his head.
“I’m alright. It’s just- well like you I haven’t really told anyone. Except Hitoshi and Touji.” He added. “Well- actually they kind of just figured it out on their own.” He chuckled. “Nightmares.” He added, when Kaminari looked confused. The blonde mouthed an ‘o’ in acknowledgment.
“I’m sorry.” Suna paused. No one had ever apologized before.
“Um- it’s alright- I can- mostly deal with them. At least I don’t wake up screaming anymore.” He said with a wince. The concern and surprise on his face told him he’d probably said too much.
“Seems we both have our issues huh?” Kaminari said lightly after a stretch of tense silence. Suna chuckled.
“Seems we do.”
They both stayed on the couch the rest of the night, chatting and just generally goofing off. Suna hadn’t felt such an instant friendship since maybe Yuda and Haruto, but that had been almost ten years ago. The lightness in his chest and sheer gut wrenching laughter the two had tried and failed to stifle filled him with more joy than he could remember having since- a while. At some point they’d fallen asleep, most likely from sheer exhaustion or contentedness. The nightmares surprisingly hadn’t followed him into his exhaustion inspired sleep, he’d felt warm, safe and generally content. The restlessness hadn’t followed either, which had been a bless in and of itself.
When Suna woke later that morning, what surprised him wasn’t the fact that Kaminari was snoring on his chest, the blonde’s arms wrapped around his torso, not the early morning light of sunrise, but that he was- rather relieved. It confused him to no end. He shifted, pausing to make sure Kaminari was still asleep and reached out for his phone, which had been abandoned on the short table next to the couch. He winced from the bright light as the screen turned on. 6:24. He did his best to stifle a groan. Of course his one night of decent rest he just had to wake up two hours before school started. School that he still couldn’t attend. He frowned and flopped his head back on the arm of the sofa. Doing his best not to wake the sleeping boy on his chest.
Kaminari didn’t even stir until seven. By then some of their classmates had gathered in the kitchen and he’d glared at all of them raising his pointer finger to silently shush them. No one had spoken to him yet. It was taking all of his energy to not play with Kaminari’s hair the way he usually did with his sisters. Not knowing where the other boy’s boundaries lay. When Kaminari turned and tried to burrowed his head into his shirt he cracked a grin. He’d been scrolling on his phone to keep his hands occupied as well as his brain. It was one thing to cuddle with friends, but entirely different to wake up with a snoozing classmate you’d almost spilled your guts to the night before. He smiled when Kaminari propped himself up.
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” He said with a grin, hands propping his head up. Kaminari, who either hadn’t registered where he was yet, or didn’t care turned and burrowed his face back into what he probably still considered a very warm pillow.
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled. Suna chuckled. A second later Kaminari’s head shot up and was now looking at him in- shock? Terror? Suna couldn’t tell. What he could understand was the fact Kaminari’s face was now almost the same shade of a tomato.
“Kaminari you-“ Before he could finish that sentence the blonde had shot off him and bolting from the commons. He passed a thoroughly confused looking Kirishima who stared after him for a moment before looking back to see Suna’s equally confused expression. Some of his classmates who’d come down for an early start were also looking in the direction Kaminari had bolted. Jirou came over with two bowls of cereal in hand, handing one to him before sitting on the adjacent couch.
“You two looked comfy.” She said, with a teasing smirk to rival that of Touji’s. He sighed. Kirishima and Sero were walking over just as a very disgruntled Ashido came trundling down the stairs.
“What was that about?” Kirishima asked. Suna shrugged, still frowning. Sero and Jirou looked at each other.
“Care to share with the class?” Suna asked, raising a brow. Hoping his disappointment wasn’t showing through. Jirou opened her mouth but closed it almost immediately. “I’m going to chalk that up to confidentiality.” Suna sighed, raking a hand through his hair.
“What’s confidential?” Ashido asked. Her shaggy appearance doing nothing to hinder the bubblyness in her voice. The four looked at each other. “Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll just find out on my own.” She huffed, shoving a mouthful of muffin into her face. Kirishima looked at Suna, a question on his face. Suna shrugged.
“She said she’s gonna find out anyway.” Suna turned his attention back on his cereal.
“Kaminari was sleeping on top of Imada this morning-“
“He what?!” Ashido said nearly choking on muffin.
“And he bolted out of the room almost as soon as he woke up.” Jirou concluded, giving Suna a sympathetic look.
“Oh- so that’s why his face was so red when I passed him. Makes sense.” Ashido said, more to herself than to anyone else. Suna was frowning at his cereal. He looked up feeling four pairs of eyes on him.
“What? We didn’t do anything! Or at least I don’t think I did anything.” He frowned, brows scrunched. The others looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He sighed. “I couldn’t sleep last night so I came down here, figuring what the heck. Kaminari was down here when I got here and we just started talking and at some point I guess we fell asleep.” Ashido raised a brow. He flushed. “We didn’t fall asleep like that!” He protested. Ashido raised her arms in surrender.
“I didn’t say shit.” Ashido said. Suna groaned, abandoning the spoon in the bowl and hung his head in his hands, willing the warmth to leave. He looked back up in time to see Kaminari coming back down the stairs in full uniform and dash out the door, Kirishima and Sero looking on, worry etched in their expressions.
“Well this is great, I still have a day left of suspension and then we have the weekend.” He drooped his head down. What the hell had he done? Kirishima looked at him sympathetically.
“I can talk to him today at lunch if you want?” He offered. Suna looked up at the redhead, his usually smiley features wrought with worry and concern. Suna laughed dryly.
“No. While a appreciate the offer Kirishima- with all that we have going on right now with the Sports Festival preparation-“ And everything else. He thought. “I’d rather not bother him. We’ve all got enough on our minds. Best just leave it be I think.” No one else looked convinced, but someone’s alarm went off and the rest of his classmates started to trickle out one by one. His classmates gave him a few goodbyes and sympathetic glances, others confused, but eventually all of them left him behind.
My poor baby is having gay panic, which one is up to you. ;)
Guess who! _ _ '_ #@&*!$% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Answer given next chapter >:3)
No one will get the reference but that's fine 😔
Chapter 6: A Tail of Yakisoba
The sports festival approaches... dun dun DUN
Looky here another food themed chapter title. Lowkey quite proud of the title tho lol
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
The following week was so chaotic that Suna barely got a chance to look at Kaminari, let alone talk to him. But he hadn’t planned too. With his role in the League and what his spot meant at U.A., he reasoned with himself that is was better for himself and Kaminari that they just avoid each other. Feelings could get messy. And boy did he know that first hand.
With his first week at the prestigious U.A. coming to a close and the ruckus he’d missed in class about the sports festival most of his classmates were preoccupied with training that weekend. He’d spent the last day of his suspension with Hitoshi and Touji as he’d planned, just hanging out in one of their dorms. Somehow he’d managed to not get asked about Kaminari or whatever his friends thought it was that was clearly bothering him. But he was good at pushing aside feelings- for the most part.
Dabi had called dibs to help him train for the festival, reasoning that the main quirks he’d have to worry about were Bakugou’s and Todoroki’s; flashy, long range fire and fire adjacent quirks. Preoccupied as his mind was he didn’t have time to think about much other than avoiding getting charred to cinders. Himiko helped him train too. Their usual hand to hand combat sessions riddled with Twice’s clones. He didn’t think he much needed the training, but he wasn’t about to say no. He felt like he’d stagnated training repeatedly with the same three people, the same three fighting styles, techniques and disadvantages. Feeling such, he’d messaged Ojirou, asking if the boy was free to spar with him that afternoon. It was Sunday, he still had a week left of training he could do, but he was feeling restless. He messaged Aizawa asking if they were allowed to use one of the fake training cities, or the gym. Somewhere on school campus. The pro had agree to let them use one of the fake cities to their hearts content, as long as bodily injuries weren’t severe and they left before sunset. Luckily, Ojirou had agreed too.
Suna had plopped his training duffel onto the ground and had started his stretching routine. He stopped when he sensed a presence behind him. Without turning around he said,
“Hey Ojirou, thanks for humoring me.” He grinned to himself.
“No problem, the gym wasn’t doing much for me anymore. So I figured why not, ya know?” Suna nodded, tossing him a bottle of water that probably wasn’t necessary, but he’d asked and he’d be damned if he wasn’t a good host.
“Yeah, Aizawa said we got the place ‘till seven. But we can call it quits earlier if you need.” Now facing the blonde haired boy, he grinned. Ojirou shot him a smile. The two stood silently for a moment before Suna grabbed the key to the door from his pocket and went to let them in, duffel slung over his shoulder. “What’s your stretching routine? If you don’t mind me asking.” He added sheepishly. Ojirou responded after a short pause.
“Mostly for my legs, lower back and shoulders.” Suna nodded.
“Start in ten?”
“Sure.” When their ten minutes of stretching was up they both threw their respective bags by the entrance. Out of the way enough, Suna reasoned.
“Can I ask you something?” Suna paused, shrugged and said,
“Sure, I don’t see why not, but if I don’t like it I won’t answer.” He said lightly. Ojirou nodded.
“Why did you ask me?” Suna blinked and Ojirou continued, rubbing his neck. “I mean my quirk isn’t exactly on par with yours and I’m not exceptional at most hand to hand techniques-“ He winced at himself. Suna cocked his head.
“Ojirou-“ he started, the blonde looked back at him. “There’s always room for all of us to improve, I asked you because well- I think it’ll challenge me. My quirk can manipulate most earthen solids, concrete, brick, granite-“ he winced inwardly, “with that tail of yours, it’ll keep me on my toes. That’s what I’m hoping for. I’ve seen your hand-to-hand skills, they’re quite different than mine. So I’ll say it again, I asked you because I know you can challenge me and I want that.” He grinned. “So, Ojirou, will you give me a challenge?”
“Only if you give me one.” The boy grinned back at him.
“Already planning on it.”
By the end of their session both of them were sweating. Ojirou had landed several punches to his face, thankfully nothing was broken, but that didn’t stop blood from trickling from his nose. He’d managed to get Ojirou off his feet but the guy moved with such agility he’d merely backflipped away form his assault, he’d only managed it twice. Suna was covered in rubble from the numerous times Ojirou’s tail had broken through his concrete walls.
They were both passed out on the ground, each panting heavily, covered in scratches, wincing from what was bound to turn into bruises tomorrow. Suna grinned from ear to ear.
“That was awesome!” He said, springing onto his feet and gave Ojirou a friendly punch in the shoulder. “I haven’t felt that exhilarated since maybe the entrance exams.” He grinned down at the boy who was still sitting on the ground. He offered a hand which Ojirou gratefully accepted and hauled the boy to his feet. “I’ll make us some dinner back at the dorms. Anything ya want?” He asked starting his stretching routine.
“How do you still have so much energy?” Ojirou grinned, cocking and eyebrow.
“I don’t!” Suna chuckled.
“I can’t tell if I’ve given you a concussion or not.” Ojirou’s face scrunched. Suna laughed.
“It was maybe twenty feet? Felt like forty but-“ He shrugged, his adrenaline still not having worn off.
“I hit you with my tail.” Ojirou pointed out. “And you hit your head on concrete."
“And it was awesome!” Ojirou shook his head, clearly perplexed. Suna slung his duffel over his shoulder. “Anyway, I’ll make us some dinner. Want anything? There’s still time before closing, I could probably do some quick shopping.” He looked back over his shoulder. Ojirou had stood up and was standing a few paces away from him. He shrugged.
“Not craving anything right now but maybe some rice noodles?”
“Yakisoba good?” Ojirou nodded.
“Thanks for training with me, Ojirou.” His grin had softened to a beaming, genuine smile.
“No problem.”
When they made it back to the dorms the common area was mostly empty, save for Aoyama, Asui, Hagakure and a few others. He noted Kaminari wasn’t among them. After setting his duffel down in his dorm, showering and changing he made his way back down in a pair of shorts, and a loose white tank. Heading to the kitchen he rummaged around for a bit for the ingredients he needed. He grinned when he realized they had enough ingredients in the fridge for twenty servings. He took note of what he was using and how much. He’d replace it later.
The kitchen was empty save for Tokoyami. He hadn’t talked to the guy much.
“How’s your training going?” He asked his classmate as he filled a pot with water. Tokoyami looked down at him from his perch on the counter-top.
“Fine, mostly in dark. For dark shadow.” Suna looked at him, then turned the faucet off and started the stove, placing the pot on while it came to a slow boil and plonked the lid on top.
“Progress?” He asked, hauling himself up onto the island counter across from his bird-headed classmate.
“Yes. You?”
“I hope so. I sparred with Ojirou today.”
“How was that?” Tokoyami asked noncommittally. Suna shrugged but was grinning.
“He launched me into a wall with his tail.” He said still grinning. Tokoyami nodded and sipped from his soda.
“And you’re alright?” Suna pursed his lips.
“I think. Probably.” He shrugged on the last word and hopped off the counter, checking the status on the water. He turned to Tokoyami again. “Could you take a head count of how many people would like yakisoba? There’s enough for all twenty of us, but I don’t want to assume.” He said sheepishly. Tokoyami nodded and slid off the table, throwing his soda in the recycling as he went. He’d make enough for anyone anyway, but wasn’t sure if other people had already eaten or wanted to make something different for themselves. Tokoyami was back ten minutes later with a head count of sixteen. Bakugou had already gone to bed, Tokoyami himself had already eaten, Aoyama was set with his cheese or whatever it was he usually ate, and Kaminari hadn’t opened his door. He frowned at this. He thanked Tokoyami who bid him goodnight and tried to focus on the sauce. He really had done something hadn’t he? But what was it? Had he overshared? His thoughts spiraled. A knock pulled him back to the smell of almost burnt sauce. Quickly he took the sauce off the stove and spun on his heels towards where the sound of the knock had come from.
“Sorry! I didn’t want to startle you, you seemed-“ Midoriya stood in the doorway, and tapped his head, “stuck in your head.” Suna sighed.
“You’re fine.” He pursed his lips and turned back to the sauce pan, “I almost burnt the sauce though.” His glared at the sauce pan. The small chuckle from beside him told him Midoriya had moved from the doorway.
“Whatcha making?”
“Yakisoba. I have the noodles over there. Still need the cabbage though.”
“Oh! Was that why Tokoyami asked us if we wanted yakisoba?” Midoriya asked. Suna nodded.
“I asked him to take a head count. Don’t wanna impose ya know?” Midoriya chuckled. Suna moved to get a cutting board and knife sharpener. Midoriya was still there even after he’d started to wash the vegetable. He sighed. “You wanna ask me somethin’ don’t you?” He looked over to the other boy who was fidgeting with his hands and staring at the kitchen tiles. He pinked when he realized Suna was talking to him.
“I-I-, um- yes?” The light pink blush spread across the boy’s freckles. “I- actually- not- really but sort of!” Suna chuckled.
“It’s fine Carrot Top, what’s the question?”
“Carrot Top?” Midoriya asked, tilting his head. Suna pinched some of his own hair.
“Your hair is green, Midoriya. So yes. Carrot Top.” He grinned. Midoriya rolled his eyes and Suna turned back to the cabbage. A few minutes ticked by and Midoriya still hadn’t said what he’d apparently come to the kitchen for. “Spill the tea green bean.”
“You sound like Mina.”
“Duely noted, but spill. Or you’re gonna run your mind ragged.” He said pointing the cabbage at him threateningly. The boy sighed.
“You’re close with Kirishima right?” Pieces were clicking in his brain. Something Sero had said when they’d first moved into the dorms came back to him.
“You could say that.” He smirked at the pan.
“I-um- well- I was hoping- um, how do I say this- that- m-maybe you could- tell me if he was single?” The last part came out in a rushed, tiny squeak and Suna looked over to see the green haired boy burying his face in his hands. He put down the cabbage and walked over to the counter the boy sat on and hauled himself up to sit beside him. He piked his shoulder.
“If you want, I can finish the yakisoba and we can talk in my dorm? It’d be more private.” He offered, Midoriya shook his head yes. He grinned.
“You’re not- judging me?” The question was small, so quiet he almost didn’t hear it. He’d already hopped off the counter but turned around. He crossed his arms and raised a brow at his classmate.
“Midoriya, I don’t know if you’ve gathered this already, but I am hella fucking gay. If I were going to judge you it’d be on the person you fancy but that would also be shit and might I say you have top notch taste my friend.” He winked.
“Do you like him too?”
“What- oh no, that boat has sunk and rotted. Thanks but no thanks Mr. Kase.” Midoriya looked very confused.
“Did you used to date or something?” Suna had already got back to cutting the cabbage and was now frying the vegetables.
“We went on maybe one date and then both mutually decided ‘nah we’re just bros’. He grinned back at Midoriya who now sported an amused smile.
“So I don’t have to worry about you then?” Suna laughed.
“You know polyamory exists right?”
“But I thought you said-“
“What’s this about polyamory?” Sero said now standing in the doorway and making his way over to them. Suna flung a piece of cabbage at him. Sero easily dodged it. Midoriya had gone beat red as soon as Sero had walked in and was now hurrying his face in his hands once more.
“You ok there Midobro?” Sero asked.
“I simply mentioned that it was an alternative to monogamy.” Suna shrugged. “Want some yakisoba Sero?”
“If it’s your’s of Kei’s cooking, any day.” The raven haired boy grinned. Suna rolled his eyes. He added everything to the pot stirred it a few times and set about getting bowls.
“Is that yakisoba I smell?” Suna turned to see Kirishima walking into the kitchen, wearing a black tank and sweats. Midoriya squeaked and fell off the counter. “Woah Midoriya-“
“I’m fine! I’m fine- I just- remembered I have homework to do!” Before anyone could say anything Midoriya had rushed out of the room, much the same way Kaminari had.
“What was that about?” Sero asked, turning to Suna who was still staring out the kitchen door.
“Nerves probably.” Suna shrugged. He filled four bowls and passed two to Sero and Kirishima.
“Will you let the others know they’re welcome to help themselves?” He asked the two boys, picking up the second plate.
“‘Course.’ Sero said through a mouthful of noodles. Suna gave him a pointed look.
“Don’t talk with your mouthful Sero.”
“Yes mom.” Sero said through his still full mouth of noodles. Kirishima almost choked on his own trying not to laugh. Suna rolled his eyes.
“You suck.”
“I’m the straight one.” Sero said with a raised brow. Kirishima nearly choked on his noodles again.
“You’re eating noodles Sero.” He said deadpanned.
“Fair fair.”
“Fuck you too.” Suna said over his shoulder before realizing he probably shouldn’t have used that particular insult.
“You wish!”
“Sero I will throw a pound of cabbage at you next time!” The resounding laugh behind him filled the commons.
He hadn’t been expecting the pass anyone on the way up to Midoriya’s dorm room, but on the way up the first flight of stairs he caught sight of a bright blonde head on the next level. When they could both see each other Kaminari froze. Suna just smiled at him.
“There’s yakisoba downstairs if ya want any.” Kaminari looked at the two plates in his hands and didn’t say anything but only hastened past him. Before he could make it through the doors Suna turned. “If I did anything to upset you I’m sorry!” He called after him. Kaminari froze again, stiffened, shook his head and pushed out the door. Suna sighed. He’d tried.
Another filler chapter but oh the drama! Don't judge me if its bad, idk how drama works, I try to stay out of it irl lol. I told y'all there was be KiriBakuDeku didn't I? I just need to get passed the sports festival and then shit starts happening. I have bits and pieces of plot but this is really just a barely planed free write lol. There're probs a lot of typos in here but I'll fix that when the editing stage happens. No beta we die like biblical cannon in Dante's Inferno!
Chapter 7: An Offer
Shinsou POV anyone? :>?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Despite its rare occurrence, Suna hated that the League had chosen now to stay quiet. He understood why of course he did. That didn’t mean he liked it. It would have been so much easier to just blow something up than having one of his classmates ignore him, the one classmate he was pretty sure he was developing feelings for. Fuck feelings. He threw a pillow at the wall in frustration. He could add anxiety to his ever growing list of mental disorders. He flopped back onto his bed, shoving the remaining pillow under his chest and started scrolling through his phone.
It was Monday morning and he had a throbbing headache. The last thing he wanted to do at the moment was dress for school. They still had until Thursday, thank god they had Friday off. He hadn’t been up all night thankfully. For once he’d actually accepted the insomnia meds Hitoshi kept offering. His sleep hadn’t been void of dreams, it never would be, but their impact had been minimized and he’d only woken up once. He groaned into his pillow. 7:45. Fuck time. He put his head back down, intending to get five more minutes of shut-eye at least when someone knocked on the door.
“Imada? Are you awake?” Of course it was Midoriya. He groaned in answer and heard a chuckle from the other side of the door. When he tried to get out of bed he neglected to remember the fact that his legs were still tangled up in the blankets and ended up falling to the floor with a loud crash. What a morning.
“Imada?” The voice more concerned.
“I’m fine.” He managed. “The door’s open by the way.” He said once he was sitting up, an eyebrow raised at the door. The door opened slowly, green hair peeking around the corner.
“Why’re you on the floor?” Suna glared down at the blankets.
“Fuckers decided to trip me.” Midoriya chuckled.
“Do you need help getting up?” Suna shook his head and flopped back down on the floor. “Nah, I’m not going.”
“Didn’t your suspension end last week?”
“Yeah, but my head hursts like hell and I feel like punching a wall.” Midoriya looked to where the pillow he’d thrown had landed and then back to him.
“So you threw a pillow at it instead?” Midoriya had come to crouch beside him and was now poking his shoulder.
“Didn’t feel like throwing my phone.” He grumbled into his elbow.
“You still have to get up though.”
“No.” Midoriya didn’t counter but he was sure he was frowning down at him. “It’s already almost seven fifty.” He said pulling out his phone and checking it.
“Don’t care.”
“Is this about Kaminari?” Suna stiffened then rolled over so he could bury his face into the floor.
“I’m not going to answer that.”
“I’ll take that as a yes then.” Suna groaned.
“Fuck you too Carrot Top.” He said blindly reading an arm out to try and swat the boy. There was a pause of silence. He turned his head to look at Midoriya who was still crouched beside him. “Why’re you here anyway?” He said, only slightly ticked off. His face slid slowly into a mischievous grin as he propped his chin onto his knuckles. “This isn’t about Kirishima is it?” He asked, raising a suggestive eyebrow. Midoriya’s face turned fully pink and he started muttering excuses before slapping a hand over his mouth. Suna chuckled. Midoriya huffed and lightly kicked his side.
“So I can’t tease you about Kaminari but you can tease me about Kirishima?” He said with his own raised brow.
“Like I said, fuck you too Carrot Top.”
“Are you coming to class?”
In the end, Midoriya just dragged him to class. Literally, by the ankle. Somehow he’d gotten into his uniform and out the door of Heights Alliance only to be dragged down the hallway to class 1-A. They paused just in front of the door.
“I’m not carrying you to your desk.”
“Then leave me here.” Midoriya pursed his lips and poked his head inside the classroom, calling over to someone. Seconds later a brown bob appeared in the door. She looked down and Suna laying on the floor, arms crossed over his chest and then back up to Midoriya, her brow furrowed.
“You didn’t drag him all the way from the dorms did you?” Midoriya shook his head.
“No, just down the hall.” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“And you want me to float him over to his desk?” She’d come to crouch next to him, looking back up at her friend. Presumably Midoriya nodded, Uraraka sighed and looked down at him.
“Why’re you on the floor anyway? Aren’t you glad you’re not suspended anymore?” He huffed at the girl. “It’d be easier if you just got up, Deku already did most of the work for you anyway.” She said poking his shoulder the way Midoriya had done back in his dorm.” Suna flipped onto his stomach, rolling towards the wall.
“I’ll go ask Sero for help.” Midoriya’s voice said. Moments later Sero dragging him onto his feet by his blazer collar. “Thanks Sero.”
“No problem Midobro.” Sero said, giving the shorter boy a mock-salute.
“I hate both of you.” Suna grumbled as he made his way into the class. Most of his classmates were already in class, save for a few stragglers. Surprisingly Kaminari not being one of them, he was already chatting away with Kirishima, who gave him a worried look as Kaminari diligently ignored him. Suna slumped at his desk, letting his forehead hit the desk hard. It helped slightly with his growing headache. Midoriya sat in front of him, swiveling in his seat to poke his arm.
“You alive Imada?” He asked in a light teasing tone.
“Fuck off.”
“You sound like Kachan.”
“Fuck off you damn nerd.” Came the response from Bakugou.
“You just proved my point, Kachan.”
“I don’t suppose you have any headache medication?” He said only slightly looking up to make eye contact with his green haired classmate.
“Sadly I do not. Do you need to go to the nurses?” He asked. Suna let his forehead hit the desk again.
“No, I don’t want to deal with that at the moment.” Midoriya sighed.
“If you change your mind-“
“Shut up and leave me alone please?” Suna said, hating how it sounded like he was pleading with the other boy. He couldn’t see Midoriya but heard the shifting from his seat. His headache wasn’t going away anytime soon.
It was modern literature by the time there was a knock on the classroom door. Suna had answered a few questions, just to keep his good standing with Ishiyama, but had otherwise been in much the same position all morning; forehead against his desk. So when he heard his name, not from his teacher but from the voice of what he guessed was another pro he winced and looked up.
“Imada Suna?” Said who he now saw as Midnight. “The principle would like to see you. He says you can leave your things.” She said as he went to gather his bag. He frowned at that. Well, at least it wasn’t anything major- he hoped.
“Yes, Ma’am.” His manners proceeded him, as they always did. He ignored the murmurs of his classmates and refused to look at any of them. Once they were in the hallway Midnight whispered,
“Be honest and open, you should be fine.” He winced again. A frown on his lips as Midnight opened the door to the principles office.
“Ah, Mr. Imada.” Came the cheery voice from the desk. “Please come sit, I’ve made us some tea.” He didn’t look back as Midnight bowed and shut the door behind him. The questions were already building up behind his lips, the dam threatening to break. He shoved them down and walked over to sit.
“Have I done something wrong, sir?” His principle took a sip of his tea.
“No, you haven’t. I simply wished to have a talk.” The smile the mouse smiled up at him. “How do you like it here at U.A.?”
“The English teachers are both good.” He said without thinking. Nezu smiled and nodded.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“I got sick and tired of Shakespeare in junior high.”
“Oh but Shakespeare is wonderful isn’t he?” Suna almost found himself responding to that.
“Sir, if I may be permitted to ask- why am I here?” Nezu raised a brow.
“At U.A. or in my office?”
“Your office. I apologize for being blunt but I know you didn’t just ask me here for tea.”
“I was going to warm up to that.” His principle sighed. “But you are very perceptive. I would expect nothing less from one of my students let alone one who all but raised his four sisters.” Suna flinched, but his face remained unchanged. His hands were sweating and shaking on his knees so he shoved them in his pockets.
“How did you-“ He choked.
“Mr. Imada, did you really think we wouldn’t have looked into your profile in particular?” He sucked in a breath, not knowing what water to tread. “Fifteen and already more of an adult than any teacher in this building.” Nezu shook his head sadly. “I apologize for not offering relief sooner.” Suna’s jaw clenched and his eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of their sockets. Nezu continued. “I understand that you have a night shift?”
“I’ve been taking on odd jobs since my mother died two years ago.” He said stiltedly. Nezu nodded.
“A fine woman your mother.” Suna nearly choked on his spit.
“You knew her?” Nezu nodded, another sad smile.
“At first I wasn’t sure you two weren’t related, what with your hair-“ Nezu gestured, “but when Aizawa came in with your quirk analysis I was certain.” Suna took a shaky breath.
“So you knew my father then too.” It wasn’t a question in his mind anymore. He stared at the tile under his chair, willing down the tears and panic. He looked up when he heard the shuffling of papers.
“Back to my offer of monetary aid. These are the forms. While you are not obligated to take this offer I heavily encourage it.” Suna looked doubtfully at the papers he was handed. “If not for yourself then for your sisters.” His jaw clenched again. Nezu apparently saw the protest in his eyes and tsked. “I’ll give you a week to fill them out and if you should refuse it I shall not bring up the topic anymore.” His principle smiled at him again. “I’ll give you a moment to look them over and then you are to go back to class. I hear it’s almost lunch time.” The mouse said leaning forward and Suna would’ve said it almost looked conspiratorial if it weren’t for the giddiness in the principles voice.
“Thank you, sir” He said tightly. “But-“ Nezu held up his hands to pause him.
“You have a week, take that time to consider please.” The bell rang. “And that is the lunch bell.” Nezu clapped his paws and escorted him to the door. “Have a great rest of your day Mr. Imada.” Before he could respond he was ushered into the hallway, papers in hand. He grumbled as the door was shut behind him and made his way to his classroom.
Hitoshi could tell something was up with his friend. One, his hair was down. He never did that at school. Two, whenever he talked it was only in short clipped responses and then he wen back to glaring at his food. And three, he wasn’t eating. That was never a good sign.
“Eat your damn food instead of pushing it around.” The three of them sat at their usual table in the corner of the cafeteria. Suna glared up at him. Next to Hitoshi, Touji broke a chopstick in half and stood up, slamming his hands down on the table. Hitoshi winced along with Su as heads turned their way, several he noticed being from his friends own class. Including a blonde who he’d noticed with no great curiosity had been avoiding looking at them like he’d been doing the first whole week.
“Alright! Start talking! You’ve clearly got a stick up your ass and it’s pissing me off. If you don’t I’m calling Yudai and Masami.” Touji said with a glare that could rival Zeus. Su blanched at the threat. Hitoshi sighed. He glared back down at the table but this time his eyes started to buckle with what he knew was soon to be tears.
“Touji-“ he said softly. “Sit down you’re drawing attention.” He looked back at his friend. “What’s this about Su?” Suna looked up at him from under short lashes. Suna was gripping the elbows of his uniform shirt, wrinkling what he knew to be his friends only U.A. school uniform. For a moment Hitoshi thought the boy wouldn’t answer.
“The rat found out.” He muttered, biting the inside of his cheek. Hitoshi remembered that as being one of the reasons he’d first been atratcted to the blue-grey eyed boy. Their first year together at junior high. He shook that thought away. Not the time to be drudging up old crushes. Beside him, Touji had gone silent.
“Is-“ Hitoshi started and faltered. “A bad thing?” Suna looked torn between glaring at him, hitting him, and breaking down sobbing.
“I- I don’t know.” He said pitifully. “He- well-“ Suna sighed. “I’ll- I’ll show you later.” Touji suddenly froze.
“He didn’t hit you did he?” Touji whispered. Suna’s eyes went wide and he started shaking his head, hands unfurling from his shirt sleeves to shake themselves in front of him.
“No- no! Nothing like that! I just- saying it out loud feels like a slap to the face.” Suna said the last part quietly, almost like he was reprimanding himself for feeling idiotic.
“Well- now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Hitoshi said, a grin forming on his face. “How’s your guys’ training going for the sports festival?” Suna looked at him gratefully, eyes lighting up as his friend made a grin of his own.
“I sparred with Ojirou yesterday.” He said excitedly. When he was like this, it was hard to spot the difference between him and what he’d seen of Midoriya’s mumbling habits. He chuckled.
“And how’s that go?” He asked, finally settling back in his seat.
“Really good actually, Aizawa let us use one of the training grounds.”
“Damn it’s weird to hear you call him that.” He grinned sheepishly at him.
“He is my homeroom teacher, Toshi.” Hitoshi shook his head.
“That’s even weirder to wrap my head around.” Touji snorted water out of his nose. Suna- apparently getting the joke faster than Hitoshi could burst out laughing along with their blonde headed friend. It was always good to hear him laugh. It’d been getting harder and harder to lately and he was glad it was showing to be a reversible state.
I love writing Nezu, I know I'm shit at it, but oh is it fun. He's like an excitable brainiac child and I thoroughly enjoy him when he's not the antagonist of a villain Deku fic.
Chapter 8: A Decision
I just needed to get this one out of the way 🫠
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Suna had tried his best not to think about the packet of papers, and he’d managed pretty well until he’d gotten side slammed by Dabi during their sparring session that Wednesday. He cursed himself as he dusted off the rubble from the pile he’d landed in.
“Alright, you never let me do that. What’s up squirt.” It wasn’t a question, Dabi never phrased anything like a question. Suna sighed, accepting the hand that Dabi offered and hauled himself to his feet. He pondered if he should be truthful about the monetary aid from U.A. but decided best not, with Dabi, anyway.
“Why should I tell you old man?” He said instead. Dabi crossed his arms and raised a studded brow. He grunted.
“Fine don’t tell me. But I’m sending Pinkie on you.”
“You have terrible nicknames.”
“And, you’re a terrible liar. Seems like we’re even to me.” Suna rolled his eyes, dreading the inevitable lecture from his pink haired friend. After that, Dabi called off his session with Himiko and Twice which thoroughly pissed him off. The last thing he needed right now was to not be able to hit something. Kurogiri seemed to understand his mood when he stomped into the bar that afternoon and the man tossed him a soda. He nodded his thanks and slumped into the couch.
“Talking or no talking?” The man asked.
“No talking.” He grumbled, taking a swig of what turned out to be coca cola. A few minutes later Masami came downstairs to the bar floor. His hair was wet from a shower and he wore a loose fitting tee and some sweats.
“So,” The older pink haired teen said, plopping down on the other side of the couch, “why’s Dabs sending me on ya?” He raised a brow at Suna as he caught a soda Kurogiri tossed him. Suna shrank further into the couch.
“He let me side slam ‘em!” Dabi called from the backroom. Masami looked in the direction the man’s voice had come from and then back to Suna.
“Did you?” The question was simple but Suna didn’t want to answer, he knew any answer he gave would just lead to a flurry of questions he didn’t want to answer. He grumbled something even he wasn’t sure what.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” He said coldly. He knew he was deflecting, he knew everyone in the room saw it. He was terrible at being discreet. But he didn’t know what else to say.
“Did you?” Masami repeated. He kept his mouth shut.
“Suna.” Damnit why did he sound like Kei?
“No! I didn’t! I was distracted alright? Is that what you want?” He glared at the older boy. Masami simply took a sip of his drink. He didn’t need to ask for elaboration, the question was in his eyes, burning into him. “It was the damn fucking mouse alright?” Everyone froze. Dabi was now standing in the doorway to the back room, Kurogiri at his post behind the bar, Shigaraki wasn’t on his stool and thank god Himiko and Twice were still sparring with one another.
“Did he-“ He stopped Kurogiri before the man could finish his sentence.
“No! He- he-“ He sighed and grabbed his hair. “Shit fucking god damnit.” He swore under his breath. “He offered monetary aid which is almost worse.” He finally said. It was quiet for a moment.
“Have you accepted the offer?” Kurogiri spoke again.
“No, he gave me a week.”
“Do you need the money?” Suna’s breath hitched. Surely this was a trap. He looked at the ground, knowing that said more than he needed to articulate and cursed himself again. He knew he should’ve taken the job at the convenience store, he could’ve gotten a second income, avoided this whole thing. He clenched his jaw.
“Then take it.” He looked up, dumbstruck, at Dabi.
“If the rat’s offering then take the damn money. You have four sisters, Imada.” Dabi said harshly. He glared at the man for that.
“But it would virtually make U.A. our guardians.” He spat. Dabi shrugged.
“I have to agree with Dabi here.” Masami said sympathetically, but glared at Dabi none the less. Kurogiri nodded.
“If you don’t mind me being blunt- the bar cannot provide for all of you-“ Kurogiri held up a misty hand as Suna started to protest. “That does not mean we won’t give you what we can but if you have an opportunity for an outside source, especially from a school as wealthy as U.A. I don’t see a reason you shouldn’t take advantage of it.”
“Did you not hear what I said about the guardianship part?” Suna was flabbergasted. “We’d be virtually dependent on them for everything!” That was the part he hated the most. It was bad enough trying to pretend he wanted to be a hero without ass kissing them for food and bill money. Kurogiri sighed.
“Its up to you, but-“ Suna raised an accusatory eyebrow.
“But what?”
“Have you talked with your sisters’ yet?” Suna frowned but shook his head. He groaned.
It was late afternoon when Kurogiri had warped Suna to the Imada household. He was standing in front of the door, papers in hand, glaring at the door knocker. He could still back out. Turn around and head for U.A.- the bar- anywhere else. He sighed. He could never do that. All he wanted for his sisters, all he’d ever wanted, was for them to be happy, provided for, with a roof over their heads, food on the table and to want for nothing. He could do that- Nezu had given him that capability. The damn rat. Instead of turning, he knocked. He always knocked on his door. It felt wrong to just enter his house when he was rarely even home for him to call it his home. Kei opened the door.
“Suna?” She choked out. He gave her a small smile. “Don’t you have the sports festival coming up? Shouldn’t you be training?” She looked so resentful it hurt. Her eyes narrowed at him, but he could see the small tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
“Its tomorrow, yes.” She frowned at him.
“For goodness sakes Kei, let him in!” Chiyo sounded from somewhere inside. Kei’s eyes widened and the look she gave him said it all. He smiled sadly at her. She opened the door, glared at him as he kicked his shoes off and went off to the kitchen. He sighed to himself and went to the living room where he assumed Chiyo’s voice had come from. He found her sitting with Aomi, who was happily letting Chiyo work on a puzzle while she scribbled on paper. She looked up as he entered. Her face lighting up as she tackled him in a hug. She was always happy to see him.
“How’s my little Yoyo doing?” He teased as the hug broke apart. She stuck her tongue out at him. At fourteen she still acted much the same as she had at five. He smiled. She shrugged as her response and pulled him down to sit with her and Aomi. Aomi looked up at him, not quite registering who he was. His heart almost broke at that. He wasn’t around enough for her to remember. Her eyes lit up after a moment and she launched herself into his lap and wrapper her tiny arms around his neck.
“Suna!” She squeaked. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. For one scary moment he’d thought she wouldn’t remember him at all. He couldn’t blame her for it. But it still hurt. He felt Chiyo’s eyes on him and knew she was smiling before he looked up again.
“Glad to see you too Mimi.” He chuckled as she beamed up at him. She wasn’t old enough for the resentment he saw clearly in Kei’s eyes or the anger that flashed across Michi’s. The sadness he felt deepened, clawing deeper into his brain attaching itself to every memory of his sisters. His eyes started to feel watery. He dried them quickly as Aomi dragged him over to where she’d been drawing and started showing him her art. Chiyo watched them, smiling as she always seemed to. It was a miracle she still smiled even after their mother. Christ don’t think about her now. Not now. Maybe that was why he avoided the Imada residence, it dredged up too many memories he wasn’t ready to deal with. Wouldn’t allow himself to deal with. He pushed that thought away too. After a while, Aomi had gone back to drawing, humming to herself and Suna dragged himself up. He couldn’t stay until dinner, he knew he wouldn’t be welcomed, and that wasn’t why he’d come anyway. Chiyo looked up at him, brow raised, orange hair tucked behind her ears the way Suna had shown her how to do.
“She won’t kill you- well not yet anyway.” She said cheerily.
“Thanks.” He said sheepishly.
“Before you-“
“Yes Yoyo?” She smiled at him.
“How is everyone? Your friends, school, Hanta?” She asked. He paused.
“They’re alright. Sero’s in my class, Hitoshi and Touji are in class B. And I haven’t talked to the others.” He bit his lip. She nodded.
“Not right now please.” He pleaded, knowing where that was headed. She looked like she wanted to protest. Kei walked into the room then. Her arms crossed.
“I think right now is a great time.” She said coldly.
“Kei- I can’t stay long-“
“No you can’t can you?” Her voice was full of angry resentment. “You never come here for us, just to hang out, so out with it brother.” He flinched, eyes narrowing. He glanced down at Aomi who had paused to watch them.
“Not here, please.” He said quietly. Kei seemed to realize then, she looked at Chiyo who nodded, scooping Aomi up and carrying away the protesting girl.
“Out with it. Now.” His features tightened. “You don’t get to avoid this again.” She added as his posture changed.
“Kei, I-“ he didn’t even know how to begin to start what he needed to say. He glared down at the ground, angry with himself. “U.A.-“
“I know what school you go to Suna. You and Hanta, but Hanta fucking visits!” Her eyes had started to water.
“That’s not what I was going to-“
“Ah, your job, that’s right I forgot all about that, how silly of me.” She glared at him. His whole body had stiffened and the papers had crinkled in his hands. She looked at them now.
“You have every right to be angry at me Kei, but I didn’t come here with excuses. Not this time anyway.” He said sadly as she stared at the papers. He held them out to her. She looked back at him and then took the papers. He waited a moment while she read. When she was done she looked back at him wide eyed with shock.
“And you’re accepting it?” She asked, her anger and resentment gone from the sheer confusing in her voice. He shrugged.
“I wanted to check with you before I did anything.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re not staying, are you?” She said bitterly. He shook his head. She sighed and all at once he saw all the worry and tension in his sister, his sister, who was his own fifteen years have the very same look their mother always had after the death of their father.
“Kei-“ He said, a hand reaching for her before he could stop himself. Surprisingly she didn’t pull away as he wrapped his arms around her.
“We miss you, Suna.” She said, her voice muffling into his shoulder. He didn’t say anything, simply squeezed his arms tighter around her, reluctant when she pulled away. She looked up at him, teary eyed. Some of that earlier resentment had seeped back in.
“I need to get back before curfew.” He said. Her face tightened.
“Wait a moment?” He paused before nodding and Kei headed into the kitchen returning with a cling wrapped plate of food. She paused before putting it in a bag and handing it to him. He smiled at her.
“Thank you, Kei.” She looked like she was about to tear up again before she pulled him into another hug which he returned full force.
I'm terrible at foreshadowing. Family strife anyone?
Chapter 9: Redenened
The only reason for the chapter title is because I spent almost a whole minute trying to figure out how to spell "reddened", that is all.
Trigger Warning: brief description of injuries
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
By the time he got back to the dorms he was thoroughly a wreck. He’d run the distance from the nearest bike rental to the dorms, refusing, as he always did, to take bus or train. It was a hassle for everyone if he did. He was sweaty, sore and wanted to punch something.
“Damn, Imada, what did you do?” Ashido asked from where she was talking to Hagakure.
“N-nothing.” He panted unconvincingly. “Just went for a run.” She looked at him skeptically.
“Okay-“ she drawled.
“Look, I’m tired, sore and really wanna punch someone right now so if you’re offering yourself as a candidate please, by all means keep talking.” He said with more ire than the girl deserved. Her expression warred with itself before she went back to talking to Hagakure with one last concerned look at him. He kicked off his shoes, placing them on the wrack and stalked off towards his dorm. When he was feeling more human he went back downstairs to the commons. Ashido and Hagakure were gone, but he saw Todoroki looking out the window, while Iida and Midoriya talked animatedly next to him. He smiled and gave the half-and-half boy a small wave to which he received a curt head nod. This whole thing would’ve been so easy if he’d been Todoroki. Sighing, he went to the kitchen. He paused in the doorway.
Kaminari stood leaning against one of the pantry cabinets, seemingly staring off into space. Suna bit his lip trying to decide his next step when Kaminari shoved himself up and walked out of the other exit. He sighed.
“Getting cock blocked there, Su?” Suna didn’t need to whirl around to know it was Hitoshi.
“Come here for a black eye did you?” Suna had shifted so he was leaning on the doorframe, Hitoshi standing a foot or so off to his right. Hitoshi gave him a tired smile.
“Nah, just my hoodie.” Suna felt the heat rise in his cheeks but shoved it down.
“Oh, yeah I’ll go get that.” Pushing himself up off the frame he pushed lightly passed Hitoshi, who got a wicked slap to the back of the head. “And I am NOT, getting cock blocked.” Hitoshi simply chuckled.
“Just teasing Su.” Suna grumbled.
Once he was back with Hitoshi’s hoodie the two of them sat on one of the couches chatting for a few hours, seeing as it was only just late afternoon and most of their classmates were out training.
“Are you planning on dying your hair again?” Hitoshi asked. He had settled himself into the corner of the couch, legs and arms crisscrossed about him.
“Why?” It was a simple question.
“I’m used to it now, so is everyone else and re-dying it is a lot easier than saying ‘well I dyed my hair from white to orange and blue because I have low self-esteem and hate how similar to my dead corpse of a father it makes me look.’ No, I think I’m dying it again.” Hitoshi pursed his lips.
“You know you don’t owe any of them an explanation right?” Suna shrugged.
“No, you’re right, I don’t, but I’d feel like a lying asshole if I lied or shrugged them off.” Hitoshi gave him a look. “I know I did that to you and Touji but-“ Hitoshi held his arms up.
“And you don’t owe me an explanation either, Su.” Suna sighed. Blast it all.
“I’m going to bed, and you should too you idiot.” He said launching a pillow at his friends face.
“How do you make insults sound so fl-“
“If you say ‘flirtatious’ I will throw another pillow at you.” Suna glared. He chuckled.
“Fine, I’ll go to bed.” Suna grinned triumphantly. After that they both said good night to each other and Suna went to his dorm.
Sleep was futile. He woke no less than nine times, each catching himself before he cried out. The dream kept shifting. Once he’d had flaming metal sticking out from his chest, once he’d been thrown out of the car trying to save his father only to catch fire himself, once he’d seen a shard of glass impale itself into one of his screaming and crying little sisters. He hadn’t gone back to sleep after that one. Once, once, once. The medicine Hitoshi often offered only helped so much. It got him to sleep and he could have an hour or so of dreamless sleep, but often it made the nightmares far, far worse. He groaned, flipping over to look at his alarm clock. 4:20. Fuck it all. He flopped back, swung his legs off the bed and into the unicorn slippers. Mornings like these he was grateful for his sparsely kept room, he had a bed, a desk and chair, a nightstand, a dresser, and a bookcase. And for everything his mother and sisters had chastised him about his room at home, he kept his U.A. dorm as neat and tidy as humanly possible. He had a few figurines, some posters, but mostly he had pictures. Pictures covered his wall, pictures of his sisters’ birthdays, of them all at dull tourist attractions, pictures of his mother, and one or two of his father. He tried not to look at the ones of his father. He had pictures of his friends too, the ones he’d ignored in favor of the league the past two years. He smiled at one in the dark, despite the darkness of his room the image was quite clear, it was the graduation party his friends had thrown for him, Touji and Hitoshi, the celebration of them getting into U.A. too. He tore his eyes from it. For a villain, he had way too much sentimentality.
Making his way from his room with too many memories he padded down the halls and towards the commons. Maybe he could find some tea or something. Coffee might help too. He’d expected the commons to be empty, it was four in the morning for gods sake, but there he was anyway. He contemplated making tea first, then decided the situation called for coffee. Much to his enjoyment, Kaminari did not follow him to the kitchen or even appeared to have noticed him. He started the process of making coffee. Almost as soon as he started the faucet to fill the pot when he heard a startled noise from the commons. When the machine had started he heard footsteps padding their way to the kitchen entrance.
“Oh, it’s you.” The voice sounded almost relieved.
“Couldn’t sleep again I take it?” Suna asked without turning around, adding one of the pouches into the machine.
“No.” Suna hummed to himself.
“Doesn’t that defeat the point of sleep?”
“Yes, I don’t plan on sleeping again tonight.” Finally the machine had stopped and Suna poured himself a mug. And added in some milk.
“Nightmares right?” Suna nodded. He hadn’t expected Kaminari to remember, no one ever did.
“They’re worse if I take meds.” He said offhandedly taking a sip. Kaminari didn’t respond. After a moment there was a dry chuckled from the other boy.
“Sorry-“ he tensed. “I’m not good at comforting people. I don’t know what to say.” Suna shrugged into another sip of the rancid drink.
“I think I should’ve had tea.” He said, glaring sourly at the mug. Kaminari chuckled. A real one this time. He smiled to himself.
“I’ll say. I hate the stuff myself.” The boy said, pulling himself up to sit on the counter opposite. “Makes my brain go fuzzy.” He said for clarification.
“Ah.” Silence fell over them; they stared at each other. “How long have you been up?” He asked, just now noticing the deep bags under his classmate’s eyes as his eyes adjusted to his dark surroundings. Kaminari shifted, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Uh- not since-“ Kaminari winced, “Monday?” Kaminari flushed under Suna’s almost furious gaze. “Well, a few hours here and there but-“ Suna sighed and rubbed his temples.
“You, are almost as bad as Hitoshi.” He said bitterly. “Come on.” He set his mug down and nearly dragged Kaminari to the stairs.
“Woah- what-“
“I have meds in my dorm and no way in hell are you competing in the festival today on zero sleep.” He glared back at the spluttering blonde who shut his mouth almost immediately.
“Lead the way I guess.” Came the amused reply.
Suna made Kaminari sit on the bed while he rummaged around the bathroom for the bottle Hitoshi had given him out of his stash, he came back with it and a half filled glass of water.
“I can’t decide, if you’re a mother hen or a father rooster.” Kaminari said with the seriousness of a toddler who was trying to decide on what flavor of ice cream he wanted. Suna chuckled. “You sure I can’t take it in my own dorm?”
“I’m irresponsible, but not that irresponsible.” Kaminari looked at him strangely. “Just take the damn meds and the damn bed. I’ll probably stay up doing homework or something.” The small upward twitch of the boys lips suddenly reversed.
“How much sleep have you gotten?” Suna stared at him blankly. “How. Much.” And now it was Hitoshi sitting on his bed, asking after his welfare. He shook his head, clearing the vision.
“How am I supposed to know?” Kaminari pursed his lips, brow intensely creased. “Just go to bed, you need the sleep more than I do anyway.” Suna shrugged lightly, looking at the question written almost plainly on Kaminari’s face. “I’ll wake you, it’s fine. They only last about three-ish hours anyway.” Kaminari looked away, and popped the pill in his mouth, chasing it with water and rolled over onto his side. Suna smiled.
Several minutes later Kaminari was out like a light and Suna had pulled out the form Nezu had given him, read it several times over, and signed his name. The thought of U.A. providing for his family still leaving a heavy taste in his mouth. He looked over at Kaminari every so often, though more often than not he avoided the urge, knowing all too well how he would feel if someone stared at him in his sleep. A few times, Suna had drifted off in his desk chair, only to jolt awake in a cold sweat, one of the various nightmarish interpretations of his dream preventing him from bliss. Each time he looked over to see if he’d woken the sleeping boy on his bed. He would’ve done it for any one of his friends, he told himself. Any one of them would’ve gotten the same treatment. Yet, he avoided thinking why it felt different. He knew. But wouldn’t acknowledge. It was 7:40 when the knock on his door came, he’d dressed and packed thirty minutes earlier and was sitting at his desk thinking up strategies for the festival.
He nearly wanted to swear as he stalked over to the door, grateful he had blackout curtains that had kept Kaminari from waking up. But the damn knocking had made him stir, so his face was steely as he opened the door to see a fully dressed Midoriya, sporting the poorly tied tie, bag and everything.
“Do you have to knock so damn loud?” He hissed at the boy. Midoriya flinched, face morphing into confusion. Midoriya stared passed him into the dorm, obviously seeing the blonde asleep on the bed, his faced morphed into a wide, almost teasing grin. If Midoriya had been known for teasing.
“So- you’re not fighting anymore?” He asked, light and cheerily. Suna leaned on the doorframe.
“Neither of us could sleep last night, figured some of Toshi’s meds wouldn’t hurt- no I didn’t sleep in the damn bed Mido.” Midoriya rolled his eyes, Suna couldn’t remember when he’d started using that nickname, but he green haired boy had somehow transformed in his mind as a younger sibling, of sorts.
“You’re not disproving my point though.” Midoriya grinned, and jabbed him in the side.
“And what point is that?”
“Iida sent me up to tell you to be down for breakfast, and while I’m at it I’ll tell Kirishima I found Kaminari.” Midoriya winked at him.
“You tell him anything other than what I told you you’re dead meat this Saturday.” Suna glowered. Ashido had planned a sort of game night for the class, which everyone knew meant truth or dare, to celebrate their hard work for the sports festival. Midoriya reddened, smiled, rolling his eyes, and waved his goodbye. Suna closed the door quietly behind him, hating for how loud it sounded when it clicked shut. Kaminari was still asleep, the medication having done wonders for the bags under his eyes. Suna looked at the clock. 7:45. He still had fifteen minutes before he really needed to wake the sleeping boy. For the next fifteen minutes Suna busied himself in tidying what he could, not that anything needed it. He kept his mind trained off of the sports festival, knowing he’d already done what he could to ease his anxieties. Not that winning or loosing mattered, but the adrenaline was already pumping in his veins.
At eight o’clock exactly, Suna nudged the blonde who only shrunk back in on himself and rolled away. Suna smiled. It was almost exactly how Michi reacted. Minus the swatting away of his hand, that Kaminari didn’t do.
“Kaminari.” He said nudging his shoulder a few times. A grumble of annoyance. Suna chuckled. “Kaminari.” He nudged again. In a minute he might have to start poking at him.
“Five- more minutes.”
“I will drag you out of bed if I have to, get up.” Suna gave a final nudge.
“You suck.” The groggy retort made Suna laugh.
“Not a morning person?” He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. Kaminari sat up, still quite drenched in the throws of sleep and rubbed at his eyes.
“No.” The blonde groaned. Suna chuckled again.
“Come on, apparently breakfast’s ready and you need to get dressed.”
“What time is it?”
“Eight.” Kaminari’s head bolted upright at that looking for a clock for confirmation.
“Eight?! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?!” The frantic blonde tumbled out of the bed and onto the floor standing up.
“You needed the sleep.” Suna answered simply. Kaminari paused for a moment.
“Thank you.” It was quiet, but Suna smiled none the less.
“Its no biggie.”
“No. Thank you.” Suna paused.
“You’re welcome.” Kaminari looked up at him. Though their height difference was only three inches, Suna had already put on his shoes which made it all the more noticeable. Kaminari nodded.
“I’ll uh, see you at breakfast.” Suna nodded as Kaminari unceremoniously left his room.
I just finished reading "In Memoriam" by Alice Winn and am thoroughly devastated that I finished it because fucking Gaunt and Ellwood are the light of my life. I also would love any gay historical fiction recommendations, as I seem to have run dry of it, I've read most of K. J. Charles and Cat Sebastian and have all of Sarah Waters in reserve, so any other recommendations are always appreciated. I love pretty much any historical fiction, and have read the song of achilles and I do have babel on my shelf. its a tall order I know but always greatly appreciated. Anyone want a Suna Imada playlist? Cuz I have one lol. Lemme know and I might post the link next chapter.
Chapter 10: The Sports Festival Begins
In which Denki may or may not realize he's jealous as fuck.
Suna kicks ass in the sports festival and Denki tries not to punch Shinsou in the face.
Did I do the lazy thing and use an ADHD copout instead of writing the full cavalry battle segment? Yes I did. Will I probably do the same with the battle tournament? Idk, there's some character development on the part of Bakugou that I need with that so who knows. FYI I've completely changed the starting lineup for the battle tournament soooooooooo.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Of course Suna knew it would be an arena. He’d seen it as the bus had pulled up, but suddenly being in the middle of an enclosed space with a crowd jeering, cheering and leering down at him started him on the path of hyperventilation. It was stupid, it was an open space. No on was crowing him. He tried to calm his breathing, it wasn’t working— Suddenly he heard his name being called from the stands. Strange, he didn’t think, good lord— All of his friends, with Mari at the lead of course, were sitting front row, with signs painted to display not only his name, but Touji’s and Hitoshi’s as well. Well this had officially turned into a nightmare. He smiled sheepishly at them all and waved. Some of his classmates had turned towards them and were giving him odd looks.
“GO SUNA! WE LOVE YOU!” Of course that was Mari. Always the cheerleader, followed closely by Reina and Eniko. Reina and Eniko held the sign for Hitoshi. Hansuke and Sota were holding the sign for Touji. His eyes wandered over to Haruto and Yuda, who he hadn’t expected. Aki was sitting behind them all, he’d have to thank the guy later, he was just as horrible as Suna was in crowds. Videl was right next to Mari, as usual, hovering over her girlfriend. The rest of them, Yuito, Kimiko, Noa— Masami and Eren too, Jesus Mari had had to do some serious bribing.
“You didn’t tell me you had a cheer squad!” Ashido had suddenly appeared next to him to punch him in the arm.
“I didn’t know until you did.” He said rubbing at the back of his neck. He looked over to where the other classes had just pooled onto the field and caught Hitoshi’s eye, raising his brow and motioning towards the scene that was unfolding in the stands. His friend only shrugged and Touji, who stood next to the purple haired teen, gave him a double thumbs up with one of the biggest, goofiest grins he’d ever seen on the blonde’s face. Lucky asshole had two boyfriends cheering him on. Suna smiled.
When Midnight started the announcement after being introduced by Yamada who had somehow gotten Aizawa into the recording booth with him. Suna listened, only half interested. He had no idea what even occurred in the sports festivals anymore. The last time he’d seen one on TV had been when he was only five. But that didn’t mean he cared to listen to Midnight. Midnight was one of those heroes who got away with unsettlingly gross comments, especially towards young teens. He’d seen it plenty of times on the news. Suffice it to say, he did not like her. Sure she was pretty, if you were into it, but Suna was gay. But her personality was quite questionable.
The first round of the festival, was to be an obstacle course. Suna bit the inside of his cheek, trying to come up with potential obstacles that the heroes might’ve thrown in. The whole thing made him sick. Who the hell would want to watch kids try not to die? He tried his best to ignore his ethics nagging at the back of his mind. Instead, he looked around at his classmates. Midoriya seemed to be mumbling to himself again, no doubt doing what Suna had been seconds earlier and trying to pinpoint potential obstacles. Iida had his serious face on. Yaoyorozu, who Suna had gotten close with the past week by sitting in front of her in class had her brows knit together in intense concentration. Suna looked around the stadium, doing his best to ignore the crowd. He spotted something that he thought might be the entrance to the obstacle course, a concrete tunnel. Perfect. He grinned to himself. That was to his advantage and he’d have to thank Kurogiri later for the new technique he’d been practicing.
And suddenly the siren to start was blaring in his ears and he was pushed along with the crowd. He shoved his way to the wall, using the force of the students to gain a foothold and then he was running along the ceiling, concrete molding to his shoes to keep him connected. His grin widened. Now this was more like it. In no time flat he was out of the tunnel and onto the roof of the entrance. No sooner than he’d hunkered himself down on the roof than the ground turned to ice and a blur of red and white zipped under him. Todoroki. Suna gritted his teeth. Thank fuck for Hansuke dragging them all to the ice skating rinks last Christmas, he thought as he landed on the ground and took off in a sprint.
“No fair!” One of the students stuck in the ice shouted as he zipped by. He grinned at them, and gave them a mock two finger salute and kept on. Thankfully, after a few yards the ice path thinned and it was just concrete ground again. Shouts and screams ahead of him made him look up. Not fucking robots. He groaned, getting flashbacks to the entrance exam. Fuck this. As he ran he left a trail of spikes impaled on small one, two, and three-pointer robots. They’ve got to have some other trick up their sleeve. As if one cue, he spotted several arena traps looming ahead. He bit the inside of his cheek again. His mind was so focussed he’d tuned out his surroundings, the students, Yamada’s commentary, everything but the road ahead. Todoroki had the right idea, zipping up over and past the annoying hunks of metal and lasers. But Suna couldn’t manipulate metal like Videl could, so he dashed underneath, using the concrete to propel him forward as if it were a springboard and not rock. A minute later he heard was sounded like a cannon shot being fired. What the fuck? He turned back to see Yaoyorozu, a cannon sitting on the ground next to her. He grinned at her, giving her two-thumbs up. He was past the arena traps now, so the fallen robot hadn’t crashed on top of him. That could have been bad.
Ahead, he saw Todoroki, a bridge of ice propelling him forward. Bakugou had passed him too. They were coming up on the next obstacle. The fuck was this? In front of him was what looked like some sort of alien planet. Small islands of rock dotted here and there, rope or a rickety bridge connecting them together. Next to him, Iida flew by, using his rocket engines to skate along the rope. Smart move, asshat. Suna thought as he stretched his legs, there wasn’t time to think, so his next move was absolutely idiotic, but he didn’t have any other ideas. He squatted down, and jumped. Using the ground again as if it were a gymnastics springboard to get him to the next island. The ground wasn’t concrete, which meant he had less control over the force, but he was across in under two minutes. He landed unsteadily on the other side. More than a little surprised that his beyond stupid idea had worked. More students had passed him by now, including Iida and Asui. Sometimes he wished he was a frog. He shook his head. Clearing his mind. Focus. Focus. He took off at a sprint, knowing he’d hate himself the next morning for all this damn running, again using what little leverage he could gain from the now dirt path. Solids were one thing, dust and sand were another. An explosion up ahead startled him to a stop. His breathing was hard and he felt like he was about to collapse but he forced his mind to focus. Bombs? Another explosion. He squinted. Fuck he’d just have to keep going if he was going to know what was going on.
Several more yards and he’d come to a fenced in patch of dirt. He saw Midoriya, who was digging around in the dirt with a chunk of metal. He almost wanted to ask the boy what the hell he was doing, but knew the look of concentration and decided better not. Another explosion. Oh these were land mines. Fuck adults. Like, fuck adults. The inside of his cheek was quite raw now. He did a few more stretches— Midoriya was flying threw the air, the chunk of metal under him. Bastard. He thought. He’d just have to do it the old fashioned way. He ran back several yards and made a bridge of his own. It may not have been as flashy or as useful as Todoroki’s, but it got the job done. And he was through. Right behind Yaoyorozu. The girl looked as if she were about to faint. He put a hand on her shoulder and grinned at her. He was panting just as hard as she was. The girl smiled back at him.
“You made it.” He grinned at her. She nodded.
“As did you.”
“We both made it.” He agreed and they both laughed. Over the next few minutes, the rest of their classmates arrived along with Touji and Hitoshi. The two had apparently double teamed it with Touji as the stead. Suna would never admit to being jealous of his friend’s dragon quirk. Touji had used his fire breath to melt the ice Todoroki had gotten him stuck in, gotten Hitoshi out and then flown over everything.
“Lucky bastard.” He said punching his friends arm, but still grinning at his two friends.
“Hey, you did pretty well for yourself too, 18th. Not too shabby.”
“Oh, fuck off Hitoshi.” He said shouldering his friend, who grinned back at him. He and Touji had made 31st and 32nd, respectively.
“Our cheer squad is going wild over there.” Touji grinned. Suna rolled his eyes. A smile on his lips. He hadn’t expected his friends to care so much, what with how little he’d interacted with them the past summer. But they’d shown up again. Just like they always did. Fucking Jesus.
Once the rest of the allotted forty-two students who were to move on to the next round of the festival, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the students trickled in.
“For those of you who did not make it in the top 42, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED, you all did splendidly. Later on there will be activities for you to compete it! But for now it is time for you to cheer on your classmates in the—“ She paused waiting for the wheel on the screen to spin. “CAVALRY BATTLE!” The next few minutes were a blur of instructions. Midnight explained how the points were to be given out based on where you placed in the obstacle course and suddenly all eyes were on Midoriya. “And the first place winner will have— ten million points!” Suna was suddenly quite glad he hadn’t gotten first. She went on the explain how teams were to be composed of a minimum of two people; one rider and one horse. The maximum being four. They were given fifteen minutes to form teams and strategy. He, Touji and Hitoshi had already agreed to be on a team. Hitoshi would be their rider, and as such would hopefully be able to lure people into talking to him. Suna and Touji would be the horse, Hitoshi would be sitting on Touji’s shoulders while Suna held onto one of his legs. They needed another person on the other side for defense. Suna looked around, his friends did the same.
“Shiozaki!” Touji ran off in the direction of a girl who Suna had only interacted with once or twice while in class B’s dorms. He didn’t know much about her quirk. Touji talked to her for a moment before dragging her behind him to join the small group.
“Suna, you remember Shiozaki right?” Touji beamed. Suna looked at the girl more closely, her hair seemed to be made of vines.
“Kind of-“ He winced at how rude that was. She only smiled at him.
“We’re not in the same class, so that’s understandable.” She said soothingly. Was this the kind of girl that guys liked? He hadn’t the slightest clue, but somehow she seemed like the type that Kaminari would like. He stiffed at the thought and internally shook it away. Not now. He held out his hand.
“Imada, my quirk is earth. I can manipulate the physical shape and consistency of most earthen and earthen adjacent minerals. The intricacies would take decades to explain, but that’s the jist of it.” He smiled.
“Shiozaki, quirk; vines. My hair is vines and I can manipulate their growth and detach them at will.” Touji grinned.
“Are you to be our right horse?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“If you’ll have me.” She smiled at him.
“Are we gonna talk strategy or are you just gonna wing it like you always do, Su?” Hitoshi asked.
“I do not always ‘wing it’” He glared.
“You three are- friends, I think, yes?” Shiozaki asked.
“Nah, they’re just idiots who tag along with me.” Hitoshi grinned.
“Now you sound like Bakugou.” Suna wrinkled his nose.
“It’s not nice to call your friends idiots Shinsou.” The girl scolded.
He couldn’t help but stare. Imada wasn’t looking at him anyway so why bother with being discreet? It looked like Imada had teamed up with his friends from class B. No he wasn’t bothered by that, why would he be? It wasn’t like the purple haired guy made him angry when he called Imada ‘Su’, no absolutely not. He wasn’t jealous. That wasn’t something he was, not him. But the girl had started talking to him and he was smiling at her. Kaminari did his best to cool his features from their descent into a scowl, but not before Jirou noticed.
“You’ve got it baaaaaad.” She said sympathetically. He turned to look at his friend. She was smirking at him.
“Do not.” It wasn’t very convincing with the way he felt his face heating up.
“Either you shoot your shot this weekend or Mina and I are shooting it for you. You hear.” He groaned, he never should have told those two. Mina especially.
“How’s it going with Yaoyorozu?” He asked instead, trying to turn the attention away from him. The first week of school he’d tried to ask Jirou out, only for her to end up confessing to him that she was crushing bad on the class vice president. That had been a major let down. He couldn’t blame her though, the girl was hot, he couldn’t deny it. If he hadn’t already been attracted to Jirou he would’ve asked her out, way out of his league or not.
“You’re trying to weasel Kaminari.” She frowned though her face had pinked.
“I’m not shooting anything this weekend.”
“Your funeral.” It truly and utterly was.
His only saving grace was the fact that Todoroki had walked over and asked him to join his team of Iida, and Yaoyorozu. Jirou gave him a look and a thumbs up. He winked at her. Nonverbal teasing wasn’t his strong suit but hell it was fun. He’d walked over with the duel haired teen over to the assembled group and wasn’t exactly listening when Todoroki had started spouting strategy. He was too busy staring at Imada again, curse his brain. It had been only last night that Imada had cared enough about his sleep schedule to drug him enough to have a couple hours of a restful sleep. Sure it had been drugs, but still. It was someone who cared after his well being. Helped that he was hot too. Imada was taller than him by a couple inches, which made his brain go wild in scenarios he’d never admit to anyone. It had been one of the reasons he’d run out of the room the morning he’d woken up on the boy’s chest. He shook his head, feeling the heat rise to his face. Last night he’d hoped Imada would lay down next to him and something would occur that way, so he wouldn’t have to say anything. But of course Imada had nightmares and wouldn’t go back to bed.
“Don’t worry about them, we’re not after those four.” Todoroki said, jolting him from his thoughts.
“Ah, right.” He felt his face heating again. Of course Todoroki was only talking about strategy, but he saw Yaoyorozu’s eyes on him. He did his best to shake the thoughts of Imada from his mind, he couldn’t let Todoroki down, not when he had specifically asked for him. That was something he hadn’t expected. The alarm sounded. Their fifteen minutes was up.
Kaminari tried his best to train his mind on the task at hand, not going brain dead and keeping his team afloat. Everything passed by him in a blur, he only saw Imada out of the corner of his eye once when his team had soared through the sky on one of the kids from class B who could apparently sprout wings. The rest of the time team Todoroki was trained on team Midoriya with the ten million. He had to appreciate Todoroki for going big. It wouldn’t have been his strategy, but hey, who was he to argue with the son of Endeavor? Before he knew it the cavalry battle was over. Damn the way his mind worked. His team had come first, followed by Bakugou; he gave poor Kirishima a sheepish grin as he saw Bakugou scream at the ground. Sheesh. Shinsou’s team, Imada’s team, had come third, followed closely by Midoriya’s, who’d somehow managed to stay afloat even after Todoroki had swiped the ten million.
There was a bunch of screaming from the stands. He had forgotten Imada and his friends had a cheer squad. He frowned, not quite knowing how to feel. No one in the small group was from U.A. at least not that he recognized. But he didn’t have time to dwell on that because now Midnight was explaining how the final round would work. The battle tournament.
Stay tuned for more gay shenanigans. Also I'm on break the next two weeks, so hopefully some more chapters. I'm totally not just trying to get to the truth or dare segment because damn am I excited to write that. TEN CHAPTERS LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO
Chapter 11: The Sports Festival Pt. 2
Enjoy almost 6,000 words of whatever this is! Is that Bakugou character development I smell? His and Midoriya's relationship is slightly different in this fic because I said so. That's not explored here but I wanted to mention it lol.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Suna was back in class A’s box, watching the scavenger hunt unfold below. His classmates that hadn’t joined, were either shouting encouragement at their classmates who had or were strategizing for the battle tournament; Suna wasn’t doing either. The lineups hadn’t yet been announced, so why bother? And he wasn’t the cheerleading type, so he merely watched, getting lost in his head. His eyes caught on Kaminari’s hair who was sprinting back and forth from the piles of possessions to the stands asking for items on his teams list. Suna remembered how Kaminari’s hair had felt. It had been surprisingly soft against his chin, the morning he’d woken up with the boy snuggling into his chest. He shook his head, ridding himself of the memory of a warm body against his. His phone buzzed silently from his pocket. He cursed under his breath. Bakugou shot him a look. Suna shrugged fishing out his phone and headed for the hallway.
Damn Dabi. Damn him. Suna swore again when he saw the caller ID. He made sure the door to class A’s break room was closed before accepting the call.
“Why the fuck are you calling me?” He hissed. He heard the man chuckle on the other end, as well as a muffled curse from who he assumed was Himiko. “Don’t fucking laugh at me dipshit. What’s going on?”
“Who you calling ‘dipshit’ squirt?” Dabi asked in mild amusement. Suna suppressed the urge to groan.
“I’m still taller than you man. But you haven’t answered me. Why. The. Fuck. Are you calling me?!”
“Woah, chill. With you at the festival Twice and I had to bring Crazy here and we forgot the key code.” Suna was ready to throw his phone. Instead he gave an exasperated sigh and went to the locker he’d thrown his bag into and brought out his laptop.
“Where are you guys again?” Dabi gave him their location. The League had an itemized list of places that would be useful to their mission to either bring under their wing or demolish entirely, which meant they also had a schedule of when they would break into each one. They’d been talking about this place for weeks, supposedly run by a drug dealer with a hatred for quirks. Not something they really wanted to deal with if it got big. “Ok, tell me why these idiots have a seven digit code as their only security?” He said to himself under his breath. Dabi had gone quiet though Suna could still hear muffled conversation even if he couldn’t make out any of the words.
“There you go.” Suna said as he pressed the send button. “You should get it any minute, and next time,” Suna inhaled. “Don’t call me first, or fucking take notes next time I’m talking. I’ll throw a notebook at you or something.” Dabi chuckled.
“There's a reason I never finished high school squirt.”
“I’ve seen you write dumbass, you’re not illiterate.” There was a moment of silence which was probably Dabi raising his arms in surrender. He heard Himiko giggle. “Anything else you need before I go chuck myself into a wall?” Another chuckle.
“Don’t think so, but I’ll give you a call if I think of anything else.”
“Call me again and I’m blocking your number.” Suna hissed. Suna flinched when he heard the click of a door opening and slammed his computer shut and tossed it back into his bag.
“Surprised you haven’t done that already.” Dabi said.
“You really test my patience sometimes asshole.” Suna hadn’t heard any footsteps after the door had opened, he turned to see Kaminari standing in the doorway a very confused expression on his face which quickly turned a light pink as Suna caught his gaze.
“Noted.” The phone line died and Suna shoved his phone into his bag this time.
“Who was that?” Kaminari asked. Suna turned to him and shrugged.
“A friend who can’t do shit without me.” Suna replied, zipping up his backpack and shoving it back in the locker.
“Ah.” A moment of silence passed between them.
“You need something?” Suna asked, head tilted, lip and a brow quirked up. Kaminari seemed to come back to his senses.
“Sero told me find you. The matches are about to be announced.” Suna nodded. He hadn’t been listening to the speakers down here, his attention having been focussed elsewhere. Suna stretched for a moment, cracking his back and stretching his arms above his head. Kaminari watched as he did, apparently waiting or him to follow.
“Lets go then.” Kaminari smiled at him.
“Up first is Asano Touji from class one B and Uraraka Ochaco from class one A!” They made it back in time for the first pair to be announced. Suna contemplated going to class B’s box to watch with Hitoshi. He frowned at the screen.
“You guys made it!” Kirishima called from his seat next to Bakugou who was steadfastly ignoring his presence. Iida shushed him. Sero sat next to the red head, two seats open next to him.
“We saved you guys some seats.” Sero said proudly. Suna gave him a look but Sero only grinned at him. Kaminari hadn’t said anything as two of his friends called them over. Kaminari sat next to the raven haired teen who in turn was sitting next to Kirishima. Suna sat next to Kaminari, doing his best to not look like he was sitting next to his crush. Suna’s brows knit together as he stared at the big screen, a picture of Touji looking his absolute most menacing and Uraraka, who looked as determined as ever, in a cinnamon roll type of way. Midoriya sat a few seats over in the row below them, looking worried. Iida sat next to him. Suna crossed his arms and made himself focus on the scene unfolding below, ignoring the blonde next to him.
Touji was up in the air, carefully avoiding the edges of the platform, breathing fire down at the short brunette. Uraraka, despite her gravitational limitations, expertly dodged each attack. She didn’t move unless she had to, eyes always locked on her opponent. Uraraka had undoubtedly gotten paired up with the worst opponent. While she had her zero gravity quirk, it was all but useless unless she had a safe landing zone. Touji meanwhile, could use his quirk all day. He had been since childhood. It was a matter of time before he wore the poor girl out. Suna leaned back. Still tense.
“How is this fair?” Kaminari spoke finally. Suna shrugged.
“It isn’t.” The groups heads turned to face Bakugou. “But that’s the point. Being a hero isn’t fair, you go up against villains who’re stronger than you all the time. That’s the point of this.” They all turned back to the fight. Touji was still in the air, his long hair tied up in a bun.
“Still it’s a bit harsh isn’t it?” Sero asked as Touji shot another burst of flame at Uraraka. Suna shrugged.
“Touji’s been training with his quirk ever since he got it. He knows his own ins and outs.” There was another blast of fire, a particularly nasty one. It was hard to see if Uraraka had gotten away with all the smoke from the previous attacks. As the air cleared there was only a gym shirt visible from the stands. The crowd was silent.
“What’s this?! It appears as if Uraraka has used her quirk on herself and is soaring into the air!” There was a collective release of breath followed by shrieks of acknowledgement and whoops of encouragement. Uraraka had latched herself to Touji’s wing and was being thrashed about. Suna tried not to double over in laughter.
“Where does she plan to go with this?” Sero cringed as Uraraka held on despite a particularly violent lurch of the wing she held onto. It was a few minutes of dangerous grappling and calls from Mic to bring out a trampoline to catch them when Uraraka eventually pinned Touji’s wings together and the pair of them plummeted to the ground. Everyone collectively got to their feet shouting loud protests until—
“Uraraka Ochaco is the winner!” The smoke had cleared. Uraraka had released her hold on herself in the air after pinning Touji’s wings and had caught them both before hitting the ground, released them then flung Touji out of bounds before he could retaliate. The crowd went wild. A second later Touji was back on the platform carrying Uraraka on his shoulder, the girl hiding her face as he paraded her around. Suna had to laugh this time. Midoriya had all but broken down in tears, wearing in relief. The rest of his classmates screaming their heads off. Mina was jumping up and down in her seat.
“Despite the shocking loss Asano Touji still cheers on his opponent’s victory! Let give it up for both of our contestants!” Mic’s voice boomed from the speakers and the crowd got even rowdier still. “The next round will be Yaoyorozu Momo versus Shinsou Hitoshi!” Suna tensed. Of course both of his friends went first. “Stay tuned folks, both of these students have crazy quirks, and one of them got in by recommendation!” Suna stood up before thinking and headed towards class B’s box. He was going to watch this with Touji.
He met his friend in the hall. His hair was lightly singed but still up in its messy bun. Suna pulled the blonde in for a hug the other returned gratefully.
“You did good out there.” Suna offered. Touji shrugged, a lopsided grin hiding his disappointment.
“Thanks but- shouldn’t you be back in class A’s box?” Touji asked. Touji had retracted his wings and he’d changed from his black loose fitting tank-top back into the full gym uniform. His friends pink eyes shone. Even if he was disappointed in his loss, he’d still taken upon himself to make Uraraka the center of attention.
“Hitoshi’s next.” Suna said, a frown finding its way onto his lips. Touji’s face morphed into surprised understanding.
“Alright, come on. No one’s gonna throw you out- well except maybe Monoma, but I’ll punch him if he tried it.” Touji grinned at Suna, tugging him into the box.
“What’s class A doing here Asano?” Monoma immediately glowered.
“Watching the match asshat. What else?”
“Class A has their own box, he doesn’t need to invade ours.”
“Shut it or you’re going overboard.” Touji sneered giving the boy a deluxe evil grin. Monoma looked slightly shock but retreated behind Kendo with a shrill squeak. Kendo simply smiled at the pair of them.
“Congratulations on making finals, Imada.” She said. Suna nodded, giving her a small smile. Tetsutetsu sat next to her and the blonde. Touji tugged at his arm and they both moved to sit on the other side of the box in the top corner. The pair slumped against each other, both worried for their friend.
“How do you think he’ll do?” Suna asked. Touji shrugged lips tight with worry.
“Dunno. Yaoyorozu got in on recommendation. She might not fall for his usual tactic and he relies too much on others falling for it rather than physical capability.” Suna’s frown deepened. “Either way this’ll be useful for him.” Suna rested his head on his friend, arms folded. Touji chuckled.
“Sure you’re not still in love with him?” Touji whispered. Suna scoffed and elbowed him.
“Shut up idiot.” Touji chuckled.
“Just checking bud. You know-“ Suna elbowed him again.
“Do not bring up polyamory please.” He groaned. Touji laughed at him.
“Hey but it works!” Touji said elbowing him back.
“Just shut up and watch.” Hitoshi’s duel went down quite unmarred. He’d had to dodge a few projectiles and punches from Yaoyorozu but had managed to ensnare her with his quirk and she’d walked off the field. Much to everyone’s surprise in the stands. Touji and Suna had breathed a sigh of relief, tension leaving both of them. Touji grinned at him. Suna rolled his eyes.
Suna had decided to stay in class B’s box, much to Monoma’s annoyance, for the next round which would be Iida versus Hatsume, a pink haired girl from the support course. Hitoshi returned a few minutes into Hatsume’s round. Both Touji and Suna had waved him over and he’d shot them a tired smile and made his way over. Touji had made Suna sit one seat from the aisle to leave room for him. During the rest of the match Hatsume had decided to throw Iida for a loop in, the three of them talked.
“How you feeling, Su?” Hitoshi asked, nudging his friend’s shoulder to get his attention. Suna turned to him.
“About?” Suna pressed. Hitoshi merely shrugged.
“In general.”
“Like hurling myself at a wall.” Suna answered truthfully. Hitoshi’s brows scrunched in worry.
“Need some help with that, Suna?” Touji chimed in. Hitoshi reached across Suna and shoved their friend back. “I’ll take that as a no then. Noted.” The blonde said, still wearing his stupid grin. Hitoshi rolled his eyes. Instead of farthing a line of question into the topic, Hitoshi leaned his head on Suna’s shoulder.
“I’ll ask you about that later.” He whispered quietly.
“Or never.” Suna muttered. Hitoshi pressed in closer to him.
“Get a room!” The voice they all knew shouted at them. Suna elected to ignore it, feeling quite content with Hitoshi’s head snuggled into his shoulder. Touji, on the other head jumped up and spun around. A resounding smack was heard followed by a muffled thud. Kendo had apparently taken care of the blonde.
“I’m gonna kill him one of these days.” Touji grumbled slumping back down in his seat. Suna’s immediate response was the shrug, but he stifled that.
“Leave him be Tou, he’ll end up sad and alone anyway.” Suna felt Hitoshi’s grin.
“Yeah, yeah, but I would like to punch him just once.” Suna chuckled.
“Noted.” Suna said. The next round was Sero versus Todoroki and that ended in an ice land slide. The next battle was Ashido and Shiozaki, followed by Kaminari and Midoriya. Suna had gone to the waiting room as the round had started, electing to watch it on the small TV instead of in the stands. He knew who would win anyway. Midoriya had barely any control over his self-destructing quirk and even though Kaminari wasn’t much better, the latter at least didn’t break his bones. The round had ended rather quickly though, and soon Suna found himself face to face with Tokoyami. He grimaced. His bird headed classmate already had dark shadow by his side. Suna had remembered Tokoyami saying something about dark shadow being uncontrollable in the dark during the dorm’s room competition. He didn’t like the strategy he’d formed, but it was what he had. He didn’t feel like being whittle down by dark shadow destroying concrete spikes or wasting his energy on useless attacks, so he’d come to a conclusion. He’d simply have to trap the bird.
Suna breathed as Mic completed their introductions and Midnight explained the rules to them.
“Ready? Start!” Midnight flashed her whip and already Tokoyami was running at him. Shit. That didn’t give him enough time. He dodged an attack from dark shadow that had been aimed at his shoulder, swore, turned on his heels and then the ground was moving. Tokoyami hadn’t had time to pivot before he was swallowed in by four concrete walls with a roof slowly forming. Suna winced. He’d never moved so much mass before and he felt suddenly light headed but managed to keep himself upright. The crowd was silent. There was smashing sounds from inside the concrete box, but it held.
“Imada Suna is the winner of this match!” Suna felt like he was about to collapse yet went over to the concrete box and put his hand to it. The concrete walls and ceiling turned to mush and fell to the ground. Much to his relief, Tokoyami was still standing and very much alive. He grinned at his class mate. Walking over, he took his hand, clasped it, and patted his shoulder.
“You play dirty Imada.” Tokoyami said. Suna grinned tiredly, vision starting to swim.
“Only thing- I-I could think of-“ He pitched forward, Tokoyami caught him. He heard a few shouts of concern, but he waved them off. Eventually Tokoyami got him to the nurses office where he chugged two bottles of gatorade and was forced to eat a granola bar. He got an earful from the nurse and Hitoshi and Touji had both rushed to his side. A few of his classmates had also stopped by to check on him.
They were all given a lunch break before the start of the second round. Suna had packed a simple lunch of simple rice balls, not feeling like spending money on absurdly priced entertainment food. He was still in the nurses make shift office. She had demanded he stay until she was confident he wasn’t going to pass out. She also made him promise not to use his quirk in that magnitude again, at least for today. He’d quickly agreed and she’d left him to his friends, who both applauded and berated him for the thirty minutes they had. The screen flashed with the second round line ups as the speakers crackled back to life. Suna and Hitoshi both immediately stiffened as they spotted their names paired together.
“Well this is gonna be fun.” Touji said, inhaling another handful of chips. They both glared at him and he laughed. Hitoshi looked dubious. Suna punched his shoulder.
“You go easy on me I’ll tell your dads you skipped class.” Suna grinned. Hitoshi frowned.
“Ooh, flirting.” Suna looked at Touji a mix of confusion, annoyance and a dash of ‘I’m gonna hit you for that’ rolled into one.
“I knew I should’ve brought duct tape.” Hitoshi looked at him.
“Kinky.” Suna threw his crumpled up chip bag at the blonde.
“You are really fucking irritating sometimes.” Touji grinned again.
“Stop giving him things to be a little shit about, Su.” Hitoshi groaned. Recovery girl waked in a few moments later.
“You three should get back to the stands if you want to watch the matches.” She smiled. Suna thanked her, threw away his lunch wrappers and followed his friends. They split up and went to their respective class. Sero waved at him as he entered.
“Decided you wanted to join us again?” Sero asked, grinning. Suna rolled his eyes.
“Hey to you too Sero.” He said instead of answering. The first round was Iida versus Todoroki. It ended much the same as Sero’s battle did. Sero cringed.
“Where did you go anyway?” Sero asked as the arena was being cleared of ice.
“Class B’s box?” Suna said, a little confused as to why Sero wouldn’t have immediately guessed. Sero shook his head.
“After your match.”
“Recovery girl.” He said shrugging. Sero looked alarmed. “I drained too much energy trying to win against Tokoyami.” Suna explained.
“Hey have you guys seen Kaminari?” Suna and Sero looked up. Kirishima was standing a foot or so away, a question in his gaze. Sero shook his head and the red head’s gaze flicked to Suna who only shrugged.
“Why’re you looking at me? He’s probably waiting or his match.” Kirishima gave him a last look, thanked him and went back to sitting next to Bakugou. Suna stared after him, more than a little confused. Suna felt Sero looking at him. “What? Why would I know where he is?” Sero didn’t answer him. Suna frowned. Whatever.
“You know you really are obvious about it.”
“Say’s the guy who’s girlfriend asked him out.” Sero turned to him again, grin on his face and a brow raised.
“What’s wrong with liking a girl who’s proactive?” Suna rolled his eyes.
“She’s my sister, dingbat.” Sero laughed at that.
“You can always object at the wedding.”
“Let it be known that I know you’re avoiding the question and you’re so dead this weekend.” Sero grinned at him.
“Or you know, you could just be a nice friend and let me be? How does that sound?”
“Not like me.” Sero grinned mischievously at him before returning his gaze back into the arena. Kaminari and Ashido were the first match. Kaminari ended up winning because as cool as being able to secrete acid was, it was still conductible. Sero and Suna both cringed as the electricity jolted through the girl’s body and she promptly crumpled to the ground and Midnight announced Kaminari as the winner. He sighed, and made to get up. His match with Hitoshi would be directly after Bakugou’s and Uraraka’s. He waved to Sero as he left the box and made his way back to the waiting room. Unexpectedly, he met Kaminari on his way back to the box. Suna shot him a grin.
“Doin great out there, dude.” Kamari grinned back, with an additional thumbs up and a wink. Good, he wasn’t acting weird.
“Good luck, with Shinsou man.” Suna grinned.
“Thankfully I don’t have to worry about electricity with him.” Kaminari chuckled.
“Be careful. You might just get paired with me next round if you’re too cocky.”
“Who says I’m being cocky?” Suna asked, cocking his head. Kaminari raised his arms in surrender.
“Good luck.” Kaminari patted him on the shoulder and walked passed him. Suna smiled to himself and kept walking too. The contact lessened his anxiety about how their relationship was panning out. He wondered if- he shook his head. No. That could never happen. He smiled sadly to himself as he sat down in the waiting room, raising his feet to rest on the table in a similar fashion to Bakugou’s daily classroom antics. It was a good cause the League had. But their actions turned his gut in all the wrong ways. It made sense. It was the only possible way to see change. Not that anything was happening now, but it was all about baby steps right? Soon, change would come.
Suna avoided the TV screen playing the feed of Bakugou’s and Uraraka’s battle. He didn’t really want to see her confidence broken. Uraraka, who was so tough, and independent and yet so very kind, bubbly and cheerful. Uraraka who reminded him of his sisters. No one deserved their confidence broken. Before he knew it he was glaring at the table, mind roiling in unwanted memories.
His elementary school life hadn’t exactly been pleasant. He’d had no friends, all of the other boys thinking he was too feminine for taking care of his sisters and adhering to their never ending wishes of playing house that he would always oblige in. He hadn’t necessarily been bullied- but that didn’t mean the isolation hadn’t hurt either. He remembered his last year, the year he’d known he have to leave his sister’s behind and start Junior High. None of his teachers really doted on him. Sure his father had been a pro hero, but his teachers were reluctant to even mention heroes in his presence ever since his dad had died. It had felt like no one believed in him. His mother was hardly around, what with her multiple jobs to care for her children. He never blamed her, but he’d wished she’d been there, even at the little things like Michi and Kei’s soccer tournaments. Or Chiyo’s art contests. Or his very few and rare occasions he’d done something he was proud of. Suna had been there for all of it. His sisters were everything to him and he never wanted them to feel like he had.
After their father had died, it had been determined that it wasn’t the storm that had struck their car, but a quirk. The perpetrator had never been found and well- neither had his father. He liked to believe the man was still alive but what did it matter anyway? He hadn’t come back to them. Suna shook his head. Enough of the memories. He thought bitterly. Its the future, look to the future, Suna. He told himself. It was why he had joined the League. Everything had come to a boiling point in his first year of Junior High. His mother had died under mysterious circumstances. The perpetrator hadn’t been caught. And his world had been turned upside-down. He joined the League out of desperation and a hope that his shared dream with its few members could be brought into reality. The League had taken his family in. Protected them from those who would tear them apart. Suna had been terrified his sister’s would be ripped away from him. His only remaining family. His littlest sister barely having come into the world, taken from him at the whim of people who couldn’t know his pain. The League had tampered with their connections to get the authorities to look the other way from the five Imada children and he couldn’t have been more grateful. None of them had ever shown up at his house aside from Himiko. She’d adored them and that had grown his attachment to the League ever tighter. He even liked Dabi, even if the guy was a dickhead at times. Suna smiled to himself.
The door was kicked open to his left and his head shot towards the sound. Only to be met with Bakugou. He was breathing the tinniest bit heavier and he was roughed up but otherwise looked no worse for wears. Suna gave him a lopsided grin. Bakugou rolled his eyes and continued his way into the room. He’d probably forgotten something.
“Good round?” Suna offered, making to get up, taking this intrusion as his cue to make his way to the battle ground. He heard Bakugou scoff.
“Its only a good round if I win.” Suna looked at him again.
“I take it you won then, since you’re not blowing my face up.” He asked, the slightest bit hopeful. Bakugou scoffed again.
“Whatever extra, you gotta go beat the shit out of eyebags.” Suna chuckled.
“I’m not gonna beat the shit out of my best friend. Just rough him up a little bit.” Suna grinned and the other grunted.
“Whatever just get out of my sight.” Suna chuckled again and made his way to the door.
“You’re the boss.” He said, exiting with a mock salute and taking off towards the entrance point at a slow jog. When he reached the entrance tunnel and heard Hitoshi’s name being announced he sucked in a breath and started a light sprint down the long tunnel and out into the light of the arena just as his name was shouted over the loud speaker. He looked to the announcer’s booth and spotted both Mic and Aizawa. He gave a small wave and a goofy grin. Mic shot him a thumbs up. When he reached the stairs he saw the tell-tale bob of purple hair just peeking out above the platform. Suna grinned. It couldn’t have been better. He knew the other boy’s bag of tricks almost by heart.
“Hey Tosh, you ready to get smashed?” Suna grinned, mimicking Kirishima’s move of knocking his fists together. He saw the purple haired boy smirk.
“On the lips or in the face?” Damn he wanted to reply. Midnight brought her whip down, signaling for them to start. Instead he grinned and moved to a fighting stance, waiting for Hitoshi to make the next move. He’d now doubt try and rile him up into talking or— or dash straight for him. Suna’s face widened in surprise but quickly turned back to its earlier grin as he dodged a head on attack. Suna made a grab for the other boy’s arm. Hitoshi had anticipated that however and jumped back several feet, a smirk on his lips.
“Good reflexes as always Su.” Suna grinned.
“Now is not the time to be flirting with me, bud.” Hitoshi raised a brow at him as they both began to circle each other.
“This looks like it’s gonna be a good one sports fans!” Suna internally groaned, cursing the fact that he hadn’t brought earplugs. It was hard enough to focus already without the added baggage of listening to Mic’s announcing.
“He’s right about that.” Came Aizawa’s voice as Hitoshi went in for a quick roundhouse kick to Suna’s head. Suna ducked and attempted to swipe the boy’s other leg out from under him. “Shinsou Hitoshi’s quirk is not a flashy quirk like most other’s we’ve seen today. Nor is it particularly useful in fighting meaning this fight will be mostly hand-to-hand.” Suna raised a brow at that and grinned. Hitoshi looked like he wanted to grow laser eyes and glare at his dad. Though he never took his eyes from him.
“Or will it?” Suna muttered under his breath. The ground beneath them began to shake. Suna didn’t try very hard on focusing to contain the force and simply let the whole stadium shake. He concentrated a little harder and sent a wave of stone rolling towards his friend turned opponent.
“Looks like things just got even more interesting sports fans! Aizawa, care to enlighten us about your student’s quirk?” Suna rolled his eyes. It would undoubtedly be a botched summary. His quirk was almost as annoyingly complicated as Yaoyorozu’s. Having to memorize which minerals he could handle balancing it with each mineral makeup and what activity he wanted performed. It could be quite tedious.
“Imada’s quirk is called ‘Earth’. It’s a rather unjust name, frankly.” Suna’s last attack hadn’t done anything to Hitoshi, he’d simply jumped over it. Oh well. They’d continued circling each other each throwing out attacks as they saw an opening. Suna didn’t hear the rest of his quirk’s explanation and he did a series of back hand springs to avoid a particularly forward attack by Hitoshi. As the fight went on, Suna had found his focus consumed into it. Neither talked. Suna’s plan was to tire Hitoshi out long enough for Suna to use his quirk and encase him in concrete. Hitoshi landed a punch to the side of his jaw and he stumbled back, wiping the blood that had stared dribbling out of his nose from an earlier attack. Hitoshi kept advancing on him. Grim determination set in his features. Suna was suddenly glad for his long legs and flexible body as he dodged another head on right hook from the boy. He saw an opening. He rushed forward, planted his feet in the ground, caught the boy by his forearm in a strong grip and flipped him, making sure the concrete below them was malleable. Enough to cushion the fall but too to trap the boy in place upon impact. Suna panted, barely registering Midnight’s announcement of his victory. He knew a stupid grin had been plastered to his face as he hauled his friend up. Hitoshi grinned back at him.
“Not bad for someone named after sand.” Suna rolled his eyes and pulled the other in for a hug which was promptly returned.
“Not bad yourself.”
“Thanks.” When they pulled back Hitoshi raised their hands and the crowd went ballistic. Suna’s gaze unconsciously went to class A’s box. His eyes caught on each of his friends in tow. Sero had stood up and was cheering with his hands cupped around his mouth. Kirishima was similar, as was Ashido who was jumping up and down and waving her arms around. Bakugou was sitting down. Suna wouldn’t quite consider the boy a friend, but he was liked enough by Kirishima that he let it pass. They were too far away to tell but Suna could’ve sworn Bakugou was smirking at him. Or maybe grinning. Finally his eyes fell to Kaminari. Who was all but dancing around and cheering along with the others. Suna grinned. His gaze then turned to his friends in the stands who were wildly shaking the signs and cheering and chanting as loud as they could.
“Imada! Shinsou! Imada! Shinsou!” He turned back to his friend. Hitoshi smiled at him.
“See ya back in the dorms huh?” His friend teased. Suna felt his face turn pink before he shook it off and nudge his friends shoulder before they were ushered off and back to their respective tunnels.
Yes you read the chapter title correctly. Next chapter will be the wrap up of the sports festival and will be shorter than this one. This was getting to long so I needed to split it up before I went crazy with not having posted anything for this fic for a while. I'm doing my best with the romantic build up but I'm a very very new writer. Soooooo, sorry if the development is shitty but I love them sooooo. Hope you enjoyed!
Chapter 12: Explosions
I can't be bothered to deal with formatting rn so pls just deal TvT
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Iida and Todoroki had been the last match of the second round and that had ended similarly to the two previous matches Todoroki had both won. In an ice slide. Soon after the ice had been cleared from the stadium the third round pairings were announced. The first pair would be Bakugou against Todoroki. No surprises there. That left Kaminari and Suna as the blonde had won his match against their pink haired classmate. Suna looked over to Kaminari who seemed like his lungs had also stopped accepting air. Kaminari’s faced pinked when he noticed Suna staring. Suna grinned at him. Kaminari grinned back, apparently accepting the challenge.
Both he and Kaminari left the box halfway through the first round, heading towards their respective waiting rooms. Suna ran through strategies in his head. Kaminari was impulsive and often acted on a whim with his attacks unless directed. Suna grimaced at the thought of getting repeatedly electrocuted. He just hoped that the other boy didn’t immediately start off with his strongest attack, or if he did, that he gave Suna enough time to build himself some cover. He knew concrete wasn’t conducive generally. He hoped it wouldn’t be today.
Though Kaminari was also capable of short bursts of electricity, not as strong, but ultimately it was about ware and tear. He didn’t particularly know that much about Kaminari’s fighting skills because he had never witnessed them. Suna breathed. The only strategy he came back to was to either cause Kaminari too short circuit his brain (how he was able to recover even with his quirk from that Suna had no idea) or use his quirk to encase the boy up to his hands. He didn’t like encasing, it felt very much like burying someone alive, worse still was he could feel what they did. In order for him to actually encase someone, he had to visualize it while using his energy to command whatever solid he was controlling.
He’d been working on his control with Kurogiri recently. He’d been very rusty. After his father had died he’d refused to use his quirk, believing that his father being a hero had been what had killed him. Suna shook the thought away. He hadn’t used his quirk in years. Almost seven. If he was counting correctly. When he’d joined the League, part of his initiation had been quirk control. One of the reasons he had been let in so easily was his quirk was extremely useful in break-ins in which the League participated in constantly. He had joined almost three years ago now. When he’d felt his lowest. That was another train of thought he didn’t want to think about. Instead he closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing, willing the headache that had come on to go away. Man he really didn’t want to be electrocuted. When the announcement came for the second matches contestants to enter the field he was steady.
Suna hadn’t thought about the fact that his opponent was Kaminari. Choosing only to focus on what the boy’s quirk was and how he utilized it. It was less complicated that way. Suna had never liked violence. Sure he had the capabilities to fight in a tussle but he never liked it. Suna assumed a nonchalant stance, trying to hide the emotions roiling inside him. They were all too annoying.
“Hope you’re ready for the smolder!” He heard Kaminari boast, dropping down into a fighting stance. Both of Kaminari’s arms were out in front of him. Breath, Suna. Just breath. He’d have to act quickly. He did not like the look of that pose.
“Punch lines? Seriously?” Suna gave a chuckle and an amused eye roll at his opponent, dropping into a stance of his own. His hands touched the concrete and Suna saw Kaminari’s eyes squint in understanding then break out into a devilish sort of grin.
“Don’t go easy on me now.” Suna scoffed at the remark. And then Midnight sounded for the match to start. Kaminari immediately began a shock attack. Suna used his quirk to force a wall out of the ground, large enough to shield him from the onslaught. He let it drop and rushed at the other boy, hoping to draw him into a more powerful attack. He heard a muttered curse. Ah so he’d realized concrete wasn’t conducive had he? Suna grinned, ducking behind another of his walls just as Kaminari was preparing another attack. He listened as the other shouted the voltage of his attack and winced when he heard.
“One millions volts!” Shit. There it was. Suna hurriedly dropped his hands to the ground and surrounded himself in concrete. He held his breath. After a minute he dropped his defense and cringed at the sight of a short circuited Kaminari. He’d seen the boy go all out before at the USJ. Up close and personal. But the second time didn’t lessen the pain he felt at seeing another in that condition. A stretcher was brought out.
“Imada Suna is the winner of the final match of the third round!” Midnight announced. Cheering. Suna didn’t hear it as he watched Recovery Girl wheel out the short circuited teen. His brow knit with concern. He’d visit after his match with Bakugou. Dread bubbled in his gut as he made his way back to the box for a much deserved break. A small break had been announced between the third and final rounds. Suna crossed his arms as he sat down. Brow knit in what had morphed into concentration. His mind was running scenarios of strategies he could use against Bakugou. Suna hadn’t spoken to the guy much. He knew very little. But he knew his fighting style. It was abrasive and forth coming. Aka, the guy was shit at sneak attacks. His attacks were strong too, their training hadn’t shown that. Suna knew that Bakugou and Midoriya had once been friends. Bakugou wasn’t in the box, Suna noticed as he looked around. Sero had congratulated him on his way out to check on Kaminari, Kirishima in tow. He’d nodded and slipped passed them. Kirishima had looked at him. Suna had ignored it.
“Uh- Imada?” Suna blinked when he realized someone was speaking to him and looked up. Midoriya was standing next to him, a shy look on his round, boy-ish face. Suna gave him a lopsided smile and raised a brow for him to continue. Midoriya started to rub his neck, averting his gaze. “I just wanted to say good luck.” Midoriya finally said. Suna smiled at him.
“Thanks, Midoriya.” He internally grimaced remembering Midoriya’s match with Kaminari. Midoriya stood there. Suna sighed. “Sit, I still have a few minutes.” He said to the boy who clearly wanted to talk. Midoriya gave him a grateful look and sat.
“So- whatchya need?” He asked casually leaning back in his seat crossing his legs. Midoriya fidgeted.
“I- how- how do you win?” Midoriya sounded slightly desperate. Suna blinked. “I mean, every round you’ve had you won, I know how Kachan does it- but that’s besides the point.” Was that blush? Oh Touji you son of a bitch. Suna grinned internally. “I guess what I’m really asking is how do you come up with a strategy? Like, you specifically.” The boy added. He was looking at Suna now with a slight plea in his green eyes. Suna frowned.
“I’m not sure what you mean. If its purely strategy you’re talking about, mine are shit. I think its more about going with the flow of things. Preparing for every scenario you can think of, then cherry picking as it unfolds from what strategies you’ve already come up with. Kinda like a choose your own adventure on the fly, if that makes sense.” Midoriya nodded, clearly in thought. The boy sighed.
“I just feel like everyone’s smarter, better than me at this. Has had more time to prepare.” Midoriya was staring at his hands. The boy bit the inside of his lip. Suna smiled sympathetically and nudged the boys shoulder.
“Hey if it makes ya feel any better I’ve only been using my quirk for three years now.” Suna grinned. Midoriya looked confused. Suna shrugged. “Rebellious phase, you could call it.” Midoriya’s eyes seemed to widen at that.
“I just- sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t be here-“ Suna blinked.
“Woah there buster, who was picked as class president?” Suna said with an added hand gesture. The other blushed a full face pink. Suna chuckled. “You may have given the position up to Iida, but you were still the one with the most votes. If that doesn’t tell you you’re deserving I don’t know what will.” Suna looked up as the door opened and Sero and Kirishima came back in. Kirishima shot him a look. Suna looked back over to the other and paced a tentative hand on his shoulder.
“Find me after if you still want to talk, but I think that was my cue to get outta here.” He grinned. The made his way for the exit and sprinted down to the waiting room. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out to see a text from Kirishima. Was Midoriya ok? Suna typed quickly, sprint slowing to a brisk walk. Yeah, carrot-top just needed some moral support. Kirishima text back a second later. Should I be concerned that you already have a nickname for him? Suna scoffed. You realize Bakugou calls him Deku yeah? Suna was about to stuff his phone in his backpack when another text from Kirishima popped up on his screen. Point taken. Suna wrote back quickly and shoved his phone away before he could get even more distracted. Bro you are down bad~.
Suna had no idea what he was going to do for Bakugou. He really was just going to wing it—and probably fail. He shrugged. He wasn’t here to win. The stadium lights were just as blinding as the last few times he’d done this. Stepping up to the platform Mic announced what this round would mean. Suna was forced to ignore it as Bakugou spoke.
“You better be at your fucking best today you damn extra.” Bakugou scoffed. Though the glare in his eye was as harsh as ever. Suna smirked, dropping into a fighting stance as he spoke.
“And if I don’t?” Man he liked tormenting people. Bakugou tched.
“I’ll cream your fucking face loser!” Suna knew it was meant to be a threat but Touji had officially ruined his brain. He raised a brow instead of responding for fear he’d break out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
“You’re on.” He said after he’d composed himself and just as Midnight’s whip came down Bakugou was off. The ash blonde ran full speed at Suna, hands blasting behind him and Suna’s face probably looked like it was screaming ‘uh oh’.
“You’re so fucking dead!” Bakugou screamed and Suna wondered how his vocal cords weren’t ripped to shreds by now. Suna blinked took a running start and slid under the other’s onslaught, arms crossed in front of him to brace himself for the explosions coming form the other’s palms. Suna rolled up and onto his feet, already panting and face lightly scorched. His ears were ringing from the explosions being so close to his face. He swore. Bakugou spun on his heels palms crackling at his sides.
“You think you can hide from me?” Bakugou had on a sickening grin and he crossed his arms in front of his face. Shit not this attack, not now. Suna didn’t have time to brace his hands, he’d barely had time to raise the wall that was blasted by the attack anyway. Suna slid a good few feet. But he wasn’t out of bounds yet. Bakugou had said to bring his A game fuck him if he wasn’t going to oblige. If a fight was what the other wanted, he’d give it to him. In a flash Bakugou was right in front of him, a smoking right hook ready to be thrown. Suna dove to his left, rolling and coming back up into a stance.
“Gonna stay on the the defensive forever you damn extra?” Bakugou had immediately come after him once again. Bakugou’s left hand was smoking. Suna stood his ground this time. He breathed and— he latched his hands onto Bakugou’s forearm and attempted to flip him onto the ground. But Bakugou twisted in the air helped along by his earlier momentum and jabbed his right hand into his back. Suna both heard the explosion and felt it. He was flown off the platform, skidding painfully over the stadium floor. He hadn’t had time to protect himself from the onslaught of pavement and horrible course texture of the rubber-asphalt. He crashed into the side of the stands and heard the unmistakable cracking of concrete. His head spun and everything felt like he was on fire. His muscled protested even the slightest twitch or movement. He blinked into the sun and stadium lights, gritting his teeth. There was a figure approaching him. He assume it was a nurse’s assistant or someone there to get him onto a stretcher. His vision had gone blurry. Someone crouched in front of him.
“Do you think you can stand?” Suna tried to move his legs, they hurt but he knew what broken bones felt like. A few of his ribs were definitely cracked and he probably had a severe concussion. He nodded. Head swimming at the movement. Then there was a hand grabbing his and he was hauled to his feet. A hand steadied him. He blinked. He thought his ears were still ringing but eventually understood it to be cheering.
Since I won't exactly be fully explaining Bakugou's history with Midoriya here it is; Bakugou and Midoriya were childhood friends in this yes, but instead of immediately starting to bully him, Bakugou defended Midoriya after they both found out he was quirkless. They were friends all throughout elementary school, but in junior high, Bakugou began to drift apart from him, wanting to be seen as cool and began to obsess over being the best (a coping mechanism of his) and turned a blind eye to Midoriya's bullying.
I'll do my best to explain this further in the KiriBakuDeku arc sooooo- stay tuned?
Hope y'all enjoyed and thank you to those of you who have gotten this far! I always love comments and Kudos' are always appreciated though not required.
Chapter 13: Truth or fucking Dare - Trade Mark Katsuki Bakugou
In which Suna wears a cheerleader outfit and freaks the fuck out. Go Mina! Also everyone is autistic for some reason go my neurodivergent ass brain! whoop whoop! I'm still shit at writing TT
I again cannot be fucked with the formatting transfers so uhhhhhhh, yeah. I have no idea if some of this qualifies as angst but hahaha we're finally at the truth or dare chapter!! This is definitely going to have to be rewritten because most of this book will but that problem is for future me lmao. Enjoy 4,000 words of me avoiding my homework ;)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Blood always smelled so real in dreams. Suna never understood it. Maybe it was simply how real the memory felt, or how many times he recalled that night. Whatever it was, the scent of blood stayed with him even as he woke.
He was in the U.A. nurses office. Odd. He couldn’t remember— oh. The sports festival. His eyes had opened to the ceiling and he was greeted with the bright lights that always made his head hurt. He tried to sit up, but only just managed it with a lot of groaning.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Came the voice of the nurse. Suna tried to speak but his head throbbed. “You missed the awards ceremony.” Suna flopped back onto the hospital bed with another groan. He grimaced.
“Oh don’t be like that.” The nurse chided. She reminded him of Kei. His body spasmed as the Recovery Girl poked and prodded at him.
“Gah— is this what you do to Midoriya every time he comes in?” He asked through gritted teeth as the old woman made her way around with her poking and prodding, and eventually stopped to scribble something on a clip board. She chuckled.
“More or less.” They fell into silence as she rummaged around the office gathering supplies. Eventually she made him make some pain meds which he was grateful for. Apparently Bakugou had given him some nasty burns on his back, he figured out as Recovery Girl ranted about how careless U.A. students had become. The pain medication had more or less kicked in immediately. Recovery Girl made him drink water periodically and eventually released him to go back to the dorms around dinner.
“And no horsing around. I know you boys and your horse play. I don’t want to see you back here until Monday.” She said shooing him out of her office. She’d given him instructions to take the pain meds once in the morning and once at night. Though the pain was gone, his body still ached as he trudged back to the dorm building.
The class was gathered in the commons, sitting in groups and eating dinner or just chatting. Midoriya was the first to notice him and sprinted over, tackling him to the ground. That got heads turning.
“You’re okay!” Midoriya sobbed into his chest. To say Suna was a little confused was an understatement. Hitoshi and Touji were also in attendance and made their way over with the rest of the class. Suna cringed trying to sit up.
“I’m pretty sure I just broke the only rule Recovery Girl gave me.” He said with a chuckle. Some of his classmates laughed. Midoriya got off of him and helped him to his feet apologizing all the while.
“Dude, it’s fine.” He said, chuckling at the frantic Midoriya who’d been joined by Iida and Uraraka.
“I told you he’d make a swift recovery Midoriya.” Iida said cheerfully.
“You did not just make a pun about yourself.” Suna deadpanned. Touji had already burst out cackling. Iida looked between them confused. Hitoshi rolled his eyes, but had a small smile on his lips.
“You guys are seriously idiots. Don’t mind them, class rep.” Hitoshi said putting a hand on Iida’s shoulder.
“You made it just in time for dinner.” Uraraka said smiling after she’d recovered from a giggle. Suna was about to follow after the small assembly when he was yet again tackled to the ground.
“Okay, people really need to stop doing that.” Suna blinked seeing the bright yellow hair.
“You’re alive!” Suna blinked again.
“Okay, I think I’ve missed something. Why does everyone keep tackling me?” Suna asked, trying to console the blonde who was now fully clinging to him.
“Recovery Girl wouldn’t let us visit you.” Uraraka supplied for him. Oh.
“Ah.” Suna looked down at Kaminari again who was still balling into him. Suna looked to Hitoshi and Touji for help. Hitoshi shrugged and Touji simply grinned at him. He sighed. “Uh, Kaminari? Can I get up?” He asked dumbly. Kaminari quickly apologized and scrambled off of him looking sheepish as he pulled Suna to his feet. Ashido was standing a few feet away and grinning mischievously at Suna.
“Don’t you dare.” He said pointing at her. She grinned at him and skipped off. Uraraka and Iida both looked at him confused. Midoriya seemed to understand along with both of his friends. He sighed in irritation and stretched, popping a few of his muscles as they groaned in reproach to the movement. “I should probably go take a shower real quick.” He said with a sheepish grin.
“Oki doke! Don’t forget bonding night though!” Uraraka giggled and bounced off. Suna narrowed his eyes.
“Is that what we’re calling it now?” He looked to Midoriya and Kaminari. Kaminari grinned at him, raised a brow and pointed at Iida. Suna mouthed an ‘o’ in understanding.
“It is important that the class bonds without resorting to unnecessary pranks.” Iida said sternly.
“You’re too uptight man.” He sighed. Kaminari looked like he wanted to start laughing. “I’ll be back down in a few minutes. Maybe ten at most.” They bid him goodbye and let him lightly job up to his dorm. The second he closed the door behind him his phone started ringing. He swore under his breath as he clicked the accept call button.
“Suna you absolute prick!” Kei screeched into his ear.
“I feel like the insult is a bit unwarranted but please continue.” He said passing the phone to his shoulder and pinching it between it and his ear. Probably a bad idea with where this conversation was already heading.
“You scared us half to death and then don’t immediately call after you wake up?” Suna suppressed the urge to give a dry chuckle knowing that would only land him in more trouble.
“Kei, hey, I’m sorry, Recovery Girl bombarded me the first few hours and I didn’t get my phone back until about an hour ago.” He said. It was mostly true. Kei continued her storm of a rant for several more minutes as Suna got some fresh clothes out for the five minute shower he was planning on having before the inevitable and inevitably unavoidable game of truth or dare. “Your friends from work came over to make sure we were okay.” She said suddenly very quiet. He suppressed the urge to swear.
“Himi? Or Dabi?” He asked cautiously, keeping his voice low. The League after helping his family avoid separation, had taken to sometimes sending over Himi or Dabi to his house to help out. It was a gesture he immensely appreciated.
“Both.” She said. “Himi’s with Aomi and Michi and Dabi are having a swearing match.” He could practically see the purse of her lips. Michi like Dabi quite a lot and looked up to him, fashion wise and partially his attitude. Kei didn’t approve of it, but that was just her motherly instinct. Suna sighed.
“Need me to get rid of ‘em of ya?” He asked, decidedly amused with himself.
“Har har. No, they were both as equally worried about you as we were, seeing that none of us can really visit…” She trailed off. “Himi especially. She’s been ranting about wanting to punch the guy that blasted you into a wall.” Suna sighed.
“Can you tell them both that I’m fine?” Suna knew the pause meant his sister was rolling her eyes.
“You could also tell them yourself.” He groaned and she chuckled.
“I don’t really feel like being called ‘squirt’ right now.” Kei chuckled again.
“You three have a weird dynamic.”
“Tell me about it. Hey Kei, I gotta go take a shower before Ashido gets on my ass.” He paused. “Don’t take that the wrong way.” Kei laughed. Suna missed the days when her laughter had been more frequent.
“I won’t. Besides you ooze gay aura.”
“Do not.”
“Fine brooding gay aura then.” Suna was about to retort but decided against it.
“That’s— augh, fair enough. Point for you sis.” She chuckled fondly.
“Go have your shower bro, I won’t keep you. But eventually you should call Dabi and Himi.” She said bluntly.
“Love you too sis. Wish me luck in truth or dare?” He said unsuccessfully trying to change the subject.
“You better make sure no one kisses Hanta.” She said in good humor.
“You betchya. Though I do think he’d punch anyone who dared him to cheat on you.” She hummed her assent.
“I would ask you to kiss him for me but—“ Suna rolled his eyes.
“Message received sis. Call you later.” The said their goodbyes and hung up.
The warm water stung on his burned back but ultimately was a relief for him. Washing away the sweat and grime that had gathered. The water washed away his train of thought, leaving only the sound of water hitting skin and tile. He raked his fingers through his hair, massaging the shampoo into his scalp. Using the bar of soap he rubbed at his skin, though lightly around his back. He’d have to put some of that lotion on before he got changed. He liked showers. Baths never had the same affect. The running off of dirt and grime rather than ruminating in it always felt refreshing, even his his feet were slightly sore afterwards. Stepping out of the shower he reached for a towel and began to dry himself off. He towel dried his hair deciding even if it was damp he’d rather have damp hair then be nagged at by Ashido for missing the game. He tugged on his clothes over damp skin. He’d grabbed a loose, light blue T and some basketball shorts. He stuffed his phone in his pocket as he made his way out of his dorm room, taking a second to glance at the many pictures that were scattered about the walls.
By the time he was back in the commons a circle had been created with everyone in attendance. Even Hitoshi and Touji had stayed. He quickly went to the kitchen feeling the gnawing hunger in his stomach calling for some of whatever was made for dinner as he made his way over to the group. Oddly enough he noticed a glass bottle in the middle of the circle of teenagers.
“You’ll be sitting next to Uraraka and Tokoyami.” Ashido directed him. He tilted his head, food rendering him unable to speak. Uraraka shrugged and scooted over to make room for him. He shrugged and made his way over.
“You know what’s going on?” He asked Uraraka. She shook her head.
“No. Mina just said she was mixing everyone up to quote ‘spice things up’.” Suna groaned.
“Oh brother.”
“I thought you had sisters?” Tokoyami asked.
“Turn of phrase.” Uraraka assured him. Tokoyami simply nodded.
Ashido then began to explain the rules. “Okay, has everyone heard of ‘spin the bottle’?” Touji raised a hand.
“I thought that was an alcoholic’s party game?” Ashido looked at him for a minute.
“Hush dear, everything will reveal itself in time.” Touji lowered his hand and looked very confused. “For tonight’s completely, totally actually bonding event—“
“Why do I suddenly feel unassured—“ Iida said skeptically. Ashido glared at him.
“Okay I need everyone to just shut up for a minute. For today, we’re combining the rules of ‘spin the bottle’ with the gameplay of ‘truth or dare’ hence a demonstration.” Ashido knelt down and spun the glass bottle. When it came to a stop it was pointing at Yaoyorozu. “When the bottle lands on someone that is the person who you will ask ‘truth or dare’. When they have performed the truth or dare it is their turn to spin the bottle. Rinse and repeat. Any questions?” Iida raised his hand.
“And everyone should remember that dares shouldn’t resort to damaging school property or each other.” Ashido grinned at the lack of specifications.
“And as class rep I have the power to veto dares—“
“Anyway—!” Ashido said cutting him off. “Any other questions?” Kirishima raised his hand.
“What if the bottle lands on the person whose turn it is to spin it?” Ashido paused for a moment.
“Just spin it again. Kaminari— put your hand down. And with that all out of the way, let’s begin. Yaoyorozu, would you be a dear and spin it first for us?” Yaoyorozu nodded. She scooted into the circle and spun. It landed on Ojiro.
“Ojiro, truth or dare?” Ojiro thought for a second.
“Heck, dare I guess.”
“Yeah, that’s the way to start!” Bakugou said catching everyone a bit off guard. Bakugou sat next to Midoriya who looked slightly like he might pass out. It was now Yaoyorozu’s turn to ponder.
“Jirou be a doll and play the song that goes ‘you spin me right round’, Ojiro please spin one hundred times, a full three hundred and sixty degrees for each one, on your tail.” Ojiro paled and sighed. Jirou had pulled out her phone. “Ready and— go!” It took almost two full play threw’s of Dead or Alive’s “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” before Ojiro complete his dare. The class had burst into laughter after the first twenty spins. Ojiro had looked quite similar to how break dancers spin on their heads, except with his tail. Touji had a full on laugh attack and had been rolling on the floor the whole time. Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Sero had started dancing to the song and singing along with it while the rest of them looked on his fits of laughter and dread for their own dares. Ojiro was wheezing on the floor.
“Just a moment.” Todoroki had walked off to the kitchen to get him some water, to which Suna noted, Hitoshi had looked on after him. Smitten idiot. Suna had long since finished his left overs and set aside his dish in favor of the show. Ashido had joined Touji on the floor about halfway through the second play threw of the song. Jirou had been trying to hold back her laughter.
“Thanks Todoroki— so— it’s my turn now right?” Ashido nodded, trying to gather her composure. Ojiro hesitantly spun the bottle. It landed on Sato.
“Truth or dare, Sato.” Ojiro asked. The guy put a hand to his chin.
“Lame!” Midoriya nudged him.
“Why do you like baking?”
“It’s relaxing I guess, and everyone loves sweets—those of us who are sane mind you—and it’s always nice to see people enjoying food.” Everyone nodded—except Bakugou.
“Whatever just spin the bottle already.” Sato rolled his eyes at him, but did so anyway. The next person was Uraraka, who was tasked with attempting to build a fort out of the chairs, tables and sofas in the commons. Then Jirou, whose dare was to shuffle her playlist and play the first song that popped up all the way through. Jirou landed on Hagakure who had answered truth and had had an embarrassing story involving way too much powdered sugar in a failed baking attempt. Hagakure then landed on Kirishima.
“Truth or dare Kirishima?” She asked, the sleeves of her t-shirt waving around.
“Dare.” He said with a determined grin.
“I dare you to run into a wall with your quirk activated.” Kirishima blinked.
“Veto! We cannot damage school property!” Everyone looked expectantly at Suna, having seen how he’d won against Tokoyami and how he’d defended himself against Todoroki and Bakugou. He sighed and made to stand up.
“Fine, but no one says anything to Recovery Girl.” Sever cheers sounded as the class made their way out of the dorms. “Any particular dimensions Hagakure?” He asked doing some simple stretches.
“Nope!” The girl said cheerily as if she hadn’t just asked her classmate to run head-first into a wall of cement.
“Here goes then.” Within a minute a concrete wall stood before the twenty U.A. students. He was rusty after being conked out by an explosion to the back but overall it wasn’t too shabby.
“And you can remove this afterwards too, yes?” Iida asked him as everyone stood back to watch Kirishima perform his dare. Suna nodded.
“Alright here goes!” Kirishima said activating his quick with his signature double fist-bump. The wall—unsurprisingly got demolished. The class cheered and Kirishima was lifted up by his friends who carried him back inside. Suna knelt next to the pile of rubble and made it liquify before molding back into the ground and then hardening again.
“Your quirk is really something.” He stood up somewhat light headed to see Tokoyami waiting for him. Suna shrugged.
“Its basically a carbon copy of my dad’s.” Tokoyami nodded.
“Mine is from my mother.” Suna hummed, unable to come up with a response.
“Let’s go in.” Suna followed his classmate back inside.
There were several more rounds before it landed on Suna. Sero had been dared to tape Iida to a chair, Touji had been dared to roast marshmallows with his fire breathing, Bakugou had now been doing a headstand for the past seven minutes ‘out of spite’ he said, Asui had been made to use her quirk to retrieve a paper airplane that had gotten caught atop one of the dangling light fixtures, Hitoshi was asked about his hair, and Todoroki had been dared by Uraraka to make her a snow cone. Not necessarily in that order.
It was Ashido’s turn to spin the bottle and of course the gods decided it had to land on Suna. He was dead either way. He sighed. “A preemptive fuck you and dare.” A devilish grin that surpassed even Touji formed on the girls face. Ashido got to her feet.
“If you’d come with me my dear Imada. You have a makeover appointment to get to.” He groaned and a few of the girls giggled.
“What could possibly be more comfortable that basketball shorts and a T-shirt?” He complained, more to himself than Ashido and the pair of them made their way to the girl’s dorm. It was technically against the rules for a guy to be in a girls dorm and vice versa but no one really followed that rule.
“Trust me you’ll thank me later.”
“Sure, sure. Just know that if you’re planning to put me in a crop top I have plenty in my own closet.” A glint passed over the girl’s eyes.
“Noted.” Ashido held the door open for him before skipping into the room herself. She hummed to herself as she rummaged around her overflowing closet. “Ah hah! Presto!” She bounded over to him holding what looked to be a really showy cheerleaders outfit. Suna looked up at her unimpressed.
“What? I can’t very well put you in a mini skirt when we have Iida as a witness!” Suna put his arms up in surrender. “Besides this isn’t for you.” She said with a huff poking a finger into his chest. He raised a brow. “Just go get changed you aspiring diva!” She said, glee returning to her voice. “And when you’re done I’ll do your hair!” Annoyingly, the outfit fit. Even if the skirt barley covered his boxers, but that wasn’t his problem, that was the fashion industry’s. Ashido nearly— well did, squeal at the sight of him.
“You sure I can’t wear like a sweater or something?” He asked, knowing the answer before the girl could even shake her head.
“Nope! Now c’mere, I have the perfect hairstyle for you.”
Suna didn’t necessarily get embarrassed in outfits like the one he was now wearing. He’d worn skirts a few times, modeling for Reina and Eniko, but walking into the commons with Ashido practically dragging him behind her brought a whole new wave of anxiety with it and one he didn’t care to analyze.
“Ta-da! The new and improved Imada Suna.” Suna had his arms crossed over his chest and was sporting an annoyed frown. He looked at some of the faces of his classmates. Ashido had done his hair in French-braids, which admittedly he did like.
“I take great offense at being titled ‘new and improved’, my outfit was perfectly good before this.” He said gesturing to his torso. Chuckles went around the gathered teens.
“There, there, you’re just in denial hun. You’ll get through it.” That sparked a laugh from Touji. Suna sat, adjusting the skirt when he was settled and huffed. He knew his face was probably flushed or at least some part of him was. He dared a glance over at Kaminari and froze when he caught the blonde staring back at him, face almost entirely pink, eyes wide and mouth agape. They stared at each other until Uraraka nudged him and gave a polite cough. He shook his head. He reached for the bottle and spun it. Praying it didn’t land on— and there it went.
“Truth or dare, Kaminari?”
“Huh?” The blonde shook himself out of his stupor. Suna rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Truth or dare?” He said gesturing to the bottle. Kaminari blinked. Kaminari shrugged.
“Chug the rest of the bottle of mayonnaise.” Kaminari went pale. The boy groaned but got to his feet and jogged over to the kitchen returning with the regrettably half-full bottle of mayo. Suna personally would’ve done the dare himself but knew the majority of his classmates hated the stuff. He wasn’t necessarily feeling malicious, but the only other dares that had crossed his mind would absolutely have gotten vetoed, even though the rep had tape over his mouth. The night dwindled on and a few classmates dropped off to bed. Iida was released and he promptly went to his room. Sero cited having to call his girlfriend as an excuse to leave and he along with Kodda, Sato and Aoyama went off to their dorms. The dares got a little more chaotic after Iida left, Todoroki had been dared to sit in Hitoshi’s lap, rendering the guy brainless for the next few minutes. Touji had been dared to do a back hand spring. Midoriya had been asked about his sexuality to which his had squeakily answered that he was in fact gay. The bottle landed on Suna next. Midoriya grinned. He was yet again miserably cornered.
“Truth or dare, Imada?” Suna frowned and chewed his bottom lip.
“Come on, we don’t have all day, loser!” Bakugou egged him on. Todoroki looked up from scrolling on his phone in Hitoshi’s lap.
“It’s night, Bakugou.”
“Fuck off, Icyhot, I’m not the one sitting in eyebag’s lap.” Bakugou retorted. Todoroki shrugged.
“I’d refrain from calling my friend ‘eyebags’ in front of me.” Suna said lightly glaring at the ashen blonde.
“Truth or dare, Imada.” Midoriya asked him again.
“Fine dare.” He said raising his hands in surrender.
“Sit in Kaminari’s lap.” Suna was sure his brain had short circuited the second he’d processed those words. Yep. He was screwed. Uraraka started laughing beside him. Looking at Uraraka had the unfortunate consequences of locking eyes with Kaminari.
“Whoever thought you were a cinnamon roll was absolutely fucking wrong.” He hissed, Midoriya simply smiled at him. Touji had somehow gotten a bowl of popcorn and was sharing it with Jirou. Suna knelt down next to Kaminari, unsure of how to proceed.
“I believe this is the part where you sit down.” Yaoyorozu said helpfully.
“Yeah but it’s fucking awkward when people are watching.” Eventually he did sit down and it seemed as though Kaminari was faring just as well as Hitoshi. Suna’s whole body was stiff, not wanting to make any wrong assumptions or push this any farther than it had to. Kaminari seemed to recover a second or so later when he leaned forward and connected his back with Suna’s chest. His breath hitched. A chin was resting on his shoulder.
“Dude, you can relax ya’know?” Kaminari chuckled and the sensation tickled against his ear.
“Well you recovered quickly.” He said tersely.
“Oh, I’m taking full advantage of this.” A few seconds later there were arms around his waist pulling his closer. Suna huffed. Suna slowly raised his gaze back to his classmates. Touji and Jirou were still eating popcorn, Ashido was squealing her head off, Uraraka was in much a similar state, if a non-verbal one. Kirishima was giving him a grin and a thumbs up. Bakugou rolled his eyes, but looked otherwise the same. Midoriya was grinning.
“Just for the record, I hate all of you.” His classmates laughed.
“You guys are adorable!” Ashido cooed.
“That took way too long.” Jirou said with mock annoyance. Great. Suna turned to glare at Touji.
“I may or may not have enlisted some help.”
“Mhm.” He sighed, settling back into Kaminari.
“This is boring, I’m going to bed.” Bakugou said standing up.
“Do not call match-making boring Bakugou.” Ashido scolded. Bakugou gave her an unamused glare. The group did a few more rounds after Bakugou left which ended up with Kirishima admitting he liked the color green, Tokoyami and Jirou bonding over metal bands, Shoji revealing his face, Yaoyorozu making Uraraka an iPhone and Ashido singing ‘Bad Romance’ at the top of her lungs. They called it a night after that. Kaminari reluctantly let Suna stand up.
“Would you- could we- sleep together- tonight?” Kaminari asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Suna shrugged.
“Your room or mine?” Suna liked the way his eyes lit up at his simple question.
“I’m assuming you’d like to get changed, so yours I guess.” Suna chuckled. Kaminari yawned, stretching his back. “Man I’m so glad tomorrow is Saturday.” Suna hummed as they both started climbing the stairs. When they had made it to his dorm he slipped into the bathroom to change back into his shorts and T-shirt Ashido had returned. Kaminari was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“You’ve slept in my room before, and I’m pretty sure you know how a bed works.” He teased. It was his love language after all.
“Heh, yeah I just— didn’t want to assume ya know?” Suna shrugged. He in fact, did not know but thought he shouldn’t say that.
“Which side do you prefer?” Suna asked leaning against the wall next to the closet.
“Which side do you?” Kaminari asked back. Suna shrugged. He had no preference.
“It doesn’t matter to me.”
“Then it seems we’re at a standstill.” They both chuckled.
“Here’s a question then, big spoon or little spoon?”
“Uh— I don’t normally—“
“Easier question then, what we did in the commons or the other way around?” Kaminari thought for a moment.
“What we did in the commons— if you’re okay with that, that is.” He added hastily. Suna smiled.
“You get in first then. I’ll follow.” The bedside lamp was already on as Suna wen to turn off the overhead lights. Kaminari shuffled in under the covers and Suna followed a few seconds later. It was awkward for a moment before Kaminari wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him to him, forehead between his shoulders. The light feather breathing fluttered against his neck was oddly calming as was the rise and fall of the chest behind him. He smiled sadly. This- this was what he wanted. But if he was honest with himself, he would never truly have it.
After half an hour Suna was relatively sure Kaminari was asleep until his tired voice made it known he wasn’t.
“I’ll wake you up if you have a nightmare.” Suna chuckled softly. “Get some sleep.”
“Fine, fine.”
“Good.” He didn’t hear the last few mumbled words before his eyes closed and sleep overtook him.
Your honor, they are gay. No, neither of them had socks on. My brain just said 'fuck it everyone is autistic' and Midoriya is gay and that's how this chapter was born.